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1、Unit 1 School life词汇详解1.at ease 安逸;自由自在【典型例句】His mind was never at ease from the first day he got married.从结婚的第一天起,他心里就没有平静过。After the doctors visit, the patient felt at ease.经医生出诊看过后,病人感觉好多了。【相关链接】(1)with ease=easily 熟练地;轻而易举地She won the 400m race with ease.她轻松赢得了 400 米比赛。(2)ill at ease 不安;心神不宁This

2、 made me ill at ease.这使我局促不安。(3)ease up/off 减轻;放松;放慢速度We waited until the traffic had eased off.我们一直等到交通缓解。As he got older, he started to ease up a little.随着年龄的增长,他放慢了工作节奏。(4)ease sb. out (尤指故意为难)迫使某人离开(工作岗位等)2. attend v. 出席;参加; 护理;照料【典型例句】He was badly wounded. Three nurses attended on him.他严重受伤,三个护

3、士护理他。Did you attend the meeting yesterday?你昨天参加会议了吗?【相关链接】(1)attend 的常见搭配:attend to 处理;对付;照料;关怀I have some urgent business to attend to.我有一些急事要处理。A nurse attended to his needs constantly.有一位护士经常照料他的需要。attend school 上学attend classes 上课attend a lecture 听讲座attend church 去教堂attend (at)a wedding 出席婚礼(2)a

4、ttend, join, take part in 和 join in 辨析join 指加入某一组织或团体,成为其中一员。take part in 通常指参加某项活动,与 join in 意义相同,可以互换。join in 还可以构成 join sb. in sth./doing sth.,表示“与某人一起做某事“或“加入正在做的事“。attend 通常用于参加会议、听课、听报告等。3. next to 靠近;仅次于;几乎是【典型例句】Peter sat next to Paul on the sofa.彼得挨着保罗坐在沙发上。My horse came next to last (last

5、but one) in the race.我的马在比赛中得了倒数第二名。【相关链接】next to nothing/none 差不多没有;很少next but one 再下一个;相邻第二个4. earn vt. 赢得;获得【典型例句】His achievements earned him respect and admiration.他的成就赢得人们的尊敬和仰慕。How much do you earn a week?你一周赚多少钱?【相关链接】(1)earning n .收入;所挣的钱(2)常见搭配:earned income 劳动收入earn ones living =make a liv

6、ing 谋生earn money=make money5. respect n.敬重【典型例句】The students have/show great respect for their history teacher.学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。Give my respects to your parents.请代我向你的父母问好。Ill respect your wishes.我尊重你的愿望。【相关链接】show/have respect for sb.尊敬某人respect oneself 自尊respect ones elders 尊敬长辈respect ones wishes/r

7、ights 尊重愿望/权利in every respect 在各个方面6. achieve vt. 达到(某目标、地位、标准);得到;完成;实现【典型例句】He finally achieved success.他终于获得了成功。I havent achieved very much today.我今天没做成多少事。By hard working we can achieve anything.只要我们努力任何事情都会成功。Women havent yet achieved full equality in the workplace.在工作领域,妇女还没有取得完全平等的地位。China ha

8、s achieved the highest rate of economic growth in the world this year.今年中国实现世界最高的经济增长率。He achieved nothing.他一事无成。We want all our students to achieve within their chosen profession.我们希望所有的学生在各自选择的专业领域内都能有所成就。【相关链接】achieve success 取得成功achieve victory 取得胜利achieve ones goal 实现目标achieve ones purpose 达到目的

9、achievement n. /完成;达到;/成就;成功7. average adj. 普通的;平均的n. 平均数【典型例句】It was an average piece of work.那是一件普通的产品。The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.这个班级中男生的平均年龄为十五岁。An average of two students are absent each day.每天平均有两个学生缺席。【相关链接】above the average 在一般水平以上;中上;在平均数以上on (the/an) average 平均;按平

10、均数计算;一般地说8. challenging adj. 具有挑战性的【典型例句】It is a really challenging job.这真是一个具有挑战性的工作。How challenging it is to take up such a task.承担了那样一个任务真是具有挑战性。【相关链接】challenge n. 挑战;指责;艰巨的事vt. 没有.的free from 无.的;免于.的10.extra adj .额外的;分外的;外加的;附加的n. 额外的事物;另外收费的事物;(电影里的)临时演员;群众演员adv. 额外;另外;外加;格外【典型例句】They may play

11、to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,这样他们可以多挣一些钱。He does extra work and gets extra pay.他多做一份工作,多一份收入。Music is an optional extra at our school.我校音乐课为选修课,要另外收费。The rate for a room is 30,but breakfast is extra.一个房间收费 30 英镑,但早餐另付。You need to be extra careful not to make any mistakes.你要格外小心,别犯错误。



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