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1、春草斋诗集校注春草斋诗集校注学校代码 10530 学 号 201008070869 分 类 号 I207.22 密 级硕 士 学 位 论 文 春 草 斋 诗 集校 注学 位 申 请 人 贺静恩指 导 教 师吕 斌 学 院 名 称 文学与新闻学院 学 科 专 业 中国古典文献学研 究 方 向 中国古代文学文献学二?一三年五月十六日The Collation And Annotation of Spring Grass Collected PoemsCandidate He JingenSupervisor Lv BinCollege Literature and Journalism Colle

2、ge ProgramChinese Classical Bibligraphy Specialization Study Of Chinese Ancient Literature Document Degree Master of ArtsUniversity Xiangtan University thDate May 16 , 2013 湘 潭大学 学 位论文原 创性声 明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以

3、明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名:日期:年 月 日 学 位论文版 权使用 授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权湘潭大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 涉密论文按学校规定处理。作者签名: 日期:年 月 日导师签名: 日期:年 月 日摘要 乌斯道是元末明初诗人,师承赵偕和噩梦堂。一生仕途平淡,官至县令,又于明初贬谪于凤阳。其身世寥落,又因其传世诗集仅此春草斋集,其诗歌约

4、有 305 首。故后世对乌斯道及其诗集的研究者寥寥无几。近年来随着对元明清诗集的研究者增多,有关其诗集的研究作品也有所增多,但仅仅是以特殊例子出现在其他作品中,从整体上对其诗集的研究仍有很多空缺,尤其是对其诗集的整理和校注方面。故笔者不揣浅陋,于前人基础上,对乌斯道及其诗歌进一步探讨,希望能为其他研究者提供研究资料。 本文从两个方面对乌斯道及其诗歌进行考述:上篇第一部分为乌斯道生平家世考。因为乌斯道生平和家世资料甚少,故本章节从其诗文本身入手,结合其他相关资料,对其诗文中提到的生平家世进行考述,进而大致整理其生平和家世考。第二部分为交游考,从乌斯道诗文集中搜集整理其交友资料,进一步对其交友情况

5、整体梳理。第三部分为师承关系,乌斯道一生最重要的两位恩师是赵偕和噩梦堂,故对其恩师进行考述,进一步探讨其恩师对乌斯道的诗文创作的影响。第四部分是书画成就,乌斯道是一位著名画家,成就在“倪黄”之间,其善于用画家的眼光作诗,考究其书画成就进一步研究其书画对诗文的影响。第五部分是以文学创作背景为切入点,进一步分析其诗歌的题材内容和艺术风格。下篇为乌斯道诗歌校注部分,此部分以四库全书本为底本,以四明丛书本为校本,对乌斯道诗歌进行校勘和注释。 关键词:乌斯道;诗集;校注 IAbstract Wu Sidao, a disciple of both Zhao Xie and E Mengtang, is

6、a litterateur of the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. He reached his political peak as the Head of County, but was banished to Feng Yang county by the court in early Ming dynasty. He was seldom researched by the later generations because of his obscure life and the only poems collection left to t

7、he world- Spring Grass Collection, which embodied about 305 poems. Recently, because of the great interest of poems researching of Yuan, Ming, Qing, the research paperworks about his poems increased. However, his works only appeared as special examples in other poetss works. There are still much roo

8、m for us to research, especially on the arrangement, revisement and explanationSo the author, humble and shallow, further discusses Wu and his poems in order to provide others with some researching materials The thesis consists of two parts about Wu and his poems. The first part is subdivided into f

9、ive sections: section one involves Wulifetime and family. The author starts from his poetry itself, combines with other related information, and investigates his poems mentioning his personal information to genetalize a whole picture of his life and family; section two is about his idea of making fr

10、iends, which is summarized according to his poems; section three is the relations between his teachers and him. There are two most important teachers in his life, Zhao Xie and E Mengtang, so this section relates his teachers and goes further to discuss their influences on his works; section four is

11、arranged to discuss his achievements on calligraphy and Chinese painting. Wu is a noted painter, who has the same reputation as Ni Zan and Huang Gongwang. He is good at composing poems with a painters eyes, therefore, the writer explores the influence of his calligraphy and painting on his poems by

12、studying his achievements on alligraphy and painting; part five is about Spring Grass poems contents and features, which are based on the social background during that period. The second part refers to the collation and annotation of Spring Grass poems. This part, based on Complete Library in the Fo

13、ur Branches of Literature, collates and annotates Spring Grass poems with Si Ming Cong Shu Key Words: Wu Sidao; Collected Poems; Collation and Annotation II目录上 篇 : 春 草 斋 诗 集 研 究绪论 ? ? ? ? 1 一、 研究综述 ? ? ? ? 1 二、 研究价值 ? ? ? ? 2 第 1 章 家世生平考略 ? ? ? 3 1.1 乌斯道家世考 ? ? ? ? 3 1.2 乌斯道生平考 ? ? ? ? 5 1.3 乌斯道琴曲书画成就 ? ? ? ? 8 1.4 乌斯道师承与交游 ? ? ? ? 9 1.4.1 师承 ? ? ? ? 9 1.4.2 交游 ? ? ?


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