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1、上海交通大学硕士学位论文慢性阻塞性肺疾病并发持续喘息的临床研究姓名:祁卉卉申请学位级别:硕士专业:内科学(呼吸病学)指导教师:金先桥200804292008 届上海交通大学硕士论文 1慢性阻塞性肺疾病并发持续喘息的临床研究 摘 要 目的:探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者并发持续喘息与痰真菌培养阳性之间的相关性; 探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者痰真菌培养阳性的危险因素。 方法:收集 2005 年 1 月 1 日至 2007 年 12 月 31 日期间于上海市第一人民医院、中山医院、华东医院呼吸科就诊住院的符合入选标准的病例组和对照组患者的病史资料进行回顾性分析。 结果:共收集到符合入选标准的病例组 35 例,

2、对照组 43 例。两组患者的痰病原学检测结果不同,病例组 35 例中 32 例(91.4%)痰真菌培养阳性,而对照组 43 例中 11 例(25.6%)痰真菌培养阳性,两组比较差异显著(P=0.000) ;相关分析提示痰真菌培养阳性和持续喘息间存在相关性(r=0.658,P=0.000),痰真菌培养阳性是持续喘息的危险因素(OR=31.030,95%CI: 7.905121.799) 。在真菌的菌种构成方面,病例组32 例中曲霉菌 12 例,对照组 11 例中未检出曲霉菌,曲霉菌在两组中分布差异有统计学意义(P0.05) 。病例组中抗真菌治疗在症状缓解方面较未抗真菌治疗者差异有统计学意义(P0

3、.05) 。以痰真菌培养结果分组,痰真菌培养阳性组与阴性组在性别、年龄、糖尿病史、吸烟史、雾化吸入史、累计口服糖皮质激素及是否有糖皮质激素吸入史方面差异无2008 届上海交通大学硕士论文 2统计学意义(P0.05) ,在抗生素应用种类、抗生素使用时间、累计静脉使用糖皮质激素剂量和糖皮质激素使用时间等方面差异显著(P0.01) 。多因素分析提示抗生素和糖皮质激素使用时间长及静脉大量使用糖皮质激素是痰真菌培养阳性的危险因素(P0.05) 。 结论:慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者并发持续喘息与真菌在气道内持续存在相关。长期大量糖皮质激素的使用及长期广谱、超广谱抗生素的联合使用或更换过于频繁是下呼吸道真菌持续存

4、在的危险因素。 关键词: 慢性阻塞性肺疾病,持续喘息,真菌,危险因素 2008 届上海交通大学硕士论文 3CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF PERSISTENT WHEEZING IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the morbidity, clinical manifestation and the etiology of the persistent wheezing in patients with chronic obstructive p

5、ulmonary disease and the risk factors of the positive result in the fungi culture of the sputum. Methods: The case data met the recruit criteria was collected from patients diagnosed and hospitalized in the respiratory departments of the Shanghai First Peoples Hospital, Zhongshan Hospital and Huadon

6、g Hospital from Jan 2005 to Dec 2007. A retrospective study was taken to analyze the case-control study. Results: During the period, 35 cases were collected in the case group and 43 cases in the control group; 32 (91.4%) cases with persistent wheezing 2008 届上海交通大学硕士论文 4more than 4 weeks in the case

7、group had positive sputum culture of fungi, while in the control group there were 11 (25.6%) cases had the positive result; The difference of the results of sputum culture of fungi between 2 groups was significant (P=0.000),and the persistent wheezing significantly correlated with the positive sputu

8、m culture of fungi (r=0.658,P=0.000, OR=31.030, 95%CI: 7.905121.799). The composition of fungi was significantly different in 2 groups (P3)-beta-D-glucan in early diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Med Microbiol. 2003 Nov;52(Pt 11

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