to 是不定式符号,还是介词?

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《to 是不定式符号,还是介词?》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《to 是不定式符号,还是介词?(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、to 是不定式符号,还是介词? 从一道四级考题谈起中国地质大学(武汉) 许峰在 2000 年 6 月四级考试中,有这样一选择题:I have no objection your story again .A) to hearing C) to hear B) to have read D) to having heard 此题正确答案是 A 项。有许多学生问为什么不选 B 项或 C 项呢?其原因主要是把这里的 to 理解为不定式符号,而不是介词。英语中和 to 搭配使用,to 又作介词的情况有哪些呢?也就是说在何种情况下 to 接动名词呢?笔者根据平时教学中所搜集的这类惯用结构,归纳如下:一习

2、惯接 sth. / oneself to doing sth. 的动词英语中有些动词习惯接宾语加 to doing sth. ,不可接宾语加 to do sth.。常见的这类动词有:adapt (使适应于),accommodate (使适应于),conform (使适合于),habituate (使习惯于),adjust (使适应于),addict (使醉心于),contribute (把贡献给),dedicate (把贡献给),devote (把贡献给),give (把给予),apply (把用于),resign (使听从于),reconcile (使听从于),limit (把限制于),re

3、strict (把限制于),submit (使屈从于)等等。在这类动词的这种用法中,其宾语一般是反身代词或 ones energy , ones life 或 ones time 等短语。例如:1). Well soon adapt (accommodate , adjust ,conform ) ourselves to living in the desert . 我们很快就会适应沙漠地方的生活。2). She habituated herself to getting up early. 她习惯早起。3). He addicts (abandons) himself to smoking

4、 and drinking. 他沉溺于烟酒。4). I applied myself to writing the report all day yesterday. 我昨天整天集中精力在写这篇报告。5).The government should give top priority to rebuilding the inner cities. 政府应该优先重建城内旧中心区。6). The old society left her no way out . She had to resign herself to working as a wet nurse. 旧社会逼得她走投无路,她只好给

5、人家当奶妈。7). He couldnt reconcile himself to serving in the firm . 他不安于在那家公司工作。8).Tom limits (restricts) himself to smoking only two cigarettes a day .汤姆限制自己一天只抽二根烟。9). I cant submit myself to being treated like that. 我不甘于人家这么待我。二习惯接 to doing sth.的动词英语中有些不及物动词与介词 to 构成固定搭配,相当于一个及物动词。常见的这类动词有:admit (承认)

6、,amount(相当于) ,apply(适用于) ,confess(承认) ,contribute(有助于) ,descend(竟做出), fall(开始) ,object (反对),resort(求助) ,sink(堕落到) ,see(留神,注意) ,switch(变换为) ,take(开始从事) ,testify (证明),witness(作证) ,等等。这其中 admit 和 confess 也可作及物动词,直接接动名词作宾语。admit , confess , testify和 witness 后既可接 to doing sth. ,也可接 to having done sth.。例如

7、:1). George would never admit to being wrong . 乔治从不认错。 2).This amounts to making no distinction between just and unjust wars. 这实际上就等于对正义战争和非正义战争不加区别。3).She finally confessed to havingstolen the money. 她最后招认了偷了那笔钱。4). I never thought he would descend to speaking bad language . 我从未想到他竟说出下流语言。5). She f

8、ell to brooding about what had happened to her . 她开始深思默想自己的遭遇。6).In order to justify himself , the boy had to resort to lying . 这男孩为了给自己辩护,只得采取撒谎。7). I did not imagine that you would sink to cheating. 我没想到你会堕落到行骗的地步。8).We switched to discussing another problem as soon as he came in. 他一进来,我们便转而讨论另一问题

9、。9).The woman testified to having been present at the time of the fire. 这女人证明失火的时候她在场。10).He witnessed to having seen the man enter the building . 他作证说曾看见那个人进入这幢大楼。三习惯接 to doing sth. 的短语英语中有些短语或句型中的 to 为介词,其后接 to doing sth.。这类短语和句型又可分两类:1 短语动词和句型常见的有 come down to (缩减到;竟落到地步),come / go close / near t

10、o (几乎,接近于),feel up to (觉得能胜于适合于),get down to (开始认真对待),get around to(花时间精力做) ,go far to (大有助于) ,look forward to (期望) ,what do you say to (你认为怎么样) ,when it comes to(关于)等等。例如:1) I came near to telling him just what I thought of the whole business. 我差一点告诉了他我对整个事情的看法。2) He came down to selling matches on

11、 street corners. 他为穷困所近而到街头叫卖火柴。3). After three weeks in the hospital, I dont feel up to decorating the house any more. 住了三周医院后,我觉得再也无力装饰屋子了。4) These measurers should go far to solving the problem. 这些措施对于解决这个问题大有帮助。5) What do you say to taking a walk with me ? 你跟我去散散步好么?6) When it comes to playing c

12、hess, he usually has a lot to say. 谈起下象棋,他要说的往往很多。2 短语介词常见的有 as to (关于),in/with reference to (关于),in/with respect to(关于) ,in/with relation to (关于) ,with an eye to (着眼于,打算) ,with a view to (着眼于,目的在于)等等。例如:1). Im willing to read his book, but as to publishing it, thats a different matter. 我愿意读他写的书,但是,

13、关于出版那是另一码事了。2). In reference/respect/regard/relation to training teachers, he gave us some good suggestions. 他就培训师资给了我们不少好建议。3). John is going to college with an eye to becoming a lawyer. 约翰要上大学,打算将来成为一名律师。4). With a view to improving his ability to speak French, he spends most of his holidays in Fr

14、ance. 为了提高法语会话能力,他假期大部分在法国度过。四习惯接 to doing sth. 的名词英语中有些名词常与介词 to 搭配,后接 to doing sth., 不能接 to do sth.。常见的这类名词有:adjustment (调整;使适用),dedication(献身) ,dislike(厌恶) ,hindrance(阻碍) ,key(关键) ,limit(限度) ,objection(反对) ,obstacle(障碍) ,opposition(反对) ,priority(优先权) ,repugnance(讨厌) ,resistance(抵抗,反抗)等等。例如:1) The

15、y made a quick adjustment to working in a plane. 他们很快便适应了在飞机上工作。2) His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his peers . 他献身教学的精神赢得了同行的尊敬。3) There is no limit to serving the people. 为人民服务是无限的。4) There were some natural obstacles to pumping out North sea oil . 开采北海石油有一些自然障碍。5) The Government g

16、ave priority to reforming the legal system. 政府将改革法制列为工作的重点。6) I have no repugnance to being a doctor. 我并不十分讨厌当一名医生。7) There has been much resistance to setting him free. 对于释放他,阻力一直很大。五习惯接 to doing sth. 的形容词英语中有此形容词与介词 to 搭配,后接 to doing sth., 不能接 to do sth.。常见这类形容词有:equal(有的能力,胜任),addicted(沉溺于,醉心于) ,averse(反对的) ,equivalent(等于) ,prior(先于) ,previous(在之前) ,preliminary(在之前) ,preparatory(为作准备;在之前) ,unused(不习惯的) ,unaccustom


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