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1、安徽省中小型机械制造业人员流失的原因及对策安徽省中小型机械制造业人员流失的原因及对策作 者: 谢玉雷 分 校: 开放教育学院 专 业: 工商管理 年 级: 2016 春 学 号: 指导老师: 答辩日期: . 成 绩: 1内容摘要在当今社会发展迅速的环境下,传统的企业招工难及求职者就业难,大学毕业生高不成低不高,随着房地产的开发和现代行业的多元化导致 90 后的就业选择性大,我们机械制造行业的经营者却在为机械制造业加工人员流失而大伤脑筋。如何留住机械制造人员,如何调动她们的积极性,是我们机械制造企业的一大难题,解决这一难题,对提高机械制造企业的竞争能力,对进一步的提高机械制造业的效率具有十分重要


3、现状,合理支付机械制造业人员的工资应该是势在必行。这就要求我们经营者做出大量的工作。一方面市场竞争越来越激烈,产品的销售价格越来越低,人员成本越来越高,机械制造业的利润越来越低,给机械制造加工人员加薪的可能性越来越少,否则就面临人员流失的风险。解决这个问题的办法只有 1、靠机械制造加工人员的努力,只有机械制造加工人员的努力提高自己的技能、提高产品的质量,2、加快自动化设备生产线的建设来降低人员成本。我们的机械加工人员才能留的住,企业才可以获得更多的利润,机械制造业加工员的待遇才能得到保证。关键词:流失;对策;机械制造业;机械制造人员2AbstractIn the environment of

4、rapid social development, the traditional enterprises and job seekers are difficult to obtain employment, college graduates are not high or low. With the development of real estate and the diversification of modern industries, the post-90s employment selectivity is great. However, the operators of o

5、ur machinery manufacturing industry are struggling with the loss of workers in the mechanical manufacturing industry. How to retain and mobilize the enthusiasm of mechanical manufacturing personnel is a major problem for our machinery manufacturing enterprises. To solve this problem, It is of great

6、significance to improve the competitive ability of mechanical manufacturing enterprises and to further improve the efficiency of mechanical manufacturing industry. In enterprises, a moderate turnover of personnel can optimize the internal personnel structure of mechanical manufacturing industry. Mak

7、e the enterprise full of vitality and vitality. But too high flow rate will bring a series of problems, such as the instability of efficiency and quality, training, management costs, etc. Machinerymanufacturing is a labor-intensive enterprise, More than half of the total number of people working in

8、machinery manufacturing enterprises, The loss of machinery manufacturing workers is one of the major reasons that affect the economic benefits of the machinery manufacturing industry. At present, there are two major problems that our machinery manufacturing managers are struggling to cope with: firs

9、t, the loss of staff. In particular, a large number of machine manufacturing and processing personnel frequent loss; Second, customer complaints caused by the instability of product quality caused by high wastage rate. Solve the problem of machine manufacturing workers loss has reached the point of

10、urgency. Enterprises should change the current mechanical manufacturers. The status quo of the lack of recruitment and retention of staff, It is imperative to pay the wages of the mechanical manufacturing personnel reasonably. This requires us operators to do a lot of work. On the one hand, the mark

11、et competition is becoming more and more intense, the sales price of products is getting lower and lower, and the personnel costs are getting higher and higher. The profits of the machinery manufacturing industry are getting lower and lower, and the possibility of raising salaries for the mechanical

12、 manufacturing and processing personnel is becoming less and less. Otherwise, they will face the risk of staff wastage. The solution to this problem is only 1, relying on the efforts of the mechanical manufacturing and processing personnel. Only with the efforts of the machineries to improve their s

13、kills, improve the quality of their products and speed up the construction of automation equipment production lines to reduce the cost of personnel, our customers can stay, and enterprises can get more profits. The treatment of machinists in the mechanical manufacturing industry can only be guarante

14、ed. 3Keyword:Run off;Counterplan;machnie building industry;Mechanic, 目目 录录一、过高的员工流失率是机械制造业加工人员的基本特点41.人员的知识结构的偏差42.机械制造业加工人员的整体素质偏低43.机械制造人员的传统观念陈旧44.薪酬水平普遍偏低45.培训的不足4二、机械制造业加工人员流失的原因51.工资相对低是机械制造业加工人员流失的直接原因52.机械制造人员工作时间分散,且生活环境较差53.特定的年龄结构要求是造成机械制造业加工人员短缺的客观原因之一54.机械制造业加工人员的整体素质偏低,就业观念落后65.整个社会劳动综




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