(北京专版)中考英语复习方案 part2 万能句型背诵课件

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《(北京专版)中考英语复习方案 part2 万能句型背诵课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(北京专版)中考英语复习方案 part2 万能句型背诵课件(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Part2 万能句型背诵 Part 21I likeso much that I cant help saying that you are/she is/it is the best I have ever seen/known/eaten 例:我非常喜欢我的英语老师,我不禁说她是我见过的最好的人。 I like my English teacher so much that I cant help saying that she is the best person I have ever seen. 2Only if everyone is willing tocan this worl

2、d be a better place to live in.(用在结尾) 例:只有人人都愿意保护环境,世界才会成为一个更加美好的居住 地。 Only if everyone is willing to protect the environment can this world be a better place to live in.Part 23句型1 & 2 升级版 Doing sth. is sothat I cant help saying only if 例:保护环境是如此重要,我不禁说只有人人都愿意保护环境,世 界才会成为一个更加美好的居住地。 Protecting the e

3、nvironment is so important that_only if _can this world _. 4With the development of the society/science and technology,computers are very important in our daily life. 例:随着社会的发展,电脑在人们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的 作用。 _,computers play _ life.Part 25So形容词be主语that从句 如此以至于 时间是如此珍贵,它经不起我们浪费。 So_ is time that we cant aff

4、ord to_ it. (提醒:中考50个句型参考使用,详见附录)Part 2Part 1 & 2 应用案例 2012年北京市海淀区二模作文 假设你叫李飞,是美国中学生杰克的笔友,你收到了他的来信。请 给杰克写一封回信,回答他的问题并介绍你对他在北京的安排或者 建议。 Dear Li Fei,Im lucky to have you as my host family. I will stay in Beijing just for two days. I hope to go to your school and study with you. Im interested in your c

5、ourses and after class activities. I also want to know more about Beijing. Could you please show me around Beijing? Would you mind telling me the twoday life and activities? Im looking forward to your letter.Part 2Step 1: 审题:确定文体_, 时态_,人称_。 Step 2: 确定结构:把握文章框架结构,必要时适当增加细节 。 文章结构 1Heading 点题,概括性(书信语言

6、,表示欢迎) 2Body 中心记述部分;层次分明(两天行程) 3Ending 小结Part 2Step 3: 根据结构列出要点: 1Heading 点题,概括性(书信语言,表示欢迎) 欢迎来到北京;渴望做;愿意做;把展示给;两 天的生活和行程。 2Body (关键信息点) 中心记述部分;层次分明(两天行程) 首先;第一天;带某人去;上课;其次;课后;过得愉快 ;第二天;名胜古迹。 3Ending 小结,呼应主题 内心深处;只有Part 2Step 4: 将要点连词成句 1Heading 欢迎来到北京;渴望做;愿意做;把展 示给;两天生活和行程。 2Body 首先;第一天;带某人去;上课;其次;

7、课后 ;过得愉快;第二天;名胜古迹。 3Ending 内心深处;只有Part 2Step 5: 完善你的文章 在有把握的情况下,变换句型,灵活使用长短句和复合句,使文章 增色;注意使用万能句,替换句。 例1 毫无疑问,北京以它悠久的历史和灿烂的文化而闻名。 It goes without saying that Beijing is not only famous for its long history but also its splendid culture. 例2 课外活动能够带给我无尽的欢乐。 Afterschool activities can bring me endless joy.Part 2例3 尽可能多地抽时间参加课外活动给了我健康的体魄。 Fitting as much time as possible taking part in after school activities results in my healthy body. 例4 北京是如此的美丽,只有你亲自来才能领略它的魅力。 Beijing is so beautiful that only if you come to Beijing yourself can you experience its charm.


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