必修五 unit2 重点单词和语法句型训练

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1、1必修五必修五 unit2 重点词组和语法训练重点词组和语法训练 accomplish , conflict , attract, convenience , roughly , fold , original , consistent consist of , break away from , to ones credit , leave out , take the place of, break down, be delighted at, be thrilled at, There is a possibility that 1The company _(由.构成) nine dep

2、artments is famous. (consist) 2 A medical team, _(由.构成) 10 doctors and 5 nurses, is to be sent to Taiwan. (make) 3.Happiness does not _(在于) how many possessions you own. (consist) 4The children _(被分成) four groups before they started the game. (divide) 5.England _(被分隔开) France by the Channel. (separa

3、te) 6.His name _(被提及) in the meeting. (refer) 7.Complete the exercise without _(查阅你的笔记). (refer) 8.The task _(将完成) in a year. (accomplish) 9We tried to settle the argument but _(一事无成). (accomplish) 10.Mary often _(发生冲突) with her classmates. (conflict) 11.Modern music like jazz _(已经摆脱了) the old tradi

4、tional rules. (break) 12.Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul _(已经分手了). (break) 13 _(值得赞扬的是), they still help that old man. (credit) 14.You can do it _(在你方便时). (convenience) 15._(对你来说方便吗) if I come at 6 p.m.? (convenient) 16._(最吸引我的是) to the job was the chance to travel. (attract) 17.The teacher s

5、tressed again that the students should not_(漏 掉任何重要细节) while reading the story. (leave) 18.The boy _(感到受冷落) because the other children dont play with him. (leave) 19._(真遗憾) you missed the sports meeting last week. (pity) 20._(难怪) he has passed the exam because he was very hard- working. (wonder) 21.

6、As for the accident, he only told us the main facts, _(漏掉)most of the details. (leave) 22._(有可能) he might go back to London. (possibility) 23.Sending e-mails _(几乎已经代替了) writing letters. (take) 24.I felt _(不自在) among the foreigners. (place) 25.His health _(身体垮了) because he had been working too hard.

7、(break) 26.The plan _(失败了) just because people were unwilling to cooperate. (break) 27.My boss _(安排我去) discuss business details with someone from another company. (arrange) 28.I _(很高兴被邀请去) to her party. (delight) 29._(最让我高兴的是) was that my son passed the exam. (delight)230.It seemed strange that the

8、man who had developed communism _(竟然 生活在) and died in London. (live) 31._(担心时间不够), Zhangpingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. (worry) 32.When I opened the door, I found him seated in the chair, _(专 心于那本杂志). (absorb) 33._(是她最感兴趣的)was the longitude line. (interest) 34.We _(很

9、兴奋) the good news that our team won the first. (thrill) 35.We set up a monument _(为了纪念) the heroes. (memory) 36.She told me she always _(为我所做的事感到自 豪). (proud) 37.The solid stone , square tower _(任然耸立着) for one thousand years. (remain) 38.Will you _(有空吗) this afternoon, Samuel ? (available ) 39.Pingy

10、u _(让别人给照了一张相) standing on either side of the line. (take) 40.I found the man _(被一只狗跟着). (follow) 41.The father _(想让女儿学) the piano. (teach) 42.The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt _(使他自己 被听见) (make) 43.The boy went out to play, _(留下作业未完成). (leave) 44.He wants to _(检查眼睛) tomorrow. (examine)

11、 45.He found an important detail _(遗漏了) in her work. (leave) 46.Be careful, or you will _(弄伤手). (hurt) 47.They _(所有的钱被偷了) while they were on holiday. (steal) 48.They had no time to arrange their own wedding, so they _(让它组 织) by a company. (organize) 49.With_(许多问题解决了), they went to the office and had a rest. (settle) 50.With _(许多问题要解决) ,they went to the office hurriedly. (settle) 51.The girl felt safe with _(妈妈站在) behind her. (stand) 52.With _(许多



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