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1、国内图书分类号:TU986.4 学校代码:10213 国际图书分类号:72 密级:公开 工学硕工学硕士学位论文士学位论文 颐和园与凡尔赛宫苑园林艺术比较研究 硕 士 研 究 生 : 陈鹏 导 师 : 王岩副教授 申请学位 : 工学硕士 学 科 : 建筑历史及其理论 所 在 单 位 : 建筑学院 答 辩 日 期 : 2011 年 12 月 授 予 学 位 单 位 : 哈尔滨工业大学 Classified Index:TU986.4 U.D.C:72 Dissertation for the Master Degree in Engineering A COMPARISON OF GARDEN A

2、RT BETWEEN SUNMMER PALACE AND VERSAILLES Candidate: Chen Peng Supervisor: Prof. Wan Yan Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Speciality: Architecture History and Theory Affiliation: School of Architecture Date of Defence: Dec, 2011 Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Tec

3、hnology 摘 要 - I - 摘 要 随着社会的发展,中西方文化交流日益频繁,有关中西方园林的比较研究也逐渐成为建筑景观学领域关注的热点。中国与法国的古典园林作为中西方两大园林体系的代表,在各自的发展过程中都经历了萌芽、形成、发展和成熟 4个时期。 其中皇家园林更是其集大成者, 代表了两国当时园林艺术的最高成就。文章以两国皇家园林的代表颐和园与凡尔赛宫苑为例进行比较,运用平行研究比较方法与历史实证研究方法为主,通过类比、历史实证、归纳分析和图示分析相结合的方法对二者进行比较解析。 意在阐释两座皇家园林在同一时期,不同社会环境下,给人们带来的不同园林艺术和审美印象。 18 世纪的中国和法国

4、有着诸多的相似之处, 封建社会的中央集权体制在两国都发展到了顶峰,政治稳定、经济繁荣、文化昌盛,统治者都将绝对君权发挥到了登峰造极的地步。但是在这种相似社会背景下产生的颐和园和凡尔赛宫苑,却由于诸多的原因表现出了两种完全不同的园林风格。不同的政治体制,不同的社会文化和不同的造园主体都影响着两座园林的形成与演化。 不同的社会环境决定了不同的园林形式,颐和园与凡尔赛宫苑在两种不同的文化中产生,就形成了两种完全不同的园林艺术。从园林的布局到园林的形态,还有园中园模式都存在着诸多的差异。颐和园以礼乐文化为核心,通过因地制宜的处理手法,体现了皇权至上的寓意;而凡尔赛宫苑则以理性主义为原则,通过征服自然形

5、成宏大张扬的场面,营造一种唯我独尊的宏伟气魄。 造园要素是一座园林的构成基础,任何的园林艺术都是通过各种造园要素的不同处理手法和组合方式来形成的,是园林文化的承载体。建筑、水体、植物是两座皇家园林共同的造园要素,但在处理方式上却大相径庭。颐和园中讲究天人合一、崇尚自然,各种园林要素都极力模仿事物的自然之态,以取得和自然的和谐统一;凡尔赛宫苑以征服自然为手段,将人工事物与自然环境相对立,体现的是人力胜天的思想理念。 关键词:颐和园;凡尔赛宫苑;园林艺术;比较研究;总体布局;造园要素 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - II - Abstract With the social developme

6、nt, cultural exchanges have become increasingly frequent in the East and West, the study about the compare of the Chinese and Western landscape has become the focus in the field of landscape architecture. the classical gardens of China and France as the representative of the two garden system in the

7、 East and West, have gone through the process of budding, formation, development and maturity in their own development. Royal Garden is one of its master who was representing the two highest achievements of art of gardening. Therefore, the article compared of two representatives from the Royal Garde

8、n - Summer Palace and the Palace of Versailles. This study compared the use of parallel methods of empirical research methods and historical-based, by analogy, historical evidence, inductive analysis and graphical analysis of a combination of analytical methods to compare the two. to intend to bring

9、 the different garden art and aesthetic impression by explain the two royal garden at the same times and in different social environments. In the 18 century, there have a lot of similarities in China and France. Such as centralized system of feudal society have developed to the peak, political stabi

10、lity, economic prosperity, cultural prosperity, the ruler play the absolute of the throne to an extreme degree. However, due to many reasons ,the Summer Palace and the Palace of Versailles showed two completely different garden styles in this similar social context. Compared analysis of two royal ga

11、rdens, this paper explores causes of different art and underlying between the two different gardens. Different social environment determines the form of different gardens, the Summer Palace and the Versailles palace in two different cultures have on the formation of two completely different garden a

12、rt. The layout of the garden from the gardens of the form, as well as parks mode there is a lot of difference. Summer Palace in ritual culture as the core, through the handling of local conditions, reflects the imperial supremacy of the moral; the Versailles palace principle of rationalism, the form

13、ation of great publicity through the conquest of nature scenes, and create a spirit of magnificent overweening. Abstract - III - Elements of the garden is a garden form the basis of any of garden art are made by various elements of the combination of different ways to approach and form, the garden i

14、s a carrier of culture. Construction, water, plants are two common garden royal garden elements, but in dealing with the way are quite different. Pay attention to the Summer Palace in Heaven, respect for nature, a variety of landscape elements are to emulate the natural state of things in order to a

15、chieve unity and harmony of nature; Versailles palace in order to conquer the natural means, artificial things, as opposed to the natural environment, reflecting the idea is the concept of human triumph. Keywords: Summer Palace; Versailles; Garden Art; Comparison; Entire Layout; Elements of Gardening 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - IV - 目 录 摘 要 . IABSTRACT . II目 录 . I



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