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1、日本战的侵华罪行自供说 明1945 年 8 月 14 日,日本天皇裕仁发表停战诏书,宣布日本无条件投降。根据波茨坦公告,中、美、英、苏等 11 个国家组成远东国际军事法庭,对发动侵华战争和太平洋战争负有战争责任的东条英机等日本战犯进行了审判。新中国诞生后,接管和关押的日本侵华战犯达 1109 名,分别关押在抚顺、太原两地。1954 年,中央人民政府最高人民检察署(后改称中华人民共和国最高人民检察院)负责对日本侵华战犯的侦查、起诉工作,对他们在侵略中国战争中侵夺中国主权,策划、推行侵略政策,进行特务间谍活动,制造细菌武器,施放毒气,屠杀、抓捕、奴役和毒化中国人民,强奸妇女,掠夺物资财物,毁灭城镇

2、乡村,驱逐和平居民,违反国际准则和人道主义原则等各种罪行进行了审讯。根据 1956 年 4 月 25 日全国人大常委会通过的关于处理在押日本侵略中国战争中犯罪分子的决定,中华人民共和国最高人民检察院于 1956 年先后分三批对在押的 1017 名罪行相对较轻、悔罪表现较好的日本侵华战犯宣布免予起诉,并立即释放。同时,对职务较高、罪行较重的 45 名日本侵华战犯,向中华人民共和国最高人民法院特别军事法庭提起公诉(其余 47 名战犯在关押期间死亡)。1956 年 6 月至 7 月,中华人民共和国最高人民法院特别军事法庭分别在沈阳、太原对铃木启久等 45 名战犯进行了公开审判,并根据被告人的犯罪事实

3、、犯罪情节、悔罪表现等情况,按照全国人大常委会的决定,实行从宽处理,分别判处了二十年至八年有期徒刑。有关全国人大常委会、最高人民检察署(院)、最高人民法院特别军事法庭审判日本侵华战犯的档案,现保存在中央档案馆。档案卷宗内各个战犯自己的书面笔供以及详细的审讯笔录等材料,是日本军国主义侵略者对中国人民所犯滔天罪行的铁证。日本安倍内阁上台以后,公然颠倒黑白、混淆视听,美化对外侵略和殖民历史。这是对历史正义和人类良知的漠视,也是对二战成果和战后国际秩序的挑战。在卢沟桥事变 77周年之际,中央档案馆从馆藏档案中选取了经最高人民法院审判的 45 名日本战犯的亲笔供词,包括笔供原文、补充、更正、附言等以及当

4、时的中文译文并附提要,一并向社会公布,揭露日本侵华期间的反人道、反人类、反文明暴行。前事不忘,后事之师。只有真正牢记历史、以史为鉴,才能避免战争悲剧的重演,才能使世界达到真正的持久和平与稳定。IntroductionOn August 14 1945, Emperor Hirohito of Japan issued an imperial edict on armistice, announcing Japans unconditional surrender. In accordance with the Potsdam Proclamation, the International Mi

5、litary Tribunal for the Far East was formed by 11 countries, including China, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, and had trials on Hideki Tojo and other Japanese war criminals responsible for launching the Japanese War of Aggression against China and the Pacific War.After th

6、e birth of New China, a total of 1,109 Japanese war criminals were taken over and held in custody in the two places of Fushun and Taiyuan. In 1954, the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate Office of the Central Peoples Government (later renamed the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate of the Peoples Republic of C

7、hina) was responsible for the investigation and prosecution of the Japanese war criminals. It had trials on their crimes committed during the Japanese War of Aggression against China, including violating Chinas sovereignty, planning and implementing the policy of aggression, conducting spy and espio

8、nage activities, manufacturing bacteria weapons, releasing poison gas, killing, arresting, enslaving and poisoning the Chinese people, raping women, plundering money and materials, destroying towns and villages, expelling peaceful inhabitants, and violating international norms and humanitarian princ

9、iples.According to the Decision on the Handling of the Criminals in Custody from the Japanese War of Aggression against China adopted by the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress (NPC) on 25 April 1956, the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate of the Peoples Republic of China announced the de

10、cision to exempt from prosecution and immediately release, in three batches in 1956, a total of 1,017 Japanese war criminals in custody, who had relatively minor offenses and good behaviors of repentance. Meanwhile, a public prosecution was initiated to the Special Military Tribunal of the Supreme P

11、eoples Court of the Peoples Republic of China on 45 Japanese war criminals, who were of higher positions and heavier offenses (the other 47 war criminals died in custody).From June to July 1956, the Special Military Tribunal of the Supreme Peoples Court of the Peoples Republic of China publicly trie

12、d in Shenyang and Taiyuan the 45 war criminals including Suzuki Keiku, and, based on the defendants criminal facts, circumstances of the crimes, repentance, etc., treated them with leniency in accordance with the decision of the NPC Standing Committee, sentencing them to from twenty years to eight y

13、ears in prison respectively.Archives related to the trials of the war criminals of the Japanese War of Aggression against China, such as documents issued by the NPC Standing Committee, the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate and the Special Military Tribunal of the Supreme Peoples Court, are stored in the

14、 Central Archives. The confessions written by all the war criminals and the detailed trial records contained in the archive files are irrefutable evidence of the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese militarist aggressors against the Chinese people.Since the Abe cabinet came into power in Japan,

15、it has openly confused right and wrong to mislead the public, in an attempt to whitewash the history of external aggression and colonialism. This is a total disregard of the historical justice and human conscience, as well as a challenge to the outcome of World War II and the post-war international

16、order. On the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, we at the Central Archives have selected from the archive files the written confessions of the 45 Japanese war criminals tried by the Supreme Peoples Court, including the original texts of the written confessions, supplements, corrections, postscripts, etc. as well as the then Chinese translations with abstracts, to release to the general public, in order to expose the anti-humanitarianism, ant


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