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1、考试时间考试时间 2 小时,共七大题。满分小时,共七大题。满分 100 分。分。I. Spell the full name of the initials . (10 points, 2 points for each)缩率语写全称,)缩率语写全称,考试时此题满分十分,共五小题考试时此题满分十分,共五小题Corp. corporation,ft. foot /feet D/A Document against Acceptance(承诺交单)(承诺交单) D/D Demand Draft (即期汇票即期汇票) CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight(运费保险费在内价)(

2、运费保险费在内价) S/C Sale Contract ( Sales Confirmation) S.S. Steam Ship,Company kg. kilo gram Qty. quantity M.V. Motor Vessel FOB Free on Board T/T Telegraphic Transfer USD United States Dollar(s) ETA Estimated Time of Arrival B/L Bill of Lading Co. EXW Ex WorksII、Translate the terms into English. (10 poi

3、nts, 2 points for each)将中文术语)将中文术语写出对应英文表达。此题满分写出对应英文表达。此题满分 10 分,共五小题。分,共五小题。独家代理sole agency, 装船通知shipping advice, 合资企业Joint Venture , 销售 价格selling price, 运费已付freight paid, 发票金额invoice value , 实盘firm offer, 即期汇票sight draft / bill of exchange at sight, 试订货trial order(s), 通知行Advising Bank (advising b

4、ank), 租赁leasing , 总经理General Manager, 海运提单Ocean B/L, 易货贸易 Barter Trade, 低成本low cost, 程租船a voyage charter, 运费已付freight prepaid( paid) , 装船单据shipping documents, 补偿贸易 Compensation Trade, 商业发票Commercial Invoice, 即期信用证Sight L/CL(Letter of Credit at sight), 装货港Loading Port 发票金额invoice valueIII、Choose the

5、most likely answer to for each of the following question (10 points, 2 points for each)单选每题一分)单选每题一分1. Our quotation is _ to the goods being unsold. A. subject B. subjecting C. subjected D. subjects 2. We can only make you this offer subject to prior _. A .sale B. sells C. selling D. sell 3. The dis

6、putes may _ from ambiguous contract clauses. A. rise B. arise C. raise D. rose 4. Breakage is a special risk, for which an extra premium will have to be _. A. insured B. coveredC. chargedD. arranged 5. Claims are _ only for that part of the loss, that is over 4%. A. chargeableB. raisedC. lodgedD. pa

7、yable 6. Our _ of sales are as shown.A. terms and conditions B. termination and conditioning C. term and condition D. terminations and conditionings 7. We confirm _ your S/C dated Feb. 23, 2004. A.have received B. having received C. had receiving D. having receiving 8. A letter of credit would _ the

8、 cost of our imports.A. reduce B. raise C. grow D. drop 9. As there is a lack for stock of the TV sets you ordered, we cannot supply the goods as scheduled. Would you please _ the L/C to the end of next month?A. expand B. extent C. extend D. expire 10. Open _, a widely used practice to make payment

9、in U.S.A., is used less often internationally, because it is unpopular among the exporters in foreign countries.A. insurance B. L/C C. D/A D. account 11. Your name and address _ to us by the Commonwealth Bank. A.have been given B. have given C. give D. given 12. As the goods _ within the scope of ou

10、r business activities, please contact us immediately. A. fall B. falls C. fell D. falling 13. We are happy to receive your letter _ a catalogue of our products. A. asking B. enquiring C. requesting D. request 14. From the enclosed price list you will see that we have a large _ of ladies gloves. A as

11、sort B varieties C assortment D collections 15. _the friendly business relations between us, we are prepared to offer you bath towels at prices that are 5% _ the prevailing prices. A. Thinkingbeyond B. Thinking of of C. Considering above D. Considering below16. In this case, the buyer _ cancel the c

12、ontract. A. has the right to B. could C. may have to D. reserve the right 17. We are in need of the _ items urgently. A. follow B. following C. follows D. followed 18. _ experience in marketing textiles, we are familiar with customers needs and are confident we could develop a good market for you in

13、 Brasilia. A. HadB. Having had C. Have had D. Has had 19. The m/v “Star” is _ to call New York between 15 to 25 March. A. scheduled B. planning C. owing D. doomed20. We are making you the above offer, subject _ your acceptance _ us before August 9.A. to arrive B. with reaching C. to reaching D. to.

14、reach1. The first shipment proves _, we shall place a repeat order. A. to be satisfactory B. satisfaction C. satisfied D. satisfy 2. The additional charge will be _ your account. A. with B. of C. for D. in 3. Although _ not particularly high, good prices are obtained. A. sales is B. sale areC. sale isD. sales are 4. The Joint venture company will be the dedicated wholesaler of Chinese textiles in the Australian _. A. marketing B. marketedC. marketD. market for 5. _ you have entered your new office building, you probably would like to refurnish



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