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1、1六级常考小词购物常用小词及短语Run into = happen to meet = come across 偶遇 dropped by stopped by drop inon by =come by =come to see =look sb up =visit 拜访 for a visit A big deal 便宜 特价 on sale 特价 for sale 待售 sold out=out of stock 售光 脱销 没货 out of print 绝版 a good buy = a real bargain 买的合适 a great deal 好交易 值得的交易 new arr

2、ival 刚到的新货 second hand = used Pay off = reward 回报 the book sell like hot cakes 卖的很好 give me a dealdiscountbargainan off 给我打个折扣吧beyond my budget = over-budget in red = in debt 负债 break even 不赔不赚 in short = be pressed for money 手头紧 be short of he is pressed for money = He is in short of money.= the mo

3、ney is tightbroke = out of business . 常用小短语 A matter of waitingtime 只是时间问题 a waste of time 浪费时间a phone call away 相隔不远 常联系 随叫随 I am only a phone call away. a rare treat 少有的款待 cost an arm or a leg 指代价太高a five-year-old boy act your age . left for men, right for women.2Mens is to the left . Being If in

4、trouble, pls call 110.a roll of film run out of film=finish the film develop the film 冲洗胶卷I came out well in that photo. 这张照片照的很好。out of 短语out of order=go wrong=do not work=break down 混乱 坏了 out of control 失控 out of coin 没有零钱 out of mindhead 不正常 out of power= power off 没电了 out of business 破产 out of j

5、ob= out of employment 失业 out of touch= reach 失去联络 out of question= no problem out of line=over do =foing to far 太过分a fish out of water 不舒服不适合 out of breath 上气不接下气 out of world 绝世极品out of datefashionstyle 过时 out of steam 累了 out of patience 没有耐心身体部位名词考试手法及日常用法 Eye : keep my eyes openon 留意 打听 Ear: keep

6、 my ear open 留意打听 up to earsnecks=piling up 非常忙碌附:忙碌的表述方法:Pretty hectic a million things to do day on and day out 疲惫 累:pooped exhausted dog tired worn out beat 被打败了 累了Work sb to death 工作到累死啊 be overwhelmed 显得很疲惫 all in 全都付出 指体力时为疲劳。not look like oneself=not oneself 不舒服There is a frog in my throat 嗓子

7、哑了 my legs are sleeping 腿麻了You are pulling my legs. 寻开心 你再逗我玩 have a cold feet =be nervous 紧张3Stay on toe to do 保持警觉作某事 back up 支持 watch your back 小心点watch your mouth 别乱说 big mouth 指多嘴的人 tight-lipped 守口如瓶tongue tied 张口结舌 have a sweet tooth 喜欢甜食 thumb reading 拇指选读即只读有兴趣的。 一、同意I can not come up with a

8、 better idea. ( 考过) 我想不出更好的主意了。You bet=you said it= you hit it. 你说的对 你说到点上了You can say repeat it again. (考过) 再说一次也不足为过I can not agree more. 完全同意 同意的不能再同意了You are reading my mind.= you are reading my thoughts. 你是我肚子里的蛔虫 That figures = that will do=I will say . 那可以It is my cup of tea. 正合我口味Great minds

9、 think alike 英雄所见略同 我们意见一致。二、不同意Can you believe that 难以置信I would think it twice. 我要再考虑一下。I wont buy your story. 我不信你所说的话。 不买账 不听信I would have a second opinion. (考过)我不那么想He made it up . 他编造的 他撒谎 make up 编造 Take it as a grain of salt. Just for referrence.仅作参考 4One ear in and out of another (考过) 一只耳朵进一

10、只耳朵出 指听不进别人意见I wouldnt give that rumor much credibility. (考过) 从不轻信传言I afraid you have wasted your money. 你简直是浪费钱。 不值得花钱Ithat is his own opinion. 只是他的看法而已,言外之意 别人并不这样认为。Its someones guess. 只是某些人的猜测。指不确定。Easier said than done. 说得容易做的难。 指反对对方说法。三、考试 课程相关Hit get a “ C ” hit the book 用功读书 hit the shower

11、洗澡Good grades grow on tree? =credit is earned not given. 不努力无高分。 指想的高分就要努力。Pour over= fall back to = go over 复习 巩固 digest the day= kill the day.打发时间We dont want to take a back seat. 我们不要落后于人It is early birdthat catch the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃For a change = a diversion 作为调剂、调换。Count on 依靠 指望 count out 别指望 t

12、akesign up for courses 选课Drop the course 退课 预定图书 order= book=reserve put on reserve 做出预订 四、 颜色相关I am green here = I am a new comer. 新来的5You must be green to believe what Tom said. 相信他是非常愚蠢的。 Monday blue 心情不好 in red. 财政赤字 五、心情 生活情绪晴阴表心情愉悦:in fine weather 心情很好Overjoyed =high=beside the joy 非常高兴 couldn

13、t help it. 高兴的难以自控 on cloud nine 九霄云上 指特别高兴 be over the moon cheered feel like a million dollars. Be on top of the world 处于世界之巅 意指高兴Im walking on air. I feel like a million dollars. Im in the seventh heaven. 心情不好:In a bad mood= Monday blue down 情绪低落 under the weather. 身体不舒服I am not myself today. 不同于

14、往日的自己。指身体不舒服。Get rid of get over the bad mood 很快克服坏心情六、拒绝人不必直言不讳I doubt I know more than you.You might have an idea that you could borrow it from me?I can see already that trouble is on its way. (消极)那会有麻烦的。He is as good as god. 他一定会帮你的。言外之意:去找他吧 别找我。I still have to get used to his sense of humor. It

15、 must be out of head to refuse. Tell the stack of the files.6七、常用词用法精选Done 的考法 : Easier said than done = very well to say that. get something done = get something through 完成 well done时间概念: 提前:in advance beforehand ahead of 准时:on schedule punctual 推迟:delay put off postpone 取消:Cancel call off 想要做某事: b

16、e determined to do = set ones mind on doing = decided to do Think about doing = planning to do 职位工作相关: replace = fill in ones position job bacancy position=post Dismiss = lay off = be removed fromposition 撤职 离职 下岗 Start with begin with start off by doing 以开始 the right person 合适人选 You asked the wrong person.找错人了(指帮不上忙或某项工


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