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1、 高考英语专题复习 情景交际用语1情景交际用语高考常考查的五大类: 1、 “没关系;不要紧;没问题;别提了”类 Never mind 意为“没关系;不要紧;不用费事”,常用于以下几种场合:1)当别人向你致歉时;2)请对方放心或安慰对方时 注意:由于受字面意思的影响,很多学生把 Never mind 用于对 DoWould you mind的否定回答. 对 DoWould you mind表示“不介意” 时常用 No, not at all;of course not;certainly not;No, please;No,go ahead 等;表示“介意”的回答为 You had better

2、 not;Youd rather not;Im afraidnot;Im sorry,but等.Forget it 意为“没关系;不要紧;别提了”,通常用于以下场合:1)当别人向你致歉时;2)不同意对方要求的委婉拒绝No problem 意为“没问题”。通常用于对别人的请求表示同意.类似的表达还有:All right;OK。It doesnt matter 相当于 No matter,意为“没关系;不要紧”,通常用于对别人道歉的答语.2、pleasure 类Its a pleasure to do 意为“很高兴做”,相当于 PleasedNiceGlad to do.Its a/my plea

3、sure=A pleasure=My pleasure,意为“不用谢;没关系;这是我乐意做的”,通常是对thank you 的回答.With pleasure=YesCertainly,意为“当然可以;愿意效劳”。类似的答语还有:All right;OK;No problem;Id like to 等,主要用于对别人的请求表示乐意去做的场合。 3、all right 类Thats all right 意为“不用谢;没关系”,主要用于对感谢或歉意的礼貌回答。 That right 意为“对了;正确”,表示对对方的意见、看法或行为肯定的答复。相反说法为 Thats wrong。All right=

4、OK,意为“行;可以”,通常用于对对方的建议或请求表示同意。 4. sb.sth. be all rightOK 表示“身体好;一切正常” 5.感谢的礼貌回答有 Thats all right;Thats OK;Not at all;Youre welcome;Dont mention it;It is a pleasureA pleasureMy pleasure;Im glad you enjoy等; 6 对歉意的礼貌回答有:Thats all right;It doesnt matter;Never mind;Forget it ;ThatsIts nothing 等 4、 “祝愿;祝贺

5、”类 当听到令人高兴的事时,通常用 Im glad to hear that 来应答;否则用 Im sorry to hear that 来应答。 当对方向你表示祝愿时用 The same to you 或 You,too 来回答但对 Happy birthday to you 的回答常用 Thank you。 当对方在某项活动,如考试、比赛时,向对方表示祝福用 Good luck。 当对方在某方面取得成就或成功时,常用 Congratulations 来表示。 5、Go ahead,Help yourself,Herebe 类Go ahead 表示鼓励对方做某事,意为“请吧;请说吧;请开始吧

6、;请尽管用”。注意:在回答 May I use或 I wonder if I can use时,如借用的东西可以拿走,就用 Here you are,反之用 Go ahead。Help yourself 可表示“请随便吃、喝”外,还可表示“请自己动手做或拿”。3.Here it is 表示“给你;在这儿”特指提到的单数名词。Here they are 表示“给你;在这儿;他们来了”特指上文提到的是复数名词。Here you are 表示“给你;在这儿;你们来到了”,特指上文提到的是单数或复数名词,也可以指另外提供的事 物。 Here we are 表示“这儿有我们所需要的;我们到了”。 高考英

7、语“交际用语”分类总结21告别告别 考点:See you. Take care. 难点:See you.告别时用语,同 Good-bye。但有别于 You see,你知道。 如:You see, everything has two sides.而 Take care 也是道别是用语,但表示“多保重”。 2介绍介绍 考点:Nice/ Pleased/ Glad to see/meet you. Nice meeting you 难点:Nice to meet you.初次见面时的礼貌语。Nice meeting you.初次见面后的告别语。 3感谢和应答感谢和应答 感谢:Thank you.

