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1、Design of Miniature Temperature Recorder Based on PIC24FXiaohui HE*Anhui Institute of Metrology, Hefei 230051, China基于 PIC24F 微型温度记录仪 的设计贺晓辉 * (安徽省计量科学研究院,安徽合肥230051)摘 要 阐述了 PIC24F 微型温度记录仪的设 计方案以及对 MCU 的介绍。 方案包括了敏感 元件、MCU(PIC24FJ128GA106)、以及 PC 端 进 行设置采集和温度读取并进行数据 处理 。 并 对设计原理包括测量模块介绍、实时时钟及设 备校准部分进行

2、了解析。 该文为 PIC24F 微型 温度记录仪的推广应用提供了一 定的 理论依 据。Abstract The designing scheme for PIC24F -based miniature temperature recorder was summarized and MCU was introduced. The scheme included sensitive compo- nents, MCU (PIC24FJ128GA106), as well as the PC terminal for settings, collec- tions and temperature r

3、ead as well as data processing. And the principle of design was introduced, including measurement module introduction, real-time clock and de- vice calibration section. This paper provided a theoretical basis for the application of PIC24F-based miniature temperature recorder. Key words Temperature;

4、Temperature recorder; Measureor a long time, almost all tem- peraturemeasurementsys- tems in Chinese measurementtry. In order to meet the requirements on wide temperature range, high ac- curacy, small-sized device and easy to operate of the measuring industry, this paper proposes the micromodule e-

5、quipment used integrated digital tem- perature data collection chip to realize temperature measurement, which is aimed to provide theoretical basis for the promotion and application of the device.F关键词温度;温度记录仪;计量industry are the wired measurement system consisting of thermocouple, mercurial thermomet

6、er, pressure type thermometer and thermal resistance. With large size and complicated sta- tioning, its accuracy is also easily sub- ject to the interference of site envi- ronment. With the time going by, wired system can no longer meet the needs of users. If the wired system is used to collect data

7、 in large space, it will in- crease the difficulty and costs of sta- tioning, and after completing station- ing, the site usually becomes a mess, especially that it needs to be calibrated every time before use. In order to solve those inconvenience existed in the wired system, mini-temperatureIntrod

8、uction of the Scheme and MCU Overall description of the scheme As shown in Fig.1, the proposed scheme is the simple hardware circuit, which could realize the miniaturization of device. The scheme includes sensi- tive component, MCU (PIC24FJ128- GA106), and using PC terminal for da- ta collection and

9、 temperature reading as well as data processing. Benefit from the multiple peripherals of MCU, the slave computer only contains bat- tery, MCU, sensitive elements and necessary peripheral circuit, which controls the size of the device from the core. As for the MCU, it achieves real- time clock, data

10、 storage, timing collec- tion and calculation and calibration of the collected signals. With VC+ envi-recorder comes into being. With mem- ory function, it is small in size, easy to operate and stationing, which only needs to be calibrated once a year, and most importantly, it is not restrict- ed to

11、 signal line, making the stationing can be randomly arranged. Whats more, it can cooperate with the appli- cation program in the PC terminal to produce required reports. The tradi- tional wired system tends to be gradu- ally replaced in the measuring indus-作者简介贺 晓 辉 (1977-), 男 , 安 徽 合 肥人,工程师,硕士,从事计量

12、方面研究,E-mail: 。 * 通讯作者。 收稿日期 2014-06-28 修回日期 2014-08-01*Corresponding author. E-mail: Received: June 28, 2014Accepted: August 1, 2014Atime of charging through resistance Rref to capacitor C1 is Tref, and the time of charging through resistance RTD to capacitor C1 is Trtd, then ac- cording to the cha

13、rge-discharge prin- ciple of RC circuit, it obtains the fol- lows:Rref = RTDFig.1 Diagram of the designronment to develop the application program, PC uses adapter to realize collection setting and data reading of the device, as well as data processing, storage and generating related report. The prop

14、osed scheme uses high-pow- ered chips and components, enable the measuring temperature varies from -20 to 140 , making it can be(1)TrefTrtd And therefore,can achieve accurate timing, and can make multiple devices begin to collect and record the temperature at any time spontaneously. There are as man

15、y as 31 re mapping pins, which can carry out the layout of components easily, and also can further reduce the size of circuit board. Providing with enhanced UART, it can carry out com-RTD= TrefRref(2)(2), the re-Trtd According to formula sistance value of the thermal resis- tance is only related with the accura- cies of charging time measurement and reference resistance3. Multiple of experiments prove that the difference in time measured by MCU timer to the capacitor charging by the same resistance is very small, which could be ignored compared with th



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