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1、华中科技大学硕士学位论文基于传播模型的P2P-VoIP监听系统研究姓名:黄志君申请学位级别:硕士专业:通信与信息系统指导教师:黄本雄20080529华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I摘 要 随着 P2P 技术的飞速发展,P2P 技术在通信领域的应用越来越受到行业的关注,P2P-VoIP 系统就是一种典型应用。P2P-VoIP 系统在降低部署成本、突破服务瓶颈等方面具有巨大的优势,但由于 P2P-VoIP 网络的开放性、呼叫信令的扩展性及数据传输的分布性,给网络信息安全监控、监听带来了巨大挑战。 论文详细分析了 P2P-VoIP 网

2、络监听的难点及该问题的研究现状,深入研究和理解了基于传播模型应用的特点,并结合 P2P 技术的优势,给出了一种基于传播模型的监听系统。 根据传播模型应用的特点,论文设计了基于传播模型的 P2P-VoIP 监听系统的系统结构,并详细说明了结构中各个组成域的职能;并定义了监听系统的模块结构和设计了模块间的接口。为了保障监听系统的可扩展性和鲁棒性,系统拓扑结构引入了 P2P 技术,并对不同拓扑组织算法进行了对比研究。 监听系统的管理方法中设计了一套通信协议栈,用于监听代理管理以及监听代理之间的通信,并配合该协议栈设计了一组基本的监听指令集,并为一些特殊的管理需要设计了特殊的管理控制方法。针对监听系统

3、的系统结构,给出了具体的监听系统的部署流程,并描述了监听系统的应用方法,然后根据用户主机上监听代理的部署情况,设计了相应的监听方法。 对监听系统的部署,论文设计了仿真的软件结构和相应的算法。选取不同的传播算法,以及设定不同的网络规模和不同的传播条件,得出了大量的仿真结果。在对仿真结果的分析的基础上,找出了影响部署时间成本的因素,包括传播开启数、有效探测率等。 通过对监听系统部署时间成本的研究分析,得出混合算法在节约时间成本的同时会造成监听系统部署效率的下降。而对被动传播算法进一步研究,结果反映出在不同网络规模和不同传播条件被动传播算法所造成的代理移植次数稳定在 6 附近。这表明当探测到网络中一

4、定数量的节点的代理移植数超过 6 时,可以推测网络中监听代理数已接近饱和。依据此结论,设计了一种改进的混合传播算法,改善了系统的部署效率。 关键词:P2P-VoIP; 分布式监听; 传播模型; 分布式散列算法; 混合传播算法 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IIAbstract With the rapid development of P2P technology, P2P technology is increasingly concerned about applications in the field of commun

5、ication. P2P-VoIP system is a typical application. P2P-VoIP system has lower deployment costs and breaks through the bottleneck of the C/S mode. But because of the openness of P2P-VoIP network, the expansion of call signaling and the distribution of data transmission, there is a great challenge on t

6、he security of network information. The difficulty of the P2P-VoIP network interception is first analyzed, as well as the status of current researches on the issue, and then characteristics of the application based on the propagation model is in-depth studied. Combined with the advantages of P2P tec

7、hnology, a intercepting system based on the model is presented. The framework of the P2P-VoIP interception system is designed, according to the characteristics of the application based on the propagation model. And various components of the framework are described in detail on their functions. Furth

8、er more, the module structures and interfaces between the modules are defined. In order to strengthen the scalability and robustness of the interception system, interception agents are organized in a P2P network. The different forms of organization are introduced. In order to manage the system simpl

9、y, a lightweight protocol stack is designed for management of interception agents and communication between agents. In line with the protocol a set of basic instrucion of interception is defined, and some special management methods are made out. A specific deployment process of the interception syst

10、em is given in accord with the system framework. Then the application of the interception system is described. According to the agent deployment on the intercepted user host, there are different interception methods. Before the interception system starts to work, the interception agents must be depl

11、oyed. Therefore, a simulation on the deployment of the system is designed, include designing the architecture and corresponding algorithms. Choosing different propagation algorithms, and setting different nerwork sizes and propagation conditions, make a large number of simulation results. After anal

12、yzing the simulation results, some factors which impact the time-cost of the deployment are found out, like PSN (Propagation Start Number) and EDR (Effective Detection Rate). In the research on the time-cost of the system deployment, some shortcomings of the hybrid propagation algorithm are discover

13、ed. One of them is that the hybrid algorithm would reduce the efficiency of the deployment though it would save time-cost. After the further study on the passive propagation algorithm, we find that the passive algorithm 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IIIwould cover each node 6 times

14、 statistically in despite of network sizes and propagation conditions. It means when detecting a certain number of nodes which have been more than 6 times covered, the deployment of the system will finish. Based on the conclusion, an improved hybrid propagation algorithm is designed to improve the e

15、fficiency of the deployment. Key words: P2P-VoIP; Distributed Interception; Propagation Model; DHT Algorithm; Hybrid Propagation Algorithm 独创性声明独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到,本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日

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