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1、课程简介(Course Description)课程名称(学分)欧洲政治 课程编号: 任课教师:飞利浦根舍尔 课程目标: 本课程将介绍欧洲历史、政治与当代经济情况。 主要面向对相关主题并不了解,或者知之甚少的本科生。课程内容: 本课程计划五节课,每节课 2 小时。 第 1 节课将简短地对到二战为止,近现代欧洲国家竞争体系进行介绍。这个竞争体系的定义是在多个宣 称主权形式上平等的国家之间的竞争,它与以中华帝国的强势与单一为特征的传统东亚国际关系形成了 对比。第二节课我们带领大家重现二战以后欧洲一体化的运动。在本课中,我们将其解释为欧洲国家试 图牵制德国的经济与军事力量,同时驯服德国侵略性的运动。

2、 第三节课将从欧盟独特的机构组织形式的早期开端进行介绍。首先将把欧盟同美国联邦进行比较,然后 将欧盟与国际性组织进行比较,以强调欧盟独有的特色。 第四节课将集中关注于目前欧盟面临的挑战,包括欧盟地区的危机与未来的货币联盟,英国在欧盟的会 员资格问题,以及欧盟与俄罗斯之间棘手的关系。 最后,第五节课,我们将讨论中国与欧盟的关系如何?现如今我们面临着怎样的挑战?两者间最大的共 同点是什么?最大的矛盾冲突又是什么?教材与主要参考书:考核方式及成绩评定办法: 平时成绩 50% 课程论文 50%先修课程: 无建议选课对象: 主要面向对相关主题并不了解,或者知之甚少的本科生。 备注:Course Name

3、 (Credits) The Politics of Europe Code: Instructor(s):Philipp Genschel Objectives:The course provides an introduction into the history, politics, and economics of contemporary Europe. It is targeted at undergraduate students with little or no prior knowledge about the subject. Contents: The course i

4、s divided into five lectures of about 2 hours each. The first lecture briefly reviews the emergence of the competitive European state system from early modern times up to the second world war. The defining feature of this system the competition between a multitude of formally equal states with a cla

5、im to sovereignty is contrasted to the traditional international relations in East-Asia, characterized by the superiority and singularity of the Chinese empire. The second lecture reconstructs the move towards European integration after the Second World War. The lecture explains this move as an atte

6、mpt by European nations to harness German economic and military prowess while taming German aggressiveness. The third lecture provides an introduction to the peculiar institutional structure of the European Union (EU) that emerged from these early beginnings. It will compare the EU to federal states

7、 on the one hand and to international organizations on the other in order to highlight its peculiar features. The fourth lecture focuses on current challenges to the EU, including the Eurozone crisis and the future of monetary union, the issue of British membership in the EU, and the tricky relation

8、ship between the EU and Russia. The fifth lecture, finally, is devoted to China-EU relations? What are current challenges? What are the biggest commonalities? What are the most obvious conflicts. Text Books and Reference Books:Performance Evaluation and Score Assessment: general performance:50% Course paper:50%Prerequisites:Targeted Students: Undergraduate students with little or no prior knowledge about the subject.


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