七年级英语下册 unit 8 could you please clean your room 单元复习课课件 鲁教版

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1、Unit 8 Could you please clean your room? 单元复习课. 词汇拓展1. dish (n. ) _(pl. )盘;碟2. meet (v. ) _(n. )会议;集会3. invitation (n. ) _(v. )邀请4. play (v. ) _(n. )唱机5. my (pron. ) _(pron. )我的(所有物)答案:1. dishes 2. meeting 3. invite 4. player 5. mine. 短语互译1. 洗餐具 do the _ 2. 取出 _ out3. 整理床铺 _ ones (the) bed4. 从事;忙于 w

2、ork _ 答案:1. dishes 2. take 3. make 4. on5. do chores _6. do the laundry _7. take care of _8. borrow. . . from. . . _ 答案:5. 处理琐事;干家务 6. 洗衣服7. 照看;照顾 8. 从借. 句型攻关1. 请你把教室打扫一下好吗?_ _ _ clean the classroom? 好的,当然可以。Yes, _. 答案:Could you please;sure2. 请你和我一起去购物好吗?Could you please _ _ with me? 对不起,我不能。我得做作业。_

3、, I _. I have to do my homework. 答案:go shopping;Sorry;cant3. 我能用一下你的钢笔吗? _ _ _ your pen? 不,你不能。 我正在写信。_, you _ . Im writing a letter. 4. 谢谢你照看我的孩子。Thanks for _ _ _ my baby. 答案:3. Could I use;No;cant 4. taking care of核心考点:两词词两语语一句型两个词汇词汇 :borrow, mine两个短语语:invite sb. to do sth. , work on一个句型:交际际用语语1.

4、 (2012福州中考)Here is a schoolbag. Whose is it? Oh, its _. Thank you. A. my B. mine C. me【解析】选B。考查代词的用法。my为形容词性物主代词, 意为“我的”;mine为名词性物主代词, 意为“我的”;me为人称代词的宾格, 意为“我”。名词性物主代词相当于形容词性物主代词+名词,此处意为:它是我的书包,因此需要用mine代替my schoolbag。故选B。2. (2013菏泽中考)Could I use your bike for today, Sam? _. Im not using it. A. Sure

5、, go ahead B. I have no idea C. No, you cant D. Never mind 【解析】选A。考查交际用语。句意:萨姆,今天我可以用你的自行车吗?好的,你用吧,我现在不用。故选A。3. (2013益阳中考)Could you look after my dog for me while were away? _. A. Yes, please B. No, Im not C. With pleasure【解析】选C。考查交际用语。问句句意为“我们不在的时候你能替我照顾一下我的狗吗?”,常用答语应该是With pleasure. 意为“十分乐意”。4. (2

6、011青岛中考)Could you please pass me the book? _. A. Yes, I couldB. No, I couldntC. Sure. Here you areD. No, thats no problem【解析】选C。考查交际用语。问句句意为“请你把书递给我,好吗?”,常用答语为:Yes, sure. /Sure. /Of course. /No problem. Here you are. 意为“当然可以。给你”。5. (2013郴州中考)She likes reading. She usually _ some books from the libra

7、ry. A. buys B. lends C. borrows【解析】选C。句意:她喜欢阅读。她经常从图书馆借书。lend. . . to. . . 把借给;borrow. . . from. . . 从借,固定短语。故选C。6. (2011河南中考)Why are you so excited? Peter invited me _ on a trip to Yuntai Mountain. A. to go B. go C. going D. went【解析】选A。考查句式搭配。 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事。7. (2013邵阳中考)Could I borrow your computer, Bob? Sorry, I am _ it. A. taking out B. turning on C. working on【解析】选C。答句句意:对不起,我正用着。take out取出, 拿出;turn on打开(电源、开关等);work on从事, 忙于。故选C。



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