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1、选修8Module 1 Deep South (限时20分钟). 重点词汇识记词汇识记 与拓展1. _adj. 每年的2. _adj. 商业业的3. _adj. 艰难艰难 的, 艰艰巨的; 严严重的4. _ adj. 轻轻便的; 便携的5. _ adj. 最小的, 最少的n. 最少量, 最小数annualcommercialsevereportableminimum6. _n. 洞察力; 眼光7. _v. 储储存, 留存; 使陷入困境8. _n. 紧紧急情况; 突发发事情9. _n. 荣幸10. _vt. 使平衡n. 平衡, 匀称insighttrapemergencyprivilegebal

2、ance11. _adj. 极端的; 极度的_adv. 非常; 极其; 极度地12. _v. 促进进, 增进进_n. 促进进, 促销销13. _adj. 强烈的_n. 强度; 加剧剧; 紧张紧张extremeextremelypromotepromotionintenseintension14. _adj. 不正常的, 反常的_adj. 正常的_adv. 正常地; 通常地, 一般地15. _n. 缺乏; 没有_adj. 缺席的, 不存在的abnormalnormalnormallyabsenceabsent16. _adj. 令人沮丧丧的, 令人抑郁的_adj. 沮丧丧的_v. 使沮丧丧_n.

3、 沮丧丧17. _v. 阻止; 打消的念头头_n. 勇气_v. 鼓励_n. 鼓励, 激励depressingdepresseddepressdepressiondiscouragecourageencourageencouragement18. _n. 可靠性_adj. 可靠的_v. 依靠19. _n. 鼓舞; 启示; 灵感_v. 激发发, 鼓舞; 启示; 使产产生灵感_adj. 鼓舞人心的; 启发发灵感的_adj. 有灵感的, 受启发发的reliabilityreliablerelyinspirationinspireinspiringinspired. 重点短语识记语识记1. _ 由组组成

4、 2. _杰出; 突出; 引人注目3. _进进入, 到达4. _免于; 使摆摆脱(困难难, 危险险等)5. _ 适应应be made up ofstand outset foot on/infree fromadapt to6. _ 进进入视视野; 出现现在眼前7. _打碎; 破碎; 分手, 分开8. _劝说劝说 /阻拦拦某人做某事9. _冒风险风险 , 冒危险险10. _ 留下; 丢丢弃; 忘记带记带11. _ 尤其, 特别别come into sightbreak updiscourage sb. from doing sth.take a riskleave behindin parti

5、cular12. _如果; 假使; 以免13. _ 信守诺诺言in case ofkeep ones promise. 经经典句式应应用1. _(覆盖了南极周围约围约 1 400万平方千米的面积积), it is the fifth largest continent in the world. (现现在分词词作伴随状语语)Covering about 14 million square kilometres aroundthe South Pole2. _(直到18世纪纪末英国探险险家詹姆斯库库克才穿越了南极圈), but he never saw land. (not until放在句首引

6、起部分倒装)Not until the late 18th century did the Britishexplorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle3. Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became _(第一个踏上南极大陆陆的人). (名词词前加序数词词或形容词词最高级级, 用不定式作后置定语语)the first man to set foot on theAntarctic mainland4. _(关于马马可波罗罗最为为大家熟知的一个传说传说 是)he intr

7、oduced such things as spaghetti and ice cream from China to the West. (that引导导同位语语从句)A general myth has grown up around Marco Polothat假设设你是晨光中学学生会主席李津, 你校拟拟向美国友好交流学校的中文班捐赠赠一批图书图书 。请请根据以下提示, 写一封邮邮件与中文班班长长Chris联联系, 并告知将于今年七月赴对对方学校参加夏令营时带营时带 去赠书赠书 。1. 自我介绍绍; 2. 拟拟捐赠图书赠图书 的类类型、册数、用途等; 3. 询问对询问对 方的其他需求。D

8、ear Chris, 自我介绍绍How is everything going? I am Li Jin, president of the Student Union from Chenguang Middle School. Now I am writing an e-mail to tell you something about our donated books. 关于捐赠书赠书 的事宜We will take part in the summer camp held by your school this July, which makes us very excited. At

9、the same time, we are going to bring along about five hundred books with us for your class. Most of them are about Chinese and some about Chinese cooking as well. I believe these donated books will not only make you more familiar with China but help enhance your Chinese. 询问对询问对 方的其他需求By the way, if you need any other kind of books, please do tell me. Yours, Li Jin


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