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1、人力资源部副部长在第 99 届劳工大会上的发言时间:2010-07-15 18:35 来源:口译网 作者:口 译网 点击:1019 次 促进体面就业 应对国际金融危机带来的社会问题 中华人民共和国人力资源社会保障部副部长王晓初在第 99 届劳工大会上的发言Promote Decent Employment to Address Social Problems of the International Financial Crisis Wang Xiaochu Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China主席先生, 女士们、先生

2、们:Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and gentlemen,国际金融危机对世界各国经济造成严重冲击,给各国就业带来严峻挑战。劳工世界积极应 对,去年国际劳工组织不失时机地通过了全球就业协定 。各国采取积极措施落实协定 ,取得了初步成就。The international financial crisis has brought severe shocks to our economies and grave challenges to employment in the world. The world of work has responded proactively a

3、nd it is fitting that ILO adopted Global Jobs Pact. Countries have taken active measures to implement the Pact with some initial success.中国政府结合中国国情,全面落实协定 ,实施更加积极的就业政策,完善社会保障体系, 积极应对危机挑战。一是扩大内需拉动就业。把促进就业作为扩大内需、拉动经济增长一 揽子计划的重要目标。在安排政府投资和重大项目时,把增加就业岗位作为统筹考虑的重 要内容。中国政府实施两年新增 4 万亿投资计划,预计可创造 2200 万个就业岗位。

4、二是减 轻企业负担稳定就业。为帮助企业渡过难关,稳定现有岗位,实施了减轻企业负担的社会 保险缴费政策,并运用失业保险基金对困难企业给予社会保险补贴和岗位补贴。2009 年, 累计减轻企业负担和增加补贴 410 亿元,惠及企业 160 多万户,稳定就业岗位 6000 多万个。 三是提高劳动者就业能力。启动实施“特别职业培训计划” ,通过政府补贴政策集中开展大 规模培训,提升劳动者技能水平,促进就业、减少失业。2009 年政府财政补贴的各类职业 培训达 2160 万人次,同时为 6000 多万人提供了公共就业服务。四是完善社会保障体系。 大幅度增加社会保障资金投入,2009 年中央财政安排社会保障

5、资金 2906 亿元;在农村开 展了新型农村养老保险试点,使养老保险首次覆盖了 1.3 亿农村居民;医疗保险覆盖人数 超过 12 亿人。五是推动三方合作。在政策制定和实施中,吸收雇主和工会组织共同参与。 鼓励雇主和工会组织对话协商,采取临时措施,使企业尽量不裁员或少裁员,共渡难关,共谋发展。In light of Chinas conditions, the Chinese government has implemented the Pact in an all-round way by promoting a more active employment policy and improv

6、ing social security system to actively address the challenges brought about by this crisis. First, expand domestic demand to boost employment. Job promotion is an important target in economic stimulus package, which aims at expanding domestic demand and promote economic growth. To create more jobs h

7、as figured prominently in government investment and major projects. The two-year 4-trillion RMB yuan investment plan the Chinese government has introduced is expected to create 22 million jobs. Second, ease the burden on enterprises to stabilize employment. To help enterprises get over difficulties

8、and secure existing jobs, we in China introduced a social insurance contribution policy that reduced the burden on enterprises. Meanwhile, we provided social insurance subsidies and job subsidies to struggling companies through unemployment insurance fund. In 2009, the reduced corporate burden and i

9、ncreased subsides totaled 41 billion RMB yuan, which benefitted over 1.6 million businesses and helped secure over 60 million jobs. Third, improve workers employability. A Special Vocational Training Program accompanying with a government subsidy policy was launched to provide large scale trainings

10、to improve employees occupational skills, promote employment and minimize job losses. In 2009, we provided government-subsidized job trainings to 21.6 million people and public employment services to over 60 million people. Fourth, improve social security system. We substantially increased input int

11、o social security funds. In 2009, 290.6 billion RMB yuan was earmarked in the central government budget to social security funds. In rural areas, a pilot program of the new rural old-age insurance scheme was launched. For the first time, 130 million rural residents in China are covered by old-age in

12、surance and 1.2 billion people are covered by medical insurance. Five, promote tripartite cooperation. We engage employer organizations and trade unions in policy formulation and implementation. To overcome difficulties together and pursue joint development, we encouraged them to conduct dialogue an

13、d consultations with each other and take temporary measures so as to prevent or reduce lay-offs.中国政府落实协定的一系列举措实现了就业局势的基本稳定,促进了一大批劳动者体 面就业。到 2009 年底,中国就业形势走出低谷,全年城镇新增就业人数达到 1102 万人, 青年就业好于往年,企业岗位流失减少,用工需求明显增长,外出农民工就业总量增加 492 万人。A host of measures adopted by the Chinese government to implement the Pac

14、t has basically stabilized employment situation in China and promoted decent employment for a large number of workers. By the end of 2009, the most difficult period for employment in China was over. 11.02 million new jobs had been created in urban areas in the whole year. The employment situation fo

15、r youth is better than previous years. Businesses cut fewer jobs than before with growing demand for workers, and the total size of the rural migrant workers increased by 4.92 million.主席先生,Mr. Chairperson,国际金融危机的影响还在持续,特别是许多国家的就业复苏明显滞后于经济复苏。中国希 望国际社会继续携手,加强合作,共谋发展:一是把扩大就业作为经济社会发展的优先目 标。实施有利于扩大就业的发展战

16、略和宏观经济政策,保持政策的连续性和稳定性。要特 别关注中小企业的发展。二是加快构建更加完善的社会保障体系。为广大劳动者提供基本 保障,更加关注对弱势群体的保护。三是推动建立和谐劳动关系。在加强三方对话协商的 基础上,大力推进三方合作,维护劳动者合法权益,努力实现共赢。四是大力加强职业培 训,不断提高劳动者就业能力。加强国际社会对发展中国家的资金和技术支持。The international financial crisis is still ongoing, and in particular job recovery in many countries lag far behind their economic recovery. China calls on the international community to make continued efforts to strengthen cooperation for common development. First, job e


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