8、Thanks. Its very kind /nice of you. 回答:Not at all. Its/Thats all right. Youre welcome. Its a pleasure. My pleasure. Thats OK. Dont mention it. 难点:My pleasure 同 Its a pleasure 是感谢应答语,译作“不用谢”。而 With pleasure 是请求应答语,译作“乐意 效劳,非常愿意” 4道歉、遗憾和应答道歉、遗憾和应答 道歉:What a pity/shame. Im sorry. 应答:Its /Thats all righ

9、t. It doesntmatter. Never mind. Forget it. Thats OK. 难点:“Forget it.”共有三种意义: 休想,不可能。You expect Tom to come earlier.Forget it, he always comes late. 没关系,别在意。Im terribly sorry for having broken your mirror.Forget it. 别提它了,表不原重复所说之话。What were you saying just now? I didnt hear. Oh, nothing, forget it. Ge

10、t it. 明白了 Make it. 干成,做成 Take it. 拿去吧 5请求、允许和应答请求、允许和应答 请求:May /Can /Could I? Would /Do You mind? 应答:(肯定)Yes/Sure/Certainly. Yes,please. Of course(not), you may/can. Take your time. Yes, help yourself. Go ahead, please. Not at all. Thats OK /all right. Not in the least. Not a bit. (否定)Id rather you

11、didnt. Youd better not. Im sorry you cant. 难点:Take it easy.安慰对方不要生气、紧张不安。Take your time.同 no hurry,安慰对方不要急,慢慢来。 Sure, go ahead.当然可以,干吧、做吧、说吧等。Yes, help yourself.同意对方使用,让对方自己动手取。 Not in the least.一点也不,如:I hope you dont mind my turning on the radio. Not in the least. 6祝愿、祝贺和应答祝愿、祝贺和应答 祝愿:Good luck! En

12、joy yourself! Have fun! Congratulations. 应答:Thank you. The same to you. You, too. 难点:Well done!干得好,真棒!用以赞扬对方做得好。Congratulations!祝贺对方已取得成功。Good luck!祝愿对方交好运,反语为 Bad luck!或 Just my luck!Have fun!祝愿对方玩得开心,同 Enjoy yourself. 7打电话打电话 考点:Is that speaking? Hold on,please. Just a minute, please. Hello, who i

13、s it/that (speaking)? Hello, this is speaking. Theres no Pippa here. Speaking. 难点:指对方时用指示代词 that/it。指说话者本人时用指示代词 this。打电话用语还有:Are you there?你还在接 听吗?Suppose you ring me up.你给我打电话好吗? 8就餐就餐 考点:Help yourself to some Im full, thank you. Just a little, please. Yes, Id like a drink. Yes, sir? 难点:Yes,sir?是应

14、答语,用于应答呼唤或表示在关注倾听对方,不必作出回答,可译作语气词”哎”。而 What?则 表对方介绍一种情况,说话者觉得难已置信,希望对方重复部分内容,译作”啥”. 9提醒注意提醒注意 考点:Mind your step/ head! Wet floor!、Look out!、Be careful!、Dont touch!、Take care! 难点:Look out!警告对方有危险。Take care 警告对方做事要小心,还可作道别时用语,译为“请多保重”。与 look 相关的交际用语还有:Just have a look.随便看看 Look what youve done!看看你干了些什

15、么! 10请求和应答请求和应答 请求:Can/Could/ Would you please? 应答:No/ Less noise, please. What for? 难点:与 what 相关的交际应语: What for?相当于 Why?表“为什么”,还可表示“为何”。 Guess what!表示“你猜猜发生了什么事?”,用于说出令人感到惊讶的事情前。 Whats up?表示“Whats happening?”译作:有啥事? So what?表示“是又怎么样”、 ”那有什么了不起”、 “与我有什么关系”。 Whats wrong?表焦虑。 What a shame!表遗憾。 What is it?表示“是什么”。 What about?表劝告或建议。 What a surprise!表惊讶。 11同意和不同意同意和不同意 同意:Certainly/Sure/Of course/Exactly. No problem. Yes, please. Yes, I think so. All right/OK. Its a good idea. Sounds good. I couldnt agree more. I will. With pleasure. Sure, go ahead. Yes, help yourself.



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