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1、找到灵魂伴侣的找到灵魂伴侣的征兆征兆18 Signs Youve Found Your Soulmate找到灵魂伴侣的找到灵魂伴侣的 18 个征兆个征兆1. You just know it.你就是知道你就是知道Something deep inside tells you this is the perfect one for you. Its as if there is a spiritual force pushing you to let go of everything you previously expected and to give of yourself complete

2、ly.内心深处有个声音告诉你这就是你的完美伴侣。就像一股精神力量,将你以前期望的条件都抛开,让你全身心投入。2. You have crossed paths before.可能曾擦肩而过可能曾擦肩而过Soulmates have met each other and a previous time. You may not have connected, but you were in the same place, at the same time. Before my husband and I met, we lived across the street from each othe

3、r and worked across the street from each other. Yet we never met until the time was right.灵魂伴侣以前见过面。你们可能没有产生过交集,但是你们同一时间在同一地点出现过。我和我的丈夫见面之前,我们住的地方相隔一条街,我们工作的地方也只相隔一条街。但是直到对的时间,我们才见面。3. Your souls meet at the right time.灵魂在对的时间相会灵魂在对的时间相会Each person has to be ready to receive the soul connection. Eve

4、n though my husband and I were in close proximity of each other for many years, we did not meet until the time was right for both of us. You have to be prepared to meet your soulmate. It could be that you have to go through a relationship that doesnt work out, or that youre not ready to ditch your “

5、perfect person checklist,” but when it comes to soulmates- timing is everything.每个人都要做好准备接受灵魂之间的碰撞。尽管在很多年里,我和我的丈夫都相隔不远,但是直到对的时间到来,我们才真正相遇。你必须为遇见灵魂伴侣做好准备。你可能需要的是经历一段不成功的恋情,否则你便不能准备好挖掘你的“最佳人选名单”。但是当遇到灵魂伴侣的时候,时机就是一切。4. Your quiet space is a peaceful place.安静带来平和安静带来平和Being quiet together is comforting

6、like a fluffy down blanket on a cold winter night. Whether you are reading in the same room, or driving in the car, theres a quiet peace between you.两个人安安静静在一起时感觉很舒服,那种感觉就像在寒冷冬夜里拥有一床蓬松的软毛毯。不论你们是在同一个房间里阅读,还是在同一辆车内,你们都拥有属于彼此的宁静。5. You can hear the other persons silent thoughts.能听到他没说出声的想法能听到他没说出声的想法Wi

7、th soulmates, there is such depth to your relationship that you can feel and hear what your partner is thinking, even if it is not verbally expressed.你和你的灵魂伴侣的关系可以到这种地步,即使他没有说话,你却能感觉到、听到他的想法。6. You feel each others pain.感觉到彼此的痛苦感觉到彼此的痛苦You stand in each others shoes. You know each other so well, tha

8、t the second he walks in the door, you can tell how his day was. You feel each others feelings; sadness, worry, and stress. And you share each others happiness and joy.你们会为对方着想。你们彼此了解,他一进门,你就能知道他今天过得怎么样。你们能感受到彼此的情绪,例如悲伤、担忧和压力。你们还能分享彼此的快乐和喜悦。7. You know each others flaws and the benefits in them.了解彼此

9、的缺点,甚至从中发现闪光点了解彼此的缺点,甚至从中发现闪光点Yes, its true. Our flaws have benefits. Every trait has a positive as well as a negative side. Its the task of each person to always look for the good, even when things dont look so good. There is usually a benefit to each flaw. Stubborn people are good decision makers.

10、 Overly organized people are great at paying bills on time.是的,我们的缺点还会有闪光点。每件事都有两面。即使事情看起来不如人意的时候,人们也要发现好的一面。缺点通常会伴有闪光点。固执的人会是好的决策人。太过有组织性的人擅长及时付账单。8. You share the same life goals.人生目标相同人生目标相同Youre both on the same page with values, ethics, and goals. You may have a different way of reaching those g

11、oals, but you both want the same end result.你们的价值观、道德观和目标一致。可能你们达成目标的方法不同,但是你们想要取得的结果是相同的。9. Youre not afraid of having a conversation.善于交流善于交流Conversations can be challenging. Expressing concerns or attempting to make decisions is uncomfortable. Soulmates know that if they join together, they will

12、be able to work it out.交流具有挑战性。表示关心和做出决定并不是件令人舒服的事。灵魂伴侣之间知道如果他们同心协力,他们可以解决一切问题。10. You are not threatened by the need for alone time.独处的时间未被侵占独处的时间未被侵占Whether its tennis three times a week or girls night out, you respect each others need for independence, knowing that when you get together, your tim

13、e alone is special.不管是一周打三次网球,还是外出过闺蜜之夜,你们尊重互相独处的需求,了解你们在一起了之后,独处的时间是特别的。11. You dont experience jealousy.不会嫉妒不会嫉妒Pretty girls at the office or handsome personal trainers arent a threat to your relationship. You are secure knowing that you are the only one.漂亮的姑娘或者帅气的私人教练不会对你们的关系造成威胁。你们很确定对方就是那个命中注定的

14、人。12. You respect each others differences and opinions.尊重彼此的差异和意见尊重彼此的差异和意见You know you have different opinions. Often soulmates are polar opposites. At times this is challenging. These are the times when you are being forced to let the other person complete you. You still have your own opinion, but

15、 instead of agreeing to disagree, there is a deep level of respect for each other. You listen and honor the differences.你知道你有不同的意见。很多时候灵魂伴侣是两个极端。有时这会很有挑战性,比如当你不情愿的让另外一个人来弥补你时。你仍然有自己的观点,但是你们互相尊重,而不是直接反驳。你倾听并且尊重这些差异。13. You dont scream, curse, or threaten each other with divorce.不尖叫,咒骂或者以离婚相威胁不尖叫,咒骂或者

16、以离婚相威胁Of course you feel anger. People unintentionally hurt each other. But soulmates arent nasty, hurtful, or punitive.当然你会生气。人与人之间会不自觉地互相伤害。但是灵魂伴侣之间的争吵不应该是恶意的,伤人的,或者苛刻的。14. You give in because you want to make your partner happy.低头只为他开心低头只为他开心Giving in can often occur in unhealthy, co-dependent, or abusive relationships. But soulmates give to each other for the sole purpose of making each other happy.妥协低头通常出现在不健康的、相互依赖的或者虐待性的关系中。但是灵魂伴侣会向对方低头,只为了让对方开心。15. You know how to



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