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1、NAZI GERMANY AND ANIMAL RIGHTS1933 Law on Animal Protection (Signed into law, 11/24/1933)Cruelty to Animals Measures for the Protection of Animals Experiments on Living AnimalsProvisions for Punishment ConclusionThe government has resolved on the following law, which is hereby made known:Section ICr

2、uelty to Animals#1(1) It is forbidden to unnecessarily torment or roughly mishandle an animal.(2) One torments an animal when one repeatedly or continuously causes appreciable pain or suffering; the torment is unnecessary in so far as it does not serve any rational, justifiable purpose. One mishandl

3、es an animal when one causes it appreciable pain; mishandling is rough when it corresponds to an unfeeling state of mind.Section IIMeasures for the Protection of Animals#2It is forbidden:1. to so neglect an animal in ones ownership, care or accommodation that it thereby experiences appreciable pain

4、or appreciable damage;2. to use an animal unnecessarily for what clearly exceeds its powers or causes it appreciable pain, or which it-in consequence of its condition-is obviously not capable of; 3. to use and animal for demonstrations, film-making, spectacles, or other public events to the extent t

5、hat these events cause the animal appreciable pain or appreciable damage to health; 4. to use a fragile, ill, overworked or old animal for which further life is a torment for any other purpose than to cause or procure a rapid, painless death; 5. to put out ones domestic animal for the purpose of get

6、ting rid of it; 6. to set or test the power of dogs on cats, foxes, and other animals; 7. to shorten the ears or the tail of a dog over two weeks old. This is allowed if it is done with anesthesia; 8. to shorten the tail of a horse. This is allowed if it is to remedy a defect or illness of the tail

7、and is done by a veterinarian and under anesthesia; 9. to perform a painful operation on an animal in an unprofessional manner or without anesthesia, or if anesthesia in a particular case is impossible according to veterinary standards; 10. to kill an animal on a farm for fur otherwise than with ane

8、sthesia or in a way that is, in any case, painless; 11. to force-feed fowl; 12. to tear out or separate the thighs of living frogs.#3The importation of horses with shortened tails is forbidden. The minister of the Interior can make exceptions if special circumstances warrant it.#4The temporary use o

9、f hoofed animals as carriers in the mines is only permitted with the permission of the responsible authorities.Section IIIExperiments on Living Animals#5It is forbidden to operate on or handle living animals in ways that may cause appreciable pain or damage for the purpose of experiments, to the ext

10、ent the provisions of #6 through #8 do not mandate otherwise.#6(1) The minister of the Interior can at the proposal of the responsible government or local authorities confer permission on certain scientifically led institutes or laboratories to undertake scientific experiments on living animals, whe

11、n the director of the experiment has sufficient professional education and reliability, sufficient facilities for the undertaking of animal experiments are available, and guarantee for the care and maintenance of the animals for experiment has been made.(2) The minister of the Interior can delegate

12、the granting of permission to others among the highest officials of the government.(3) Permission may be withdrawn without compensation at any time.#7In carrying out experiments on animals (#5), the following provisions are to be observed:1. The experiments may only be carried out under the complete

13、 authority of the scientific director or of a representative that has been specifically appointed by the scientific director. 2. The experiments may only be carried out by someone who has previously received scientific education or under the direction of such a person, and when every pain is avoided

14、 in so far as that is compatible with the goal of the experiment. 3. Experiments for research may only be undertaken when a specific result is expected that has not been previously confirmed by science or if the experiments help to answer previously unsolved problems. 4. The experiments are only to

15、be undertaken under anesthesia, provided the judgment of the scientific director does not categorically exclude this or if the pain connected with the operation is outweighed by the damage to the condition of the experimental animals as a result of anesthesia.Nothing more severe than a difficult ope

16、ration or painful but unbloody experiment may be carried out on such an unanesthetized animal.Animals that suffer appreciable pain after the completion of such a difficult experiment, especially involving an operation, are, in so far as this is, in the judgment of the scientific director, compatible with the goal of the experiment, immediately to be put to death. 5. Experiments on horses, dogs, cats, and apes can only be carried out when the i



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