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1、什么是无动词分句无动词分句(VERSLESS CLAUSE)是一种省略了主语和谓语动词的分句结构。 这种结构通常出现在句首,也可出现在其他位置。它的被省略的主语通常也就 是主句的主语;被省略的动词通常是连系动词 be,因此无动词分句就其深层结 构来说大多属于 SVC 句型。例如:Close to the urban areas,this farm mainly does market gardening由于靠近市区,这个农场主要生产商品蔬菜。A science reporter,Jim has a wide range of knowledge吉姆是一位 科学新闻记者,所以知识面广。在这里,C

2、lose to the urban areas=As it is close to the urban areas;A sciencereporter=As he is a science reporter,都是一种省略结 构。一、无动词分句的类型无动词分句,就其结构形式来说,分为以下三类:1不带从属连词的无动词分句这类无动词分句通常只由形容词词组或名词词组构成。例如:Speechless,Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat亨利一言不发, 点点头,坐在折椅上。Anxious for a quick decision,the chairman calle

3、d for a vote主 席急于迅速作出决定,便提交表决。Ture or not,the report provided new ammunition for his enemies不管是真是假,这个报告都为他的敌人们提供了新的炮弹。An excellent speaker,he was never at a loss for a word作为一位 卓越的演讲家,他从来不会无话可说。2带从属连词的无动词分句能引导无动词分句的从属连词有:when(ever), while,wherever,whetheror,although,though,as if,even if,once,unless,

4、until,however,no matter what 等。例如:When still a boy of six,Bob was sent away from home当鲍还是个 六龄儿童的时候,就被打发出门。ALthough a physicist by training,he became a great statesman他 虽是物理学家出身,却成为伟大的政治家。Whether right or wrong,he always comes off worst in an argument不管有理无理,他在辩论中总是受挫。You should not drink very cold wa

5、ter while hot from work因劳动 而浑身发热的时候你不应该喝凉水。这类无动词分句还可以是“从属连词+介词词组”,或者“从属连词+副词 词组”。例如:When in Rome,do as the Romans do入乡随俗。He spoke ungraciously if not rudely他讲话的口气尽管不算粗鲁却也 没有礼貌。Judges however wise or eminent,are human and can make mistakes法官们尽管聪明睿智,毕竟是人,还是可能出错的。3带有自身主语的无动词分句以上两类无动词分句均以主句主语作为自己的逻辑主语,从

6、而不须表示出 来。带主语的无动词分句便成为一种所谓的“独立结构”。例如:Two hundred people died in the accident,many of them children两百人在事故中丧生,其中大多数是儿童。Miriam looked at Harry,his eyes full of doubt and discomfort米 里安看着哈利,带着怀疑和不快的目光。He looked up,annoyance on his face他抬起头来,面有愠色。Breakfast over he went to his counting house早餐后,他走进会计 室。带主语

7、的无动词分句有时并不与主句的主语发生关系,而是与宾语发生关 系。例如:She talked about her friends,all of them television stars她谈 论她的朋友们,尽是些电视明星。I dont wish to describe his assertions,some of them offensive我不愿细谈他的主张,有些主张令人反感。二、无动词分句的句法功能无动词分句在句中主要作状语和名词修饰语,相当于状语分句和关系分句。1无动词分句作状语无动词分句的主要功能是起各种状语分句的作用,比如表示原因:A man of integrity,he would

8、 keep his word,I am certain他是一 位正直的人,我肯定他会信守诺言。The men stared at the floor,too nervous to reply他们太紧张了, 呆呆地看着地板,无言以对。表示条件:Once conscious of an infringement of his rights,he always protested to themanager一旦感到他的权利受到侵犯,他总是要向经理提出 抗议。It has little taste unless hot除非烧热,这东西几乎没有什么味道。表示让步:Though alone,he was

9、not lost尽管孤独,他并无失落感。His salary was good,if not up to his expectations他的薪水不低, 尽管没有达到他期望的水平。表示时间:You must eat it when freshRipe(=When ripe),these apples are sweet当这些苹果成熟时,味 甜。表示地点:Wherever possible,all moving parts should be tested所有可以移 动的部件都应尽可能加以检验。The cardboard is light-proof where thick这种纸板在较厚的部位上

10、 是不透光的。表示行为方式或伴随状况:There he stood,a tray in each hand他站在那里,一手端着一个盘子。Stone-faced,the captain ordered to reduce speed船长脸色严峻, 下令减速。2无动词分句作名词修饰语无动词分句作名词修饰语是对所修饰的名词词组作一些补充说明。在作这 种用法时,无动词分句相当于一个非限制性关系分句。例如:The castle,now empty,was allowed to fall into ruin那城堡,如 今四壁萧然,早已被人遗弃,任其坍圮。His hands,numb from the cold,could not find the key他的手冻僵 了,摸不到钥匙。在上述第一例中,now emptywhich is now empty;第二例中,numbfrom the cold=which were numb from the cold可是,这类结构到底是无动词分 句还是形容词词组似乎并无绝对界限,然而在用作状语的情况下,无动词分句 和形容词词组或名词词组是截然有别的。



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