(北京专版)中考英语复习方案 第20课时课件(考点精选+句型聚焦+词语辨析+活学活用)

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《(北京专版)中考英语复习方案 第20课时课件(考点精选+句型聚焦+词语辨析+活学活用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(北京专版)中考英语复习方案 第20课时课件(考点精选+句型聚焦+词语辨析+活学活用)(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第20课时 活 学 活 用考 点 精 选词 语 辨 析句 型 聚 焦第20课时考 点 精 选 1 walk点拨 vt. & vi.走, 步行, 散步n步行, 散步;行走的路程The old man walked five miles every morning.这位老人每天早晨步行五英里。Uncle Tom looked hot after his walk.散步之后, 汤姆叔叔看起来很热。Its a long walk to the station.去车站要走很长一段路。考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦2 water点拨 n水;大片的水, (尤指)湖(河, 海)vt.给浇水(洒水);给水喝v

2、i.流眼泪; 流口水Flowers will die without water.没有水, 花就会枯死。The ship is in British waters.这条船行驶在英国的海域里。Water the flowers every morning.每天早晨给花浇水。The smoke made her eyes water.烟熏得她的眼睛流泪。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦3 way点拨 n路, 道, 街, 小径; 方向; 方法, 方 式, 手段; 某方面; adv.远远地They are trying to find a way of solving the problem

3、.他们正设法寻找解决问题的办法。拓展 常用短语:come this way, inways第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦4 wet点拨 adj.湿的,潮湿的;下雨的,多雨的;懦弱的, 软弱的; n雨天When it is wet, the buses are crowded.下雨天, 公共汽车非常拥挤。He is really a wet young man.他真是个懦弱的年轻人。He is standing in the wet without a coat.他站在雨中,没穿外套。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦5 while点拨 conj.在期间, 当的时候; 与同时

4、conj.虽然, 尽管;而, 然而; n. (一段)时间vt. 消磨(时光),轻松地度过(away)While in hospital, he wrote his first novel.他住院期间写了第一部小说。I like tea while she likes coffee. 我喜欢喝茶,而她喜欢喝咖啡。 第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦6 turn over翻动,犁翻(土地)Lets turn over a new leaf.让我们重新开始。Our English teacher asked us to turn over the page.我 们的英语老师让我们把这页翻过去

5、。If you turn over, you might find it easier to get to sleep. 你若翻个身也许入睡会容易些。 7 up and down上下,来回 The boys went up and down the stone steps.那些男孩子在那段石阶上走上来走下去。Johnson looked her up and down and decided to ask her out.约翰逊上下打量了她一番,决定邀请她出去。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦8 wait for 等候,等待 He is waiting for them to tel

6、l him whether he got the job or not.他正等待他们通知他是否录用他。 9 wake up 醒来 She usually wakes up early in the morning.她通常一大早就醒了。Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning.请明天早上6点叫醒我。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦10 work out 算出,解决点拨 当宾语是名词(如 the problem 等)时放于work out中间或out后都可以;但宾语是宾格代词(如 it, them等)时必须放在中间。I believe that

7、you can work out this problem by yourself. 我相信你自己能做出这道题。I need to work out a few problems.我需要解决一些问题。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦词 语 辨 析1 such as, suchas与 for example辨析 such as 用于罗列同类事物或人物中的几个例子,表示“如之类的”; such后接概括性的词语, 而as后接列举的例子;而 for example则是强调说明一 个例子。Many girls like singing songsLingling, for example. S

8、uch girls as Lingling can sing English songs, such as Jingle Bell, Do Re Mi and so on.许多女孩喜欢唱英文歌,比如玲玲。像玲玲这样的女孩 会唱圣诞颂歌、哆来咪等英文歌曲。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦2 surprised与 surprising辨析 surprised的主语必须是人,表示“某人惊奇的”;而surprising修饰物,意为“使人惊奇的”。We were surprised at the surprising accident.我们都被这起突如其来的事故惊呆了。 3 talk abou

9、t, talk to 与 talk with辨析 talk about 表示广义上的“谈论,讨论”,可以是任 何话题;talk to表示一方在说,一方在听;talk with意为“与某人谈话”。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦Dont talk with each other about anything that has nothing to do with your study when the teacher talks to you in class.在老师讲课时,你不要和你的同学讨论任何与学习无关的事情。 4 the number of与 a number of辨析 the

10、 number of 意为“的数量”;a number of 意为“很多”。A number of little boys came to help the teacher count the number of the books.很多男孩来帮老师数书的数量。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦5 try on与 try out辨析 (1)try on 意为“试穿,试试看”。Youd better try on the shoes before you buy them.在买鞋之前你最好试穿一下。(2)try out 意为“试验”。When he was a child he was

11、always trying out new ideas.当他还是个孩子时,他总是对一些新想法进行试验。We have tried out the new medicine.我们已试用过这种新药了。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦6 turn on与 turn off辨析 (1)turn on 意为“打开(水、电视、收音机、 灯、煤气等)” 。Please turn on the radio. 请打开收音机。Mr Green turned on the TV as soon as he got home.格林先生一到家就打开了电视。(2)turn off 意为“关掉(水、电、电视、收音

12、机等)”。 Turn off the light before you go out.在你外出前要关灯。Please turn off the TV before you go to bed.睡觉前请关上电视。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦7 turn up与 turn down辨析 turn up 意为“到达,来到;露面;开大(声音)”; turn down 意为“关小,调低”。 We arranged to meet at 7:30, but she never turned up. 我们约好七点半碰头,但她根本没露面。The music was turned up loud.

13、音乐的音量开大了。Youd better turn down the radio. Your father is working.你最好调低收音机的音量,你爸爸在工作。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 点拨 to do 表示停下来的目的,作状语。 Please stop to think about it for a moment before you shout at someone. 在你想冲别人大叫的时候请停下来想一想。 We stop to rest after 3 hours working. 3个小时的工作之后,我们停下来休息

14、。 Lets stop to have a rest. 咱们停下来歇会吧。 拓展 (1)stop doing sth. 停止做某事(doing 作宾语)句 型 聚 焦第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦拓展 (1)stop doing sth. 停止做某事(doing 作宾语) Though he is tired, he doesnt stop working. 尽管他很累,他也没有停止工作。 If you dont stop smoking, you have to leave here. 如果你不停止吸烟,就必须离开这里。 (2)stop sb. from doing sth. 阻

15、止/制止某人做某事 They stopped me from going out of the door. 他们不让我出门。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦He stopped his son from doing it. 他阻止他的儿子做这件事。 Theres nothing to stop you from accepting the offer. 你尽可以接受那个提议。 He is stopped/kept/prevented by law from holding a licence. 法律不准他持有执照。第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦. 单项填空 ( )1.If

16、 it is dark, _the lights, please.A. pick up B. look atC. turn on D. play with ( )2.I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please_?A. turn it up B. turn it downC. turn it on D. turn it offA C 活 学 活 用第20课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦( )3.Whats your plan for this weekend?Im going to _it with my grandparents.A. cost B. spend C. give D. pay ( )4.You should


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