2010浙江高考 自选模块 科目

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《2010浙江高考 自选模块 科目》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2010浙江高考 自选模块 科目(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 2010 年普通高等學校招生全國統一考試自選模組測試本試題卷共 18 題。全卷共 12 頁。滿分 60 分,考試時間 90 分鐘。請考生按規定用筆將所選試題的答案寫在答題紙上。 注意事項: 1. 答題前,考生務必將自己的姓名、准考證號用黑色字跡的簽罕筆或鋼筆填寫在答題 紙規定的位置上。2將選定的試題題號用 2B 鉛筆填寫在答題紙的“題號”欄內,在科目標記欄內,將該 題所屬科目標記塗黑,如需改動,用橡皮擦乾淨後再填寫和填塗。 3考生在 18 道試題中任選 6 道題作答,多選無效。題號:題號:0101 科目:語文科目:語文 “中國古代詩歌散文欣賞”模組(10 分) 閱讀下面的散文,然後回答問題。

2、 識周生清秘圖後 明袁宏道不才之木,得子而才,故知匠石不能盡木之用。嗟夫,豈獨木哉?世有拙士,支離龍鋒。 冪堪事務。頭若齏杵,不中巾冠;面若灰盆,口若破盂,不工媚笑;腰挺且直,足勁而短, 不善曲折,此亦人下之至不才也。而一入山林,經至人之繩削,則為龍為象,為雲為鶴, 林壑遇而成輝,松桂蔭而生色,奇姿異質,不可名狀,是亦生物之類也。嗟夫,安得至人 而與之,竟不才之月哉! (1)用自己的話概括“拙士”形象的特點。(4 分) (2)探析本文的結構特徵。(6 分)題號:題號:0202 科目:語文科目:語文 “中國現代詩歌散文欣賞”模組(10 分) 閱讀下面的詩歌,然後回答問題。 歸 鄉 鄒旭 野花像鈴

3、鐺擠滿回家的路 今夜,所有的路都在回家 所有的路都是絕路 是你,是故鄉這杯毒酒 奪走了我的遠方。 當我發現黎明和家還有一水之隔 憂怨的月亮前采擺渡 母親,你從一堆待搗的衣服中國直起身 迎向我,就像 一條大河截住她的細流 (1) “毒酒”一詞在詩中起什麼作用。 (4 分) (2)結合全詩,賞析畫線詩句。 (6 分)題號:題號:03 科目:數學科目:數學 “數學史與不等式選講數學史與不等式選講”模組(模組(10 分)分)(1)設正實數 a,b,c,滿足求的最小值 (5 分)1abc 222222abc abbcca(2)已知,解關於 x 的不等式: (5 分)Rm11xxmx 題號:題號:04 科

4、目:數學科目:數學 “矩陣與變換和坐標系與參數方程矩陣與變換和坐標系與參數方程”模組(模組(10 分)分)如圖,在極坐標系中,已知曲線OxC1:,4sin42C2:,34cos2422或C3:4 02(1)求由曲線 C1,C2,C3圍成的區域的面積;(5 分)(2)設,射線4,2M2,0N與曲線 C1,C2分別交於 A,B(不0,42 同於極點 O)兩點若線段 AB 的中點恰好落在直線 MN 上,求的值 (5 分)tan題目:題目:05 科目:英語科目:英語 閱讀理解(分兩節,共 5 小題;每小題 2 分,共 10 分) 閱讀下面短文,並根據短文後的要求答題。Almost all Americ

5、ans are involved with sports in some way. They may play volleyball or go swimming or skiing. They may watch football or basketball games on the high school, college, or professional level. In reality, sports have reached a point where they play too large a part in daily life. They take up too much m

6、edia time, play too large a role in the raising of children, and give too much power and prestige(聲望)to athletes. The overemphasis(過度強調)on sports can be seen most obviously in the vast media coverage of athletic events. It seems as if every race, meet, or match is shown on one television channel or

7、another. Radio offers a complete list of games and a variety of talk shows. Furthermore, many daily papers such as USA Today are devoting more and more space to sports coverage, often in an attempt to attract more readers. The paper with the biggest sports section is the one people will buy. The way

8、 we raise and educate our children also illustrates our sports craziness. As early as six or seven, kids are placed in little leagues, often to play under screaming coaches and pressuring parents. Later, in high school, stud ents who are selected by the school and by the community are not those who

9、are best academically(學業上)but those who are best athletically. The United States may be the only country in the world where people often think of their colleges as teams first and schools second. The names Penn State, Notre Dame and Southern Cal mean “sports” to the public. For one thing, we reward

10、them with huge salaries. In 1990, for example, baseball players averaged $350,000 a year; the average annual salary in the United States is $18,000. Besides their huge salaries, athletes receive the admiration, and sometimes the votes of the public. Why are Americans so mad about sports? Perhaps we

11、like to see the competitiveness we experience in our daily lives acted out on playing fields. Perhaps we need heroes who can achieve clear-cut victories in the space of only an hour or two. 第一節 根據短文內容,從 A、B、C、D 和 E 中選出最適合填入短文空缺處的選項, 並將序號及相應答案寫在答題紙上。選項中有一項是多餘選項。 . Our sports craziness is especially e

12、vident in the prestige given to athletes in the United States. B. Kids look up to a Michael Jordan or a Roger Clements as a true hero. C. Whatever the reason, the sports scene in this country is more popular than ever. D. And college sometimes seems to be more about sports than about learning. E. In

13、 addition, sports news makes up about 30 percent of local news at six and eleven.第二節 根據短文所給的資訊,用一個完整的句子回答下面的問題,並將序號及相應答案寫在答題紙上。What is the main idea of the passage?題號:題號:06 科目:英語科目:英語填空(共 l0 小題;每小題 l 分,共 l0 分)閱讀下面短文,在標有序號的空白處填入一個適當的詞,或填入括弧中單詞的正確形式,並將序號及相應答案寫在答題紙上。Bridgette was going into the sixth g

14、rade in September, in April we had bought her two newborn lambs. Bridgettes plan was (raise)them during the summer and then sell them for school clothesWhen the little lambs cameBridgette had to feed them several times a dayShe even slept for a few nights with the lambs so they wouldnt crySoon the l

15、ambs became attached to Bridgette and followed her she went.When the day to sell the lambs came,however,we found that the price was disappointingA man at Woodys market offered only 100 for the lambsBridgette cried, “DadI wont haveenough for the school clothes I picked out.” I explained to the buyer why she was sad. He didnt answer, except to ask me to have my daughter talk to him.Bridgette sat beside this kindly,grayhaired gentlemanThey talked for a while and she calmed. Then the man came over to and explained what he had told her “I knew s



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