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1、1Unit 6 Entertainment and FriendshipTopic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.Section A. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标教学目标 知识目标:1. Learn some new phrases: would rather .than ., fall in love (with sb.) 2. Learn a useful sentence: I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. 能力目

2、标:学习怎样谈论电视节目,以及自己的喜好,培养学生的口头表达能力。 情感目标:开阔学生的视野,培养学生高尚的情操。 . 教学重难点:教学重难点:1a would rather than III.Teaching periods :45 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案五指教学方案Step 1 Review 1.Greeting . 2.Review attributive clauses.Step Presentation 1.利用图片学习生词、重点句型及动名词的运用,导入 1a。1)(张贴一些著名电视节目主持人图片于黑板上,让学生猜测他们所主持的节目是什么

3、?) 2)(让学生开展头脑风暴活动,尽量多说出一些电视节目名称。) 3)(利用图片导入电视节目名称,引出生词。)(板书,要求学生理解 quiz, entertainment,了解 educational。) 4)(板书本课中出现的重难点句式,让学生弄清其句式结构,并掌握)He/she would rather watch TV plays than quiz shows. would rather do sth. than sth. He/she would rather not watch sports shows. would rather not do sth. He/she would

4、 rather surf the Internet than watch TV. would rather do sth. than do sth. 2. (让学生两人一组讨论各自喜欢的电视节目,并说明原因,然后表演) 3. (呈现 1a,通过回答问题加深对 1a 内容的理解。)(1) Listen to the tape and answer the question.quiz shows2What do Kangkang and his friends like watching?(2) Read the dialogue and answer the questions What doe

5、s Michael want Kangkang to do? Why does Maria like watching quiz shows? What do Michael and Kangkang think of watching quiz shows?(3) Find out the difficult points and ask the teacher for help.someday = some day ,prefer doing sth Step 3 Consolidation 以表演形式巩固 1a。学习 1b 并巩固句型 would rather do sth. than

6、sth.。 1. (分角色朗读 1a 并表演) 2. (展示 1b 中的图片。也可利用前面板书的电视节目名称,让学生用 would rather . than . 句式造句,巩 固并加深新句式的用法。)Step 4 Practice 充分调动学生独立思考的积极性,结合口语表达和听力训练完成 1c 和 2。 1. (利用图片或歌曲导入 1c 并让学生独立完成 1c,培养学生独立思考问题的能力。)(板书,要求理解 comedy,了解 tragedy 和 documentary。) 2. (预览 2 中的问题,并猜测生词和短语,了解听力题的做法,培养他们猜测生词的能力)(解释 2 中生词和短语,板书

7、并要求掌握 fall in love,理解 heroine,了解 impatient。)fall in love (with sb.) heroine impatient3. (播放听力材料,听完两遍后核对答案。)Step 5 Project 1. (把学生按 6 人一组分成几个小组,共同交流他们喜欢的电视节目,并向大家推荐自己认为值得看的一 些栏目。然后集合起来投票选出最受欢迎的三个节目,最后各组选派一个代表汇报评选结果,并阐述 其理由。) 2. Homework: Write a passage to describe one film which create deep impressi

8、on on you. Including:(1)The name of it and its director.(2)The main characters.(3)The main plot.(4)The most beautiful scene.(5)Make a total conclusion.100-120 words are required. 书设计:3I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.Section Aprefer doing fall in loveI would rather watch TV plays th

9、an sports shows.教学反思:教学反思:Section B. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标教学目标 知识目标: Learn some new words and phrases: voice, in surprise, upon, once upon a time, sudden, shoulder 能力目标:学习怎样描述某人的星座和性格特征,了解 12 星座和他们的故事 情感目标:培养自己良好的性格,正确的评价自己和他人。 . Teaching periods :245245 . 教学重难点:学习描述性格的形容词,教学重难点:学习描述性格的形容词,

10、1a and 2a. . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案五指教学方案Step 1 Review检查作业,展开有关生日和生肖的师生对话,为新课导入做铺垫。 1. (运用所学电视节目内容,编对话,用上 would rather .than.) 2. (师生对话,导入新课。) T: Could you tell me when you were born? S6: I was born on July 10th, 1994. S7: I was born on Nov.19th, 1995. T: I see. S6 was born in the year of

11、dog, and S7 was born in the year of pig. Do you agree? Ss: Yes. T: OK, in this lesson, lets talk about star signs and the characteristics under them. (板书,要求理解 star sign;了解 characteristic。)quiz shows4star sign characteristi cStep 2 Presentation 利用图片,导入生词教学,呈现 1a,完成 1b。 1. (展示巨蟹座和天蝎座的图片,导入新课教学。) T: In

12、 western countries, there are 12 star signs according to birthday. For example: S6 was born on July 10th. The date is between Jun. 22nd and Jul. 22nd. So his star sign is Cancer. S7 was born on Nov. 9th. The date is between Oct. 23rd and Nov. 21st. So his star sign is Scorpio. (板书,要求学生了解 Cancer, Sco

13、rpio。)Cancer Scorpi oT: People in western countries always think they have the same characteristic if they have the same star sign. For example: if your star sign is Cancer, maybe you are kind and always ready to help others. A person whose star sign is Scorpio is powerful, but doesnt forgive others

14、 sometimes.(板书并要求学生理解 forgive。)forgiv e2. (开展活动,进一步了解课文主题和相关词汇。) 1) Here are the 12 star signs. Please match them with the related dates, and find out which star sign you belong to. Match the dates with the star signs: DatesStar signs (1)Dec. 21-Jan.20双鱼座( ) (2)Jan. 21-Feb.19摩羯座( ) (3)Feb. 20-Mar.20

15、巨蟹座( ) (4)Mar. 21-Apr.20水瓶座( ) (5)Apr. 21-May 21狮子座( ) (6)May 22-Jun. 21白羊座( ) (7)Jun. 22-Jul. 22天秤座( ) (8)Jul. 23-Aug. 22金牛座( ) (9)Aug. 23-Sept.22射手座( ) (10)Sept. 23-Oct.22双子座( ) (11)Oct. 23-Nov.21天蝎座( ) (12)Nov. 22-Dec.20处女座( )2)(让学生先讨论,然后让一个学生把相应的序号填在后面的括号内。) 3. (用小黑板呈现听力问题,听后核对答案。)(1)When was sh

16、e born? (2)What are her characteristics?4. (再听 1a 录音并跟读,同时让学生画出文中生词和重要的句式,在语境中帮助学生掌握短语 in surprise。)In a tired voice in surprise5I was born on July 12th. So my star sign is Cancer. Cancers are kind and always ready to help others.5. (要求学生找出 1b 中用来描述性格的形容词,并举出更多例子。) 1)(教师板书出 1b 的形容词,强调其中生词。要求理解 gentle,了解 creative, outgoing 和 generous。)gentle, creative, hard-working, outgoing


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