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1、XXXX 教育学科教师辅导讲义教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号_ 学员编号:学员编号: 年年 级:初二级:初二 课时数:课时数: 学员姓名:学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语辅导科目:英语 学科教师:学科教师: 学科组长学科组长/带头人签名及日期带头人签名及日期学员家长签名及日期学员家长签名及日期课课 题题音标学习(双元音、破擦音)音标学习(双元音、破擦音) 、U3 课文及单词预习课文及单词预习授课时间:授课时间:备课时间:备课时间:教学目标教学目标1. 掌握双元音和破擦音的发音方法及发音规则 2. 单词和课文预习重点、难点重点、难点1.双元音和破擦音的发音规则 2. 单词及课文内容的掌握考点及考试要求考

2、点及考试要求1. 音标是开口说英语的基础,也是帮助记忆词汇的有力武器; 2. 预习有助于把握知识重点和难点 教学内容教学内容Step Homework-checking1. 检查小健的课文背诵 Ben: Hi, Liu Mei. Can I ask you _ questions about our school newspaper? Liu Mei: Sure._? Ben: Youre right. _! OK. First, do you read our school newspaper? Liu Mei: Yes, _. Im a big fan. I read it every w

3、eek and I read everything in it._! Ben: What do you enjoy most in the newspaper? Liu Mei: I like the “Get to Know Your School” section very much. The articles are about people and places around us._. Ben: _? Liu Mei: They are fun. My friends and I play them together. Ben: Where do you get a copy of

4、the newspaper? Liu Mei: Well, I usually _ from outside the library, but sometimes I borrow one from a friend. Ben: Is there anything that you dont like about the newspaper? Liu Mei: Well, _ Ben: Thanks for your opinions._.2. 读读下面的句子。Nothing comes from nothing! 无风不起浪!Whats lost is lost. 失者不可复得。 He wh

5、o laughs last laughs best. 笑在最后的才是笑得最甜的。All men are born mortal. 人生自古谁无死。 Take a good look at the book. 好好看看这本书 True blue will never stain. 真金不怕火炼。 She sells sea-shells onthe sea-shore, The shells she sells are sea-shells, Im sure. If she sells sea-shell onthe sea-shore, Then Im sure she sellssea-sh

6、ore shells.Step 辅音中的摩擦音 、 h 、 r 1. 辅音是摩擦音中与相对应的浊辅音,发音时声带振动,舌身两侧贴近上齿两侧,气流自口腔而 出。注意的发音规则: pleasure, leisure, measure, usual, exposuredecision, confusion, division, vision, exposuregarbage, prestige, garage 绕口令:1) at pleasure 随意2) measure for measure 以牙还牙,以眼还眼3) The pleasure is mine.高兴得很,荣幸得很。4)What do

7、 you usually do at your leisure time?你平时有空喜欢做些什么?2. 辅音h是摩擦音中的一个清辅音,发音时声带不振动,气流经声门摩擦自口腔而出。注意h的发音规则:high, heal, head, hand, behind, perhaps, behavewho, whose, whole, whom, whoever, wholly绕口令:1) hand in hand 手牵手2) hunt the wrong hare 错怪别人3) hat in hand 毕恭毕敬4)Hall always carried his head high!霍尔总是趾高气昂。3

8、辅音r是摩擦音中的一个浊辅音,发音时声带振动,舌头卷起,气流经舌端和上齿龈后背之间形成摩擦, 由口腔而出。注意r的发音规则:right, rose, road, rose, rain, already, merry, carry, borrow, tomorrow, sorry, arrivewrite, wrong, wreck, wretch, wrinkle, writhe 绕口令:1) natural resources 自然资源2) Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!3) Im sorry I wrote the wrong number.很抱歉我把号码写错了。Step 双元

9、音ei ai i u au i e u英语中的双元音是由两个音合二为一而产生的。由第一个音向第二个音滑动,滑动过程中没有任何停顿, 第一个音长而响亮,并自然而连贯地向第二个音滑动,第二个音短而含糊。1.ei baby lazy table face capable lake raise afraid wait mail claim snail day play say may delay stay eight neighbor veil grey they survey 绕口令:1)day after day 日复一日2)face to face 面对面,对立3) Haste makes wa

10、ste. 欲速则不达2. ai bike nice find excite writelight night bright right fight by why style reply apply 绕口令:1) find some signs 找到一些蛛丝马迹2) by my side 在我身边3) Let bygones be bygones. 过去的就让它过去吧3. i oil soil join coin voice boy annoy joy enjoy royalty 绕口令:1)a spoiled boy 一个被宠坏的男孩2)boil the oil 把油煮沸3)Her voice

11、 is full of joy. 她的声音充满了欢乐4. u home nose ago go smokeroad coat throat load snow know low follow show 绕口令:1)go home 回家2) All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马3)To know everything is to know nothing.样样精通,样样稀松。5. au thousand house arouse around shout now tower town crowd down 绕口令:1) shout over the crowd 在人群中

12、大声叫喊2) the power of vows 誓言的力量3) Thousands of houses are facing south in this town.这个镇上由几千栋房子是朝南的。6. i ideal real deal theatrenear hear clear appear fear engineer deer pioneer cheerful career merely here sincere 绕口令:1) year after year 年复一年2) a cheerful dear 一只欢快的鹿3) an ideal theatre 一个理想的剧院7.e air h

13、air chair fair stairprepare dare stare care tear, bear绕口令:1) get prepared 做好准备2) wear long hair 留着长发3) How dare you stare at a bear in the forest? 在森林里你敢盯着熊看吗?8. u poor moortour tourist assure sure secure cure 绕口令:1) a tour in the moor 一次去荒野的旅行2) curious tourists 好奇的旅客3) I want to make sure it is a secure tour.我想确定这是一次安



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