《绝望的主妇》第四季Mary Alice旁白(英汉对照)

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1、1绝望的主妇绝望的主妇第四季第四季 Mary Alice 旁白(英汉对照)旁白(英汉对照)401 There is a certain time of night,after children have been put to bed and husbands have begun snoring,that women lie awake and think of the secrets theyve been keeping from their friends.It might be an impromptu wedding,or a recently diagnosed tumor,or

2、 a make-believe pregnancy.Regardless,its all they will think of,until something comes along to remind them that other people have secrets,too. 晚上,总有些时候,在孩子们上床睡觉之后,老公鼾声雷动之时,女人们仍然无法入睡, 她们在想着不为人知的秘密。可能是闪电般的婚礼;或者刚刚诊断出的癌症;或骗大家自 己怀有身孕。除此之外,她们都相信别人同样藏有秘密。There is a certain time of morning.It occurs after k

3、ids have left for school and husbands have headed off for work.Its a time when women think of the secrets theyve been keeping from their friends.And how shocked they would be if the truth was discovered.And how theyll do everything in their power to keep that from happening.But what of those lucky w

4、omen who have no secrets left to keep?What do they think about every morning?These women spend their mornings thinking of their neighbors and the secrets they may be keeping. 每天早上总有段时间,就在孩子们去上学,丈夫们去上班之后,有些女人会想起那些秘密, 她们瞒着朋友们的秘密,假如真相大白,其他人会多么吃惊,而她们会尽一切努力,不让 这种事发生。那么那些没有秘密需要隐藏的幸运女人呢,她们每天早上又在想些什么呢? 这些女人

5、在早上通常会想起她们的邻居们还有她们可能隐藏的秘密。402 You will never see despair here.or rage. You will never see the tiniest bit of regret. You see, the people who live here have learned there is - one sure way of hiding their secrets from their neighbors. Thats why, in the suburbs, there is nothing more deceptive than a

6、smile. 你不会在这里见到绝望,或者愤怒;你不会在这里见到哪怕一丁点遗憾。你所看到的是人 们用他们自己的方法,在向他们的邻居隐藏各自的秘密。这就是为什么在郊区,在没有什 么比微笑更具有欺骗性的了。There is nothing more deceptive than a smile, and no one knows this better than the people who hide behind them. Some flash their teeth as a polite warning to their enemies. Some put on beaming faces

7、to keep their tears from falling. Others wear silly grins to mask their fear. But then there is that rare smile that is actually genuine. Its the smile of a person who knows his troubles will soon be over. 没有什么比一个微笑更具有欺骗性,而这一点只有藏在微笑背后的人心里最清楚。有的人 对着他的敌人微笑着露出牙齿,只是先礼后兵;有的人强装笑颜只是为了抑制住流泪;而 另一些人傻傻的裂开嘴笑,只是

8、为了掩饰自己的恐惧。而此时,有那么一种不太常见的微 笑,它完全发自内心,那是当一个人知道自己的麻烦将要被除掉的时候,才会露出的微笑。403 All children love to play games. But before they can race their bikes or jump their ropes or toss 2their frisbees, children understand they must first convince their friends to play along with them. The same is true for adults. 孩子

9、们都爱玩游戏。但是在他们比赛骑自行车,或跳绳,或仍飞盘之前,他们都知道要先 说服小伙伴和他们一起玩。大人们也是一样。All children love games. But children grow up, and then they find new games to play. They pretend to be well so their families wont worry. They lie to their lovers about where they go in the afternoon.They invent stories to hide the truth fro

10、m their friends. Yes.everyone has fun playing games right up until the moment.someone gets hurt. 所有的孩子都喜欢玩游戏。可他们长大后,就会去玩不同的游戏。他们会假装自己身体很 好不让家人担心;他们会对自己的爱人撒谎,隐瞒下午出门的真正目的地;他们虚构出一 个个故事,在朋友们面前隐藏实事没错,每个人都玩的很开心,直到那一刻才反应过 来,有人已经受伤。404 Pests, they come in all shapes and sizes and disrupt our lives in a vari

11、ety of ways. At first,theyre merely anoying, and we do our best to ignore them. But if we dont take them seriously,they can become quite dangerous. For some, death seems to be the easiest solution. But the problem with pestsis that what they leave behind.is just as dangerous. 害虫,它们形状各异,大小相同,以种种方法扰乱我

12、们的生活。起初,它们仅仅是烦人, 我们尽力不去注意它们。但是如果我们不重视它们,它们会变得非常危险。对于某些来说, 置之于死地似乎是最轻松的解决方式。但是问题的关键在于,他们遗留下的东西,也同样 危险。405 Its the same for all of us. We try not to get too close to the people who live next door.Its easier to give them a polite nod than to ask whats wrong. Its safer to keep walking by than to get inv

13、olved. True, we sometimes do get to know the people we share a fence with and end up lifelong friends. But mostly, we keep our distance, because wed rather our neighbors Know nothing about us.than know too much. 有一点对于我们大家来说都一样,我们尽量不要和住在隔壁的人过分亲密。对他们点头致 意比问长问短更轻松。匆匆而过比置身其中更加安全。没错,我们有时可以和鸡犬相闻的 邻居相互了解并做

14、终生的朋友。但大多数情况下,我们都保持距离,因为我们还是宁愿我 们的邻居对我们一无所知而不是知根知底。406 There is much to be afraid of in this world. But what we fear has nothing to do with gruesome masks, or plastic spiders, or lifelike monsters. No, its the thoughts in our head, that terrify us the most. What if she comes to regret her decision?

15、What if he really is unhappy? What if the chance for love has passed forever? How do we conquer these terrifying thoughts? We start by reminding ourselves what does not kill us.just makes us stronger. 这个世界上有很多可怕的东西。但是我们所惧怕的不是恐怖的面具,或塑料蜘蛛,也不是 逼真的怪兽,都不是。最让我们恐惧的是我们内心的想法。如果她对自己的决定后悔了怎 么办?如果他真的觉得不幸福怎么办?如果

16、永远错过了再爱一次的机会怎么办?我们如何3克服这些可怕的想法呢?我们从提醒自己开始,那些没有打到我们的东西,会让我们更坚 强。407 Deception, you find it in all the best homes. Parents rely on it when dealing with inquisitive children. Women use it to help keep secrets, big and small. Lovers neeeed it to cover up inconvenient accidents. Why do people resort to deception? Because its a handy tool that helps get us exactly what werelooking for. 欺骗,在所有幸福的家庭里都会出现。父母依赖这种手段打发好奇的孩子,女人们用


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