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1、河北师范大学硕士学位论文唐山市各县直属中学校园集体舞开展现状调查与分析姓名:李贵凤申请学位级别:硕士专业:体育教育训练学指导教师:刘志红20100605III摘 要 开展阳光体育运动,是新时期增强学生体质, 加强学生体育的战略措施,将有利于在校园里形成群体体育锻炼氛围,吸引大多数学生走到操场, 走到阳光下,走进大自然,积极参与体育运动,培养体育锻炼的兴趣和习惯,提高学生的体质健康水平。校园集体舞正是在这种契机下推广出来,它在实施阳光体育中能够发挥其重要的作用,也是做为体育教育内容的补充内容。校园集体舞有助于愉悦身心,培养审美情趣;有助于增进友谊,掌握礼仪知识, 培养集体主义精神;有助于改善学生

2、身心健康,提高身体素质。 本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、专家访谈法等多种科研方法,对校园集体舞在实施阳光体育运动的意义及推广现状进行调查分析,得出下列结论: 1.唐山市各县直属中学大课间和课外体育活动普遍开展较好, 大部分学校都能实施阳光体育运动,内容丰富,但是校园集体舞的开展并不是很好。 2.唐山市各县直属中学学生参加课外体育活动的时间较少,体育场地简陋,体育活动器材缺乏,给阳光体育运动带来了困难,尤其是开展校园集体舞受到一定的限制。 3.唐山市各县经济发展水平不同,有的县经济水平发展较低,用于阳光体育运动和校园集体舞的经费缺乏,有的县经济水平发展虽然较高,但是领导重视学校的文

3、化教育发展,各县教育局大多数经费紧张,不能为各中学投入更多的经费,这也在不同程度制约了校园集体舞的开展。 4.学生家长不赞成学生花太多的时间去参与阳光体育运动,担心孩子会耽误学习,尤其是参与跳校园集体舞,家长更是担忧孩子会“早恋” ,不支持他们手拉手跳校园集体舞。 基于唐山市各县直属中学校园集体舞开展的现状,提出如下建议: 1.大力宣传校园集体舞,将其做为学校体育内容的一个重点来抓,不断完善体系,由学校主管领导常抓不懈,保障学校阳光体育运动的规范化、科学化,不断改进场地设施,培训更多的教师跳校园集体舞,让所有学生都能参与跳校园集体舞并且喜欢。校园集体舞的内容应该经常更换,同时舞蹈安排的时间不宜

4、过长,并且学校也可以组织校园集体舞的课外小组活动,让他们多参加比赛,有机会组织和相邻的几个学校比赛,或由教育局组织校园集体舞比赛。希望有关部门应该定期对唐山市各县直属中学检查工作,让校园集体舞在校园里能走的长远,学校领导及教师也应做好充分的准备。 2.各学校应拓宽融资渠道,加大经费投入,改善学校体育的基础设施条件。学校可IV根据自身情况,分班级、分阶段地开展校园集体舞,让学生都能参与跳校园集体舞。同时学校领导应引起重视, 不能再挤占体育课, 保证学生的体育课及课外体育活动的时间。 3.政府及有关教育主管部门应及时投入经费,帮助有困难的学校完善硬件设施,政府领导应加大体育教育事业的投入, 在最短

5、时间内给有困难学校的学生创造一个良好的阳光体育运动环境,为学生创造跳校园集体舞的环境,在学校里能让每个学生都能跳起校园集体舞,让校园里充满青春的气息。 4.学生家长不必担忧,如果让他们出去参与阳光体育运动,做到劳逸结合,会使学生的学习效率更高,这样会起到事半功倍的效果;校园集体舞不是引发“早恋”的根本原因,跳校园集体舞可以增进学生对社交礼仪知识的了解和认识,同时增进同学之间的友谊,培养学生大方优雅的气质和健康 、挺拔的体态以及团结合作,集体主义精神,并且还可以愉悦身心,培养健康的审美情趣,陶冶情操,消除疲劳等,这样何乐而不为呢?做为家长不能只看表面,要多关心孩子的健康发展,了解他们的心声,孩子

6、们心理渴望面对面交流,但不敢释放,因此家长不要总是带着恐慌的心理面对孩子。作为老师应该正确引导,校园集体舞会是一个很好的面对面交流的机会,让孩子们增加交流、互相欣赏和尊重,同时让家长支持并参与到活动中来,让他们亲身体验运动的好处。 关键词:阳光体育运动,校园集体舞,县直属中学,中学生 VAbstract Sunny sport, a-new-era one, is a good tragedy, which can help student be stronger and make a better sport atmosphere. It attracts more students to

7、play ground, taking exercises in the sunshine and improve their health. Campus group dance is taken under this condition. It can play an important of in making up campus education, developing happy mind, enhancing friendship, enriching team-spirit, improving health. The text is about what sunny spor

8、t is for and its result by many different means, such as, documentation, survey, statistics and expert interview, followed by the conclusion. 1.Most of county-directed middle school in Tang Shan carry sunny sport well with rich content,but campus group dance doesnt carry out effectively. 2. Some dis

9、advantages, such as, small playground, short of facilities, less time, limit sunny sports, especially campus group dance. 3. Some economical cause limits sunny sports at a certain level. Some counties are in low economy, which result in low fund supporting. Other counties are in high economy, but th

10、e leader concentrate on knowledge development rather than sport, which lead to low fund for campus group dance. Funding in part restrict the development of campus group dance. 4. Some Parents dont approve sunny sport, because they think sunny sport can occupy too much time of study and campus group

11、dance may cause puppy love Based on above conclusion, some suggestion as made: 1. Broadcast group dance better. The school can regard sunny sport as a key, making sunny sport economical, systematic and scientific. School can Organize some party or competition to make group dance more popular on thei

12、r own campus or with other school. The content of campus group dance should be frequently changed. The time each campus group dance take can not last too long .Chief administration should regularly inspect how the campus group dance develops. 2. The school can invest more expense in group dance to b

13、etter school VIfacilities based on its real situation. The school can develop campus group dance by streaming class and step. Every student can take part in campus group dance. The leader should focus on campus group dance, not occupying the students studying time, guaranteeing students sport time.

14、3. The local government should spend more money in education to improve schools hard ware, creating a better sporting condition as soon as possible. The local government should help school to build up a real condition well suitable to campus group dance. 4. Parents dont worry. The local government a

15、nd school can try their best to broadcast that group dance can not cause puppy love; on the contrary, it can benefit students. Group dance can develop students health and inner world, build up their body, cultivate team spirit and bring up happy mind. The parents should concentrate on their kids hea

16、lthy development, listen to their mind, communicate with their kid in open air rather than judge everything from the appearance. The teacher should guide their students to communicate with each other, appreciate and respect others, encouraging the parents join in campus group dance and enjoy it. key word:Sunshine sports,School Dance,Feeder Secondary school,students II学位论文原创性声明 学位论文原创性声明 本人所提交的学位论文校园集体舞在实施阳光体育运动的意义及推广现状 ,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的原创性成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表



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