银河护卫队2 中英对照台词字幕剧本

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1、1银河护卫队 2Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)密苏里州 地球 1980 年跟我来 慢点Come on! - Slow down.你在说什么 小百合 快点What do you say, my River Lily? Come on!- 你要带我去哪 - 来 来 来- Where are you taking me? - Come on, come on, come on.- 瞧 - 哦 真漂亮- Look. Look. - Oh, its beautiful!我本以为它适应不了这片土地I was afraid it wouldnt take to t

2、his soil.没想到长得这么快But it rooted quickly.很快它就会到处都是And soon itll be everywhere.遍布全宇宙All across the universe.我听不懂你在说什么Well I dont know what youre talking about.但你说话的样子真可爱but I like the way you say it.我的心属于你My heart is yours.梅乐迪丝 奎尔Meredith Quill.真不敢相信自己爱上了一个外星人I cant believe I fell in love with a spacem

3、an.34 年后34 YEARS LATER君王星THE SOVEREIGN PLANET表演时间到 同志们Showtime, a- holes!它随时会出现Its gonna be here any minute.这里就是它的葬身之地Which will be its loss.我以为你要用剑的I thought your thing was a sword.我们是被雇来阻止一只可以多维度穿梭的怪物汲取这能源电池的Weve been hired to stop an inter- dimensional beast.你觉得我会用剑来搞定吗from feeding on those batte

4、ries, and Im gonna stop it with a sword?不是一般都是你用剑我用枪吗2Its just, swords were your thing and guns were mine看来我们今天都要用枪了but I guess were both doing guns now. I just didnt know that.德拉克斯 你怎么没有穿咱们的太空队服Drax, why arent you wearing one of Rockets aero- rigs?- 硌着疼 - 疼- It hurts. - Hurts?我的乳头有些敏感I have sensiti

5、ve nipples.哈哈哈 我的乳头疼 笑死我啦Ha ha ha! My nipples hurt! Oh goodness me!他呢 他又在那搞什么玩意儿What about him? Whats he doing?我正在整咱的音响呢 这样可以边听歌边工作Im finishing this so we can listen to tunes while we work.- 这时候整这玩意儿 - 怪奎尔啊- How is that a priority? - Blame Quill.就他才这么喜欢听音乐Hes the one who loves music so much.不 这点我同意德

6、拉克斯 现在确实没必要弄这个No, I actually agree with Drax on this. Thats hardly important right now.哦 好吧 听你的 奎尔Oh, Okay. Sure, Quill.我是认真的 这次我站德拉克斯No, seriously, I side with Drax.我知道 我知道你非常认真No, I understand that. Youre being very serious right now.我得看到你眨眼睛I can clearly see you winking.糟糕 我用左眼了Dammit. Im using m

7、y left eye?我是格鲁特I am Groot!他们根本没在看你They were not looking at you funny.情况不妙Thats intense.银河护卫队 2GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2克里斯普拉特佐伊索尔达娜戴夫巴蒂斯塔3范迪塞尔 格鲁特宝宝布莱德利库珀 火箭浣熊迈克尔鲁克凯伦吉兰格鲁特Groot!庞克莱门捷夫伊丽莎白德比茨基克里斯沙利文格鲁特躲开点 你会受伤的Groot, get out of the way! Youre going to get hurt.嗨Hi.肖恩古恩 汤米弗拉纳根史泰龙库尔特拉塞尔不 吐出来 乖 快吐

8、出来No, no! Spit it out, spit it out, cmon.真恶心Disgusting!这怪物的皮太厚了 外边根本穿不透The beasts hide is too thick to be pierced from the outside.我要从里边把它切开I must cut through it from the inside.不 不要 德拉克斯 等等No, no, Drax! Wait a minute!他在搞什么鬼What is he doing?他说皮太厚没法从外部刺穿 所以他He said the skin is too thick to be pierced

9、 from the outside, so he.- 神经病啊 - 我刚要拦住他- That doesnt make any sense! - I tried telling him that!它的皮无论内外都是一样厚的Skins the same level of thickness from the inside as from the outside!我知道I realize that.它的喉咙有一处伤口There is a cut on its neck.火箭 让它往上边看Rocket, get it to look up.嗨 海猴子 我在这4Hey, giant sea monkey

10、! Im here!快看 奎尔Watch it, Quill!耶 我单枪匹马Yes! I have single handedly灭了这只怪物vanquished the beast!干嘛啦What?- 这玩意儿叫什么来着 - 安纽拉斯电池- What are they called again? - Anulax batteries.傻不啦叽电池Harbulary batteries.这跟我刚说的简直天差地别Thats nothing like what I just said.这些东西价值不菲But theyre worth thousands of units a piece, whic

11、h is.这也是为什么君王星雇我们来保护它们why the Sovereign hired us to protect them.注意自己的言辞 他们可不好打交道Careful what you say around these folks, theyre easily offended.动不动就判死刑The cost of transgression is death.感谢你们为此铤而走险We thank you Guardians for putting your lives on the line.我们不能让自己的人民去冒险We could not risk the lives of o

12、ur own Sovereign citizens.每一个公民都是精心设计的Every citizen is born exactly as designed by the community.无论生理还是精神上都毫无瑕疵Impeccable, both physically and mentally.我们掌控着后代的基因We control the DNA of our progeny在生命舱中培育着他们germinating them in birthing pods.我还是更倾向于用传统的方式造人I guess I prefer to make people the old fashio

13、ned way.或许哪天你可以给我上堂历史课Well. Perhaps someday you could give me a history lesson.用我们祖先最传统古老的方式in the archaic ways of our ancestors.纯粹作学术讨论For academic purposes.我很荣幸 从学术的角度来说I would be honored. Yes. In the name of research.5这或许会I think that could be.相当 呃 令人难以接受pretty uh, repulsive. Im.- 我不是那么随便的男人 - 不好

14、意思- Im not into that kind of casual. - Please.贵国还承诺了一些报酬Your people promised something in exchange for our services.兑现之后我们会马上离开Bring it and we shall gladly be on our way.家庭团聚 赞Family reunion. Yay!我知道她是你的妹妹I understand she is your sister.她不过是我要去赞达尔星球领的一笔赏金罢了Shes worth no more to me than the bounty du

15、e for her on Xandar.我们的士兵逮捕她时 她正在企图偷电池Our soldiers apprehended her attempting to steal the batteries.任君处置Do with her as you please.感谢您 阿耶莎主教大人We thank you, High Priestess Ayesha.您来自何方 奎尔先生What is your heritage, Mr. Quill?- 我母亲来自地球 - 那您父亲呢- My mother was from Earth. - And your father?反正不是密苏里州的 我就知道这么

16、多He aint from Missouri. Thats all I know.在你身上I see it within you.我看到了非正统血脉An unorthodox genealogy.一个相当鲁莽的决定A hybrid that seems particularly.所诞生的混血儿reckless人们都说你们星球的人都是狂妄自大的混蛋You know, they told me you people were conceited douchebags.但这应该是假话 对吧But that isnt true at all.啊 糟糕 我又眨错眼睛了是吗Ah, shit. Im using my wrong eye again, arent I?不好意思 本来打算背着你们眨的Im sorry, that was. that was meant to be behind your back.6他们没杀你 算你走运Count



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