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1、It is my great pleasure to see you all.很高兴和大家见面。很高兴和大家见面。Yesterday in his Report on the Work of the Government, Premier Wen Jiabao already gave a profound elaboration on the international situation and Chinas policies.关于当前国际形势和中国外交政策,温家宝总理昨天在关于当前国际形势和中国外交政策,温家宝总理昨天在政府工作报告中作了深刻阐述。政府工作报告中作了深刻阐述。If you

2、 have specific questions for me, now your questions are more than welcome.如果大家有什么具体问题,现在欢迎提问。如果大家有什么具体问题,现在欢迎提问。With regard to Chinas foreign policy, there are two utterly different views in the international stage,关于中国的外交政策,国际上有两种不同的看法,关于中国的外交政策,国际上有两种不同的看法,some people say China has achieved a lot

3、in its diplomacy and its foreign policy has become more mature,有人说中国外交取得了很多成果,更加成熟了,有人说中国外交取得了很多成果,更加成熟了,while others have been criticizing that Chinas foreign policy has been too pragmatic.但是也有人批评说,中国外交是实用外交。但是也有人批评说,中国外交是实用外交。As the Foreign Minister of China, whats your comment on this?作为中国的外交部长,你

4、怎么评价这些看法?作为中国的外交部长,你怎么评价这些看法?Chinas diplomacy is aimed at maintaining world peace, promoting common development, and boosting mutually beneficial cooperation. It is in the service of the Chinese people.中国外交致力于维护世界和平、促进共同发展、推动互中国外交致力于维护世界和平、促进共同发展、推动互利合作,是为中国人民服务的利合作,是为中国人民服务的As people in China share

5、 the fundamental interests of the people around the world,中国人民和世界人民的根本利益是一致的,中国人民和世界人民的根本利益是一致的,it is also fair to say that Chinas diplomacy serves both the Chinese and other peoples in the world.中国外交既为中国人民服务,也为世界人民服务中国外交既为中国人民服务,也为世界人民服务Over the past year, under the leadership of the CPC Central Co

6、mmittee, with Comrade Hu Jintao as the General Secretary,在过去的一年里,在以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央领在过去的一年里,在以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央领导下,导下,we have calmly coped with changes in the international situation and done our work earnestly我们沉着应对国际局势的变化,扎实工作,我们沉着应对国际局势的变化,扎实工作,and whole-heartedly to bring about a peaceful and stable in

7、ternational environment for the development of the country and improvement of peoples livelihood.尽心尽力地为国家发展和人民生活的改善营造和平稳定尽心尽力地为国家发展和人民生活的改善营造和平稳定的国际环境。的国际环境。We adhere to the principle of doing diplomatic work for the people.我们坚持外交为民,我们坚持外交为民,We have protected the legitimate rights and interests of C

8、hinese citizens and legal persons abroad and properly handled emergency incidents such as the attacks against Chinese citizens abroad.保护中国公民和法人在海外的合法权益,妥善处理了中保护中国公民和法人在海外的合法权益,妥善处理了中国公民遭遇袭击等突发事件。国公民遭遇袭击等突发事件。We pursue an independent foreign policy of peace,我们坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,我们坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,and remain

9、committed to developing friendly relations of equality and mutual benefits with all the countries in the world,致力于同世界各国发展平等互利的友好关系,致力于同世界各国发展平等互利的友好关系,advancing regional cooperation and actively participating in multilateral diplomacy.推动区域合作,积极参与多边外交,推动区域合作,积极参与多边外交,We now find more and more friends

10、 and partners around the world.我们在世界上的朋友和伙伴越来越多。我们在世界上的朋友和伙伴越来越多。We keenly appreciate peoples longing for peace, prosperity and harmony and opposition to war, poverty and confrontation worldwide and stand for peaceful resolution of international disputes.我们深切理解,世界人民要和平、不要战争,要繁荣、我们深切理解,世界人民要和平、不要战争,要繁荣、不要贫困,要和谐、不要对抗的强烈愿望,坚持通过和不要贫困,要和谐、不要对抗的强烈愿望,坚持通过和平手段解决国际争端,平手段解决国际争端,


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