牛津英语7A unit 12 教学案

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《牛津英语7A unit 12 教学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津英语7A unit 12 教学案(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、涟水县红窑实验学校七年级英语预备课程讲学案 主备人 周子煜 审核 冯兴平 2011-11-15- 1 校训:饮水思源,自强不息课题课题:Unit 12 A birthday party Welcome to the unit to B. to get; for C. getting; for D. to get; to 7. Does Simon watch TV _ at weekends? A. too much B. very much C. too many D. much too 8. Are there _ CDs in the box? A. some B. any C. a l

2、ot D. lot of三、用动词的适当形式填空 1. Hed like _ (visit) Beijing Park after school. 2. Hes glad _(meet) his old friends here. 3. Look at the sign. You mustnt _ (smoke). 4. We can enjoy _ (swim) in summer(夏季). 5. I want _ (buy) some flowers for my mother.涟水县红窑实验学校七年级英语预备课程讲学案 主备人 周子煜 审核 冯兴平 2011-11-15- 4 校训:饮水

3、思源,自强不息课题:Unit 12 A birthday party Speaking一、学习目标(含重难点)一、学习目标(含重难点)1. Vocabulary:tomorrow want buy present nice when April favourite 2. Patterns:What do you want to buy? Where can we buy these presents? When do you want to go shopping? Would you like to go with me?3. Look and say 4. How to choose pr

4、ensents二、学习过程:二、学习过程:Part I: 复习导入复习导入:1.我想要给她买个生日礼物。 I _ _ buy _ present. 2. 你想要买什么? _ _ you want to _? 3. 你打算什么时候去购物? _ do you _ _ do the _? 4.你想要和我一起去吗? Would you _ to _ _ me?Part II: 自主学习自主学习:生词探究: 需要_ 明天_ 想要_ 买_ 礼物_ 美好的_ 什么时候_ 短语积累: 生日购物_ 为米莉的聚会_ 在我们学校附近的玩具店_ 想要买东西_ Part III: 课堂导学探究(例题)课堂导学探究(例题

5、)(一) 、检查自主学习答案(二) 、基础学习Task I:Ask some students to talk about their shopping plan. Then take a few minutes to tell their neighbours about their shopping list.Task II: Listen to their dialogue and try to find out what will they will buy.Q1: where can they buy the presents? When will they go shopping?

6、Task III: DiscussionDiscuss with your neighbours about what present you want to buy for Millies birthday.涟水县红窑实验学校七年级英语预备课程讲学案 主备人 周子煜 审核 冯兴平 2011-11-15- 5 校训:饮水思源,自强不息课堂知识点探究:课堂知识点探究:1.I want to buy her a present. 我想要给她买个生日礼物。我想要给她买个生日礼物。* Want= would like 此句等于此句等于 I would like to buy her a present

7、. Ex. 你想要去游泳吗? Do you _ _ go swimming?= Would you _ _ go swimmimg?* buy sb sth = buy sth for sb. 为某人买某物为某人买某物Ex. buy a pen for Kate = buy Kate a pen 为我买一本书 buy_ _ for me = buy _ a _ 将文中句子改为同义句: Ex: * Id like to buy her a teddy bear. I _ _ buy a teddy bear _ _. * I want to buy her some stickers. I _

8、like _ buy some stickers _ _.2. When do you want to do the shopping? 你打算什么时候去购物?你打算什么时候去购物?* 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 when:什么时候,何时,:什么时候,何时, 用于提问时间用于提问时间 = what time Ex. _ (何时)do you usually get up? 凯特什么时候去学校? _ _ Kate go to school?3,go with me: 和我一起和我一起go with sb 和某人一起和某人一起 go to sp with sb: 和某人一起到某地和某人一起到某地Ex.

9、我们一起和尼克去公园吧。 Lets _ to the park _ Nick.他能和我们一起去吗?Can he _ _ _?三三: 反馈练习:反馈练习:四四: 课堂小结:课堂小结:五五: 通过本课学习,你有哪些收获或疑惑通过本课学习,你有哪些收获或疑惑:涟水县红窑实验学校七年级英语预备课程讲学案 主备人 周子煜 审核 冯兴平 2011-11-15- 6 校训:饮水思源,自强不息Unit 12 P2 Speaking 反反馈练习馈练习Class:_ Name:_一、一、汉译英 1. 一块蛋糕_ 2. 一些桔汁_ 3. 许多巧克力_ 4. 想要买_ 5. 给他买一些贴画_ 6. 放学后_ 7. 一

10、个玩具熊_ 8. 去购物_ 9. 生日礼物_ 10. 这些礼物_二、根据首字母或中文填单词 1. We will buy Millie some _ (礼物) for her birthday. 2. -_ will you have a party. - Tomorrow. 3. I want to b_ her a present. 4. When do you want to go f_(fish)? 5. The toy shop is near _ (我们的) school. 6. We _ (需要) some apples and orange. 7. W_ can we play

11、 football? - On the playground. 8. Let _ (我们) go together.三、句型转换 1. He does housework every day. (否定句)He _ _ homework every day. 2. I want to play computer games. (同义句)I _ _ to play computer games. 3. I will buy Millie a present. (同义句)I will buy _ _ _ Millie. 4. I can buy them at the shop. (提问)_ _ y

12、ou buy them? 5. Tomorrow is her birthday. (提问)_ is her birthday?四、选择适当的答语补充对话 M: Tomorrow is Peters birthday. What do you want to do? L: _1_ M: _2_ L: I want to buy him a toy bear. M: _3_ L: At the toy shop near our school _4_ M: Yes, lets go after school. _5_涟水县红窑实验学校七年级英语预备课程讲学案 主备人 周子煜 审核 冯兴平 201

13、1-11-15- 7 校训:饮水思源,自强不息A. What present do you want to buy? B. Would you like to go with me? C: And I can buy a present, too. D: I want to buy him a present. E: Where can you buy it? 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._五、完形填空 In the _1_. I get up _2_ 6:00. I have _3_at 7:00, and go to school by bus. I get there at 7:50. I dont like to _4_ late. I have Chinese, English and Maths lesson _5_ 8:00 _6_ 11:30. Then I go home and ha


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