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1、 Shenzhen Shuangbaliang Investment company Add: Room 2101A, Great China International Exchange Square, Futian District, Shenzhen, China Tel: 86-755-23998269 Email.SBLSBL365.COM 1果酒行业发展研究果酒行业发展研究 -On the Development of Fruit Wine作者:刘洪福 单位:深圳双保良投资有限公 司 日期:2008 年 5 月 9 日Shenzhen Shuangbaliang Investmen

2、t company Add: Room 2101A, Great China International Exchange Square, Futian District, Shenzhen, China Tel: 86-755-23998269 Email.SBLSBL365.COM 2内容摘要内容摘要果酒在中国有 2000 多年悠久的历史,然而发展缓慢甚至一度出现倒退的现象,直到现在也没有完全被广大消费者所熟知,排在白酒、啤酒、葡萄酒和黄酒之后,仅是中国酒类中一个非常小的品种。目前,在世界上虽然果酒占饮料酒的比例为 1520, 而在中国果酒只占饮料酒的 1不到。我国果酒的人均年消费量为 0

3、.20.3 升,而世界人均年消费量为 6 升,彼此之间相差甚远,但同时说明我国果酒市场有潜力可挖。随着人们健康意识的加强,果酒正以其低酒度、高营养、好口感的特点而越来越被众多消费者认同和接受。在国家酒类宏观政策基础上,一些果酒企业整合自身的优势,生产出一些具有代表性的果酒,在国内外市场中形成良好的反响,培养了一些忠诚的消费者。但在中国果酒快速发展的同时,也出现了许多问题,在认识果酒方面还存在很多误区。因此本文针对中国果酒市场的情况,提出一些参考性的建议。相信中国的果酒企业能够健康成长,做大做强,果酒行业必将成为中国酒类中的一朵奇葩。关键词:关键词:果酒;行业标准;市场定位;荔枝酒Shenzhe

4、n Shuangbaliang Investment company Add: Room 2101A, Great China International Exchange Square, Futian District, Shenzhen, China Tel: 86-755-23998269 Email.SBLSBL365.COM 3AbstractDespite having a 2,000-year history of fruit wine, China still lags far behind in the global development of it. At present

5、, it has been small market proportion while distilled spirit, beer, and wine are far more recognized by customers. The market share of fruit wine in the world is about 15 to 20%, but in China, this is less than 1%; while the annual per-capita consumption in the world is 6 liters but that of Chinese

6、is 0.2to 0.3 liters. However, that situation also proves the promising market of fruit wine in China. With the popularizing of health life, it has been gradually recognized because of its unique characteristics of low alcohol containing, high nourishment, as well as good taste. In recent years, some

7、 fruit wine enterprises who can produce specialties have obtained certain overseas market share, with the push of the government as well as their own advantages. Meanwhile, some problems appeared in quick development, in particular, their understanding of fruit wine. Therefore, this paper studies on

8、 these problems in the development of fruit wine, in the hope of being help to Chinese wine enterprises be strong in international market.Key words: fruit wine; industry standard; litchi wine; market positioning Shenzhen Shuangbaliang Investment company Add: Room 2101A, Great China International Exc

9、hange Square, Futian District, Shenzhen, China Tel: 86-755-23998269 Email.SBLSBL365.COM 4目目 录录一、果酒行业市场潜力巨大一、果酒行业市场潜力巨大.5 5(一)(一) 果酒的分类及其特点果酒的分类及其特点 .5 5(二)(二) 果酒原料资源丰富果酒原料资源丰富 .6 6(三)(三)我国果酒行业现状分析我国果酒行业现状分析 .7 7 二、果酒业的机遇与挑战二、果酒业的机遇与挑战.10(一)果酒行业的机遇(一)果酒行业的机遇 .1010(二)果酒行业面临的挑战(二)果酒行业面临的挑战 .1111(三)果酒行业

10、目前的误区(三)果酒行业目前的误区 .1313(四)果酒行业的发展策略(四)果酒行业的发展策略 .1414 三、广东果酒市场分析三、广东果酒市场分析.16(一)广东果酒市场现状(一)广东果酒市场现状 .1616(二)广东果酒的优势(二)广东果酒的优势 .1717(三)广东果酒发展的劣势(三)广东果酒发展的劣势 .1818(四)广东果酒发展的对策(四)广东果酒发展的对策 .2020 四、帝浓酒业的启示四、帝浓酒业的启示.21(一)企业生存第一(一)企业生存第一 .2121(二)找准定位,作出特色(二)找准定位,作出特色 .2222(三)实施品牌发展战略(三)实施品牌发展战略 .2222(四)做好外贸出口(四)做好外贸出口 .2323(五)立足广东,做大全国(五)立足广东,做大全国 .2323 参考文献参考文献.2424Shenzhen Shuangbaliang Investment company Add: Room 2101A, Great China International Exchange Square, Fut



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