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1、家庭关系、称谓 祖先 ancestor 代 generation 血统,后辈,后代 descent 后辈,子孙 offspring 夫妻 couple 父母亲 parents 丈夫 husband 妻子 wife 父亲 father 母亲 mother 男的 male 女的 female 单身 single 孩子 child 儿子 son 女儿 daughter 领养的 adopted child (foster) 兄弟 brother 姐妹 sister 双胞胎 twin (外)祖父母 grandparents (外)祖父 grandfather (外)祖母 grandmother 奶奶,外

2、婆 grandma 奶奶,姥姥 granny 爷爷,外公 grandpa 岳父,公公 father-in-law 岳母,婆婆 mother-in-law 女婿 son-in-law 儿媳 daughter-in-law 大伯子 brother-in-law 继父 stepfather 继母 stepmother 叔,伯,舅,姑夫,姨夫 uncle 姨妈,姑妈,婶母,伯母,舅母 aunt 侄儿,外甥 nephew 侄女,外甥女 niece 堂(表)兄弟姐妹 cousin 名字 first name (given name) 姓氏 last name (family name) 亲属,家人 fol

3、k 女孩 girl 男孩 boy产儿 newborn baby 婴儿 baby 吃奶的孩子 sucking 亲戚 relationship 主人 master 女主人,女能人,情妇 mistress 鳏夫 widower 产妇 lying-in woman 寡妇 widow 孤儿 orphan 未婚夫 fiance 未婚妻 fiancee 第三者,第三方 thirdparty 成年人 adult 安乐窝 cospy nest 爱人 sweetheart 爱称 pet name 暧昧关系 dubious relationship 把兄弟 败家子 spendthrift (wastrel ) 同胞

4、兄弟 blood brothers (full brothers) 宝宝,宝贝 darling 本家 a member of the same clan 表姐妹 female cousin 表亲关系 cousinship 婊子 whore 薄情郎 heartless lover 娼妓 street girl 成人 adult 成家 get married 成年人 grow-up (come of age) 未成年 be under age 重孙 great-grandson 重孙女 great-granddaughter 处女 virgin (maiden) 老处女 old maiden 大妈

5、(尊称年长的妇人)aunt 大娘,大妈 fathers elder brothers wife 成人,大人 adult (grown-up) 大嫂(称呼已婚妇女)elder sister 大少爷,挥霍的人 spendthrift 大婶儿 aunt 大叔 uncle 大爷 fathers elder brother (uncle)单身汉 bachelor 荡妇 vampire 嫡亲 blood relations 嫡亲兄弟 blood brothers (whole brothers) 嫡堂兄妹 cousin-german 非婚生 bastardy 非婚生子 bastard 非婚生女 basta

6、rda 非亲非故 be neither kith nor kin 分家 break up the family and live apart 世代 from generation to generation 收养关系 adoptive relationship 收养继承人 heir by adoption 收养人 consignee 守寡 live in widowhood 手足之情 brotherly affection 叔祖 granduncle 叔祖母 grandaunt 说亲 act as matchmaker 私生子 bastard (illegitimate child) 胎儿 f

7、oetus (embryo) 同父异母兄弟 consanguineous brothers 同母所生子女 children of the same venter 同性恋 homosexuality 血统 blood relationship 名门望族 distinguished family 小老婆 concubine 小两口 young couple 孝敬 give presents to 孝顺 show filial obedience 白头偕老 stick to each other till the hair turns gray 玄孙 great-great-grandson 血亲关

8、系 blood ties 养父 foster father 养母 foster mother 生育,养 give birth to 姨表姐妹 female maternal cousins 姨表兄弟 male maternal cousins 姨太太(口)concubine 遗骨 remains 遗腹子 posthumous child 遗孤 orphan 遗孀 widow (relict)初恋 first love 分手 say good-bye 房事 sexual intercourse 非法同居 illegal cohabitation 同房 sleep together 同居 coha

9、bit 初婚 first marriage 婚前检查 pre-martial check-ups 婚生子女 children born in wedlock 非婚生子女 children born out of wedlock 婚姻 marriage 定婚 be betrothed 家庭 family 包办婚姻 arranged marriage 买卖婚姻 mercenary marriage 婚姻状况 marital status 结婚登记 marriage registration 恋爱结婚 love match 金婚 golden wedding 退婚 break off an enga

10、gement 晚婚 late marriage 离婚 divorced 复婚 resume matrimonial relation 晚婚 marry at a mature age 未婚 unmarried 已婚 married 婚嫁 marriage 分居 separated 分居 live apart 家谱 family tree 家庭背景 family background 家庭出身 family origin 家庭出身 class origin 工人家庭出身 come from a workers family 家长制 patrirchy 亲属,眷属 family dependant

11、s 郎舅 a man and his wifes brother 老爷爷 great grandfather 老祖宗 ancestor (forefather) 离婚夫妇的子女 child of divorce 连襟 husbands of sisters 领养一个孩子 adopt a child 领养人 adopter 领养子女 adopted children孪生姐妹 twin sisters 盟兄弟,结拜兄弟 sworn brothers 奶妈 wet nurse 配偶 spouse 旁系血亲 collacteral relative 泼妇 collateral relatives by

12、 blood 妾 concubine 远亲 distant relative 亲兄弟 blood brother 情敌 rival in love 情夫 lover 情妇 mistress 亲家 relatives by marriage 乳名 childs pet name (infant name) 赡养 support ones parents 新生儿 newborn baby 生育子女 bear children 过了生育年龄 be past ones child-bearing age 抚养 bring up (foster) 父辈 elder generation 复姓 compo

13、und surname 改嫁 remarry 高祖(paternal) great-great-grandfather 高祖母(paternal) great-great-grandmother 根苗(指子孙)offspring 孤儿 orphan 孤儿寡妇 orphan and widow 寡妇 widow 鳏夫 widower 过继 adopt a young relative 户主 head of a household 皇家 imperial family 皇亲国戚 a kinsman of the emperor 皇室贵胄 a scion of royalty 皇太后 empress

14、 dowager 皇太子 crown prince 皇族 imperial kinsmen 义父 adoptive father 义母 adoptive mother 义女 adopted daughter 义子 adopted child 远房亲戚 a distant relative 孕妇 pregnant woman 怀孕 be pregnant杂种 hybrid (crossbreed) 早产儿 premature infant 早熟的孩子 a precocious child 证婚人 chief witness at a wedding ceremony 直系亲属 lineal relative 侄孙 grandnephew 侄孙女 grandniece 侄子 nephew 侄媳妇 nephews wife 妯娌 sisters-in-law 列祖列宗 successive generations 同宗 of the same clan 正宗 orthodox school 宗祠 ancestral hall 宗族 patriarchal clan 族人 clansman 族长 clan elder 族谱 pedigree of a clan 坐月子 lying-in


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