牛津英汉双解大辞典 z(a至z)

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1、牛津英汉双解大辞典 Z(A 至 Z).txt 老公如果你只能在活一天,我愿用我的生命来延续你的 生命,你要快乐的生活在提出分手的时候请不要说还爱我。牛津英汉双解大辞典 Z, z/ zed; ? zi:; zi/ n (pl Zs, zs / zedz; ? zi:z; ziz/)1 the twenty-sixth and last letter of the English alphabet; zed 英语字母表的第二十六个也是最後一个字母. 2 (idm 习语) from A to Z = A, a1.zany / 5zeInI; zenI/ adj (-ier, -iest) (infm

2、l 口) amusingly ridiculous; eccentric 滑 稽可笑的; 古怪的: a zany haircut, lifestyle, personality 滑稽古怪的发型、 生活方 式、 性格.zanily adv. zaniness n. zany n comical or eccentric person 滑稽的或古怪的人.zap / zAp; zAp/ v (-pp-) (infml 口) 1 Tn, Tn.pr sb (with sth) (a) kill sb, esp with a gun 杀死某人(尤指用枪). (b) make sb unconscious

3、 with a hit, blow, etc; attack sb 将某人打昏; 攻击某人. 2 Ipr, Ip move suddenly or quickly in the specified direction (沿某方向)突然或迅速移动: Have you seen him zapping around town on his new motor bike? 你看见没看见他骑著自己的新摩托车在市区飞驰?zap n U (infml 口) feeling of energy, liveliness, etc; vigour 精力; 活力; 元气: I really admire her

4、shes so full of zap! 我真佩服她-精力那麽充沛! Cf 参看 zip2.zappy adj (infml 口) lively and energetic; amusing 活泼的; 精力旺盛的; 好笑的.zeal / zi:l; zil/ n U (fml 文) (for sth) (usu intense) energy or enthusiasm; keenness (通常为高度的)热忱, 热情; 热心: show zeal for a cause 表现出对一事业 的热忱 * work with great zeal 热情洋溢地工作 * revolutionary, r

5、eligious zeal 革 命的、 宗教的热诚.zealous / 5zelEs; zZlEs/ adj full of zeal; eager 热情的; 热心的; 积极的: zealous for liberty and freedom 为争取自由而积极的 * zealous to succeed at work 一心要做好工 作. zealously adv. zealot / 5zelEt; zZlEt/ n (sometimes derog 有时作贬义) person who is extremely enthusiastic about sth, esp religion or

6、politics; fanatic (对某事物, 尤指宗教或 政治)极热心的人; 狂热者.zealotry / -rI; -rI/ n U (fml 文) zealous attitude or behaviour 极热心的态度或行为.zebra/ 5zebrE, 5zi:brE; zibrE/ n (pl unchanged or s 复数或不变或作 zebras) African wild animal of the horse family with a body covered by black (or dark brown) and white stripes 斑马.zebra cr

7、ossing (Brit) part of a road, marked with broad white stripes, where vehicles must stop if pedestrians wish to cross 斑马线(用白色宽条标出的路面部分, 行人欲通过时车辆 必须停止). =illus 见插图. Cf 参看 pedestrian crossing (pedestrian), pelican crossing (pelican). zed / zed; zZd/ (US zee / zi:; zi/) n the letter Z Z 字母: There are tw

8、o zeds in puzzle. 在 puzzle 一字中有两个 z 字母.Zeitgeist / 5zaItgaIst; zaIt9aIst/ n (German 德) spirit of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas, beliefs, etc of the time 时代精神.Zen / zen; zZn/ n U Japanese form of Buddhism that stresses the importance of meditation more than the reading of relig

9、ious writings 禅, 禅宗(日本佛教宗派, 注重静坐沉思而并非诵读经文): attrib 作定语 Zen Buddhism 禅宗佛教.zenith / 5zenIW; zinIW/ n 1 point in the heavens directly above an observer 天顶(观 测者正上方的天空). Cf 参看 nadir. 2 (fig 比喻) highest point (of power, prosperity, etc); peak (权力、 繁荣等的)最高点; 顶点: reach the zenith of ones career, power, infl

10、uence 达到事业的、 权力的、 影响力的顶峰 * At its zenith the Roman empire covered almost the whole of Europe. 罗马帝国的全盛时期几 乎占据了整个欧洲.zephyr / 5zefE(r); zZfL/ n (dated or fml 旧或文) soft gentle breeze 和风; 微风.Zeppelin / 5zepElIn; zZpElIn/ n type of large airship used by the Germans in World War I 齐柏林飞艇(第一次世界大战中德国使用的大型飞艇).

11、zero / 5zIErEU; zIro/ pron, det 1 0; one less than one; nought 0; 零: Five, four, three, two, one, zero. We have lift-off! 五、 四、 三、 二、 一、 零. 我们升空了! 2 lowest point; nothing; nil 最低点; 没有; 无: Economic growth is at zero, ie is not increasing. 经济无增长. * Prospects of success in the talks were put at zero. 会

12、谈没有成功的希望. 3 (a) point between plus (+) and minus () on a scale, esp on a thermometer (刻度上的)零点, 零位; (尤指温度计的)零度: The thermometer fell to zero lastnight. 昨夜温度计显示气温下降到零度. (b) temperature,pressure, etc that corresponds to zero on a scale (相当於零度的)温度、 压力等: It was really cold last night ten degrees below ze

13、ro, ie 10C, ten degrees belowthe freezing point of water. 昨夜真冷-零下十度(10C). =Usage at nought 用法见 nought. 4 (infml 口 esp US) nothing at all; none 毫无; 没有: Politics has zero interest for me, ie I am not at all interested in it. 我对政治丝毫不感兴趣.zero n (pl s) the number 0 *0; 零; 零号.zero v (phr v) zero in on sb/

14、sth 1 aim guns, etc at or find the range of (a particular target) (将枪炮等)瞄准(某目标)或调整到(某目标的)射程. 2 (fig 比喻) fix attention on sb/sth; focus on sb/sth 将注意力集中於某人某事物; 将焦 点调到某人某事物上: zero in on the key issues for discussion 把注意力集中到讨 论的关键问题上来.zero growth no increase at all 毫无增长: zero growthin industrial output

15、, the economy, population 工业生产、 经济、 人口毫无增长.zero-hour n time when a military operation, an attack, etc is planned to start (部署的军 事行动、 攻击等的)开始时刻: Zero-hour is 3.30 am. 发动攻击的时刻是凌晨 3 时 30 分.zero-rated adj (of goods, services, etc) on which no value added tax is charged (指货物、 服务等)免付增值税的.zest / zest; zZst

16、/ n U, sing 1 (for sth) great enjoyment or excitement; gusto 极 大的快乐或兴奋; 热情; 兴趣: Her zest for life is as great as ever. 她对生活的极 大乐趣一如既往. * He entered into our plans withterrific zest. 他满腔热情地参加 了我们的项目. 2 (qualityof) having added interest, flavour, charm, etc 增加的兴 趣、 风味、 魅力等(的性质): The element of risk gave (an) added zest to the adventure. 这种冒险成分更给探险活动平添几分乐趣. 3 outer skin of oranges, l


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