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1、11 Introduction1.1 The Definition of MythologyThe term “mythology” can refer either to the study of myths (e.g. comparative mythology), or to a body or collection of myths (a mythos, e.g., Inca mythology). In folkloristics, a myth is a sacred narrative usually explaining how the world or humankind c

2、ame to be in its present form, although, in a very broad sense, the word can refer to any traditional story. Myths typically involve supernatural characters and are endorsed by rulers or priests. They may arise as overelaborated accounts of historical events, as allegory for or personification of na

3、tural phenomena, or as an explanation of ritual. They are transmitted to convey religious or idealized experience, to establish behavioral models, and to teach. The critical interpretation of myth goes back as far as the Presocratics.Euhemerus was one of the most important pre-modern mythologists. H

4、e interpreted myths as accounts of actual historical events, distorted over many retellings. This view of myths and their origin is criticised by Plato in the Phaedrus (229d), in which Socrates says that this approach is the province of one who is “vehemently curious and laborious, and not entirely

5、happy . . .“ The Platonists generally had a more profound and comprehensive view of the subject. Sallustius,for example, divides myths into five categories theological, physical (or concerning natural laws), animastic (or concerning soul), material and mixed. This last being those myths which show t

6、he interaction between two or more of the previous categories and which, he says, are particularly used in initiations.Mircea Eliade argued that one of the foremost functions of myth is to establish models for behavior and that myths may also provide a religious experience. By telling or reenacting

7、myths, members of traditional societies detach themselves from the present and return to the mythical age, thereby bringing themselves closer to the divine. It is worth to be studied. So we choose this subject.1.2 A general introduction to Chinese and Greek mythologyAmong the four great civilization

8、s in human 2history, it seems that only the Chinese culture has managed to be kept as one of the significant cultural entire to date. Based on its extensive, profound and timehonoured culture, Chinahas existed in the world for as long as five thousand years.Chinese mythology is a collection of cultu

9、ral history, folk-tales, and religions that have been passed down in oral or written tradition. It includes creation myths and legends, such as myths concerning the founding of Chinese culture and the Chinese state. As in many cultures mythologies, Chinese mythology has in the past been believed to

10、be, at least in part, a factual recording of history.Historians have conjectured that Chinese mythology began in the 12th century BC. Legends were passed down in oral form for over a thousand years, before being written down in books such as Shan Hai Jing. Other myths continued to be passed down thr

11、ough oral traditions like theater and song before being recorded as novels such as Heian Zhuan (Epic of Darkness).Imperial historical documents and philosophical canons such as Classic of History, Records of the Grand Historian, Classic of Rites, and Lshi Chunqiu, Ls Spring and Autumn Annals all con

12、tain Chinese myths.As to Greek mythology, it is the body of myths and legends belonging to ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece and are part o

13、f religion in modern Greece and around the world as Hellenismos. Modern scholars refer to, and study, the myths in an attempt to throw light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece, its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself.Greek mythology

14、is embodied, explicitly, in a large collection of narratives, and implicitly in Greek representational arts, such as vase-paintings and votive gifts. Greek myth attempts to explain the origins of the world, and details the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, goddesses, heroes, heroines,

15、and mythological creatures. These accounts initially were disseminated in an oral-poetic tradition; today the Greek myths are known primarily from Greek literature.31.3 A review of the studies on Chinese and Greek mythologyAncient Chinese and Greek mythology show both similarities and differences.An

16、cient Chinese mythology is scattering and disorder,humane myths are more than natural myths,the gods are semi-humanbeings and semi-animals and godnesses held the important positions.Ancient Chinese mythology worships collectivism,sacrifice spirit and moral power.Ancient Greek mythology is reguler and systermatic,and rich in both natural myths and humane myths,gods have the same appearance and sex as man.It is man who dominates the world of myths which is usually unified in family style.G



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