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1、1写作步步高之六写作步步高之六如何写出好段落如何写出好段落段落是文章的基本单位,是文章的缩影。写好了段落,就能比较成功地写出较好的文章。进行段落层次上的写作训练,是写好英语作文的关键一环。段落一般是由主题句(topic sentence)、扩展句(supporting sentences)和结论句(concluding sentence)三部分构成的。1. 主题句主题句主题句表达段落主题,概括段落的中心思想,是段落发展的依据,要求全段其他文字都围绕它展开。主题句通常放在段落的开端,其特点是开门见山地摆出问题,然后加以详细说明,其作用是使文章的结构更清晰,更具有说服力,便于读者迅速地把握主题和预

2、测全段的内容。有时主题句位于段落中间,起着承上启下的作用。有时主题句置于段末,起着概括全段的作用。也有时主题句含而不露,隐藏在字里行间。而将主题句放在段首的写作方法最常见,更易于掌握,所以考生可尽量采用这种方法。主题句的写法:主题句的句子结构和思想内容必须完整、清楚、具体、不能模棱两可、空泛。要避免不完整(incomplete)、不清楚(unclear)、过于笼统(general),在写主题句时应注意以下几点:归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点 提炼出一句具有概括性的话 主题句应具有可读性,能吸引读者。如作文题目是 The Advantages of Travel(旅行的好处)。试比较其中一段的主题

3、句,前三种写法均不可取。不完整:Enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places.不清楚:To travel, one needs to know something about it.太笼统:By travelling one enjoys a lot.较 好:By travelling one can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places.2. 段落的发展段落的发展主题句确定之后,接下来就是段落的发展,即如何运用扩展句来展开主题。段落的发展有如下几种手段:(1) 列举法列举法(detai

4、ls)列举法就是通过列举一系列的论据对主题句中的论点进行陈述或解析的方法。常用于列举法的过渡连接词有:first, second, also, finally, one, another, still another, for one thing for another, to begin with, on one hand on the other hand, besides, moreover 等。2(2) 举例法举例法(examples)举例法就是通过具体的事例来阐述、说明主题句的内容。常用的连接词有:for example, for instance, furthermore, in

5、addition, to illustrate, one example is 。(3) 因果法因果法(cause and effect)在阐述某一现象的段落中,常采用因果分析法,根据事物发生的原因推理其结果,或根据结果分析其原因。表原因的连接词有:because of, owing to, due to, result from, because, since, as 等;表结果的连接词有:therefore, as a result (of), consequently, accordingly, so 等。(4) 比较或对照法比较或对照法(comparison and contrast)

6、比较或对照法就是通过将同类事物的相似点或不同点进行比较分析来支持主题句的方法。常见的表示相同的连接词有:similarly, similar to, like, in common, in the same way等;表示不同的连接词有:compared with, differ from, be different from, on the other hand, on the contrary, unlike, however, whereas, while 等。(5) 分类法分类法(classification)在阐述某一概念的段落中,常用分类法。通过对事物进行分门别类,分别加以叙述,使

7、读者有更为清晰的认识。常用词语有:divide into, classify into, group, kind, type, sort, category 等。(6) 定义法定义法(definition)在科普文章的写作中常用定义法,通过下定义来阐明事物的性质和特征。常用的词语有:refer to, mean, call, be defined as 等。(7) 叙述法叙述法(narration)叙述法就是按照事物本身的时间或空间顺序,有层次分步骤地来表达主题。常用的过渡连接词有:first, in the beginning, at the beginning of, to start w

8、ith, to begin with, then, and then, after that, later, afterwards, in the end, finally 等。3. 结论句结论句结论句位于全段的末尾,是对全段的内容进行总结、归纳或提出结论性观点的句子。结论句不仅仅是重复主题句提出的段落主题,更为重要的是,它可以进一步强调段落的中心思想,以引起读者的重视和注意。在撰写结论句时我们应该注意,结论句的结构形式没有必要与主题句保持一致,但结论句所表达的内容必须要和主题句的内容保持一致,不能相互矛盾。当然,并非每个段落都需要结论句,对于一些描述性段落也可以不使用结论句。用于总结的连接词

9、有:on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, in short 等。3及时巩固1. 分析下面各段文章的结构,指出主题句、扩展句和结论句。(1) My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. Dont argue with parents;they will think you dont love them. Dont argue

10、with children; they will think themselves victimized. Dont argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Dont argue with strangers;they will think you are not friendly. My mothers rules, in fact, can be summed up in two words:dont argue.(2) More and more people today are realizing the

11、 importance of regular physical exercise. In the past, most people worked in the fresh air of fields. Nowadays, a lot of people work in offices, spending most of time in doors. In the evenings, they usually sit watching TV or reading newspaper. Their daily lives didnt provide them with the exercises

12、 needed to keep them healthy. Therefore, they must devote part of their time to doing regular physical physical exercise.2. 用恰当的主题句和支持句补全短文In modern times, more and more parents devote their energy to their career due to fierce competition, thus caring less about their children. _ (许多人选择用钱来奖励孩子)for

13、the progress they have made in their studies.However, I dont think this is a proper way. Firstly, if the children are always rewarded with money when they get high marks._ (他们的注意力会集中在钱上)instead of the pleasure of studying._ (他们中的一些人就会不努力学习)as soon as they get what they want, Secondly, _ (钱太多了会惯坏孩子)

14、, for they are too young to make good use of the money. I think_ (对孩子们来说,拥抱的效果比钱好).43. 用段落发展的方法,以下列句子为主题句各写一段落。Our life today depends very much on energy.No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.In the future, the computer will be more powerful.4. 请依据文中划线内容分析如下段落发展的具体手段。 The heart of an e

15、lectronic computer lies in its vacuum tubes, or transistors, Its electronic circuits work a thousand times faster than the nicer cells in the human brain. A problem that might take a human being a long time to solve can be solved by a computer in one minute.段落发展方法_A group of people with the same col

16、or of skin, shape of head and type of hair is called a race. Scientists divide the people of the world into five different races. Most people belong to the three main ones, which are the white skinned, the black skinned and the yellow skinned races. The two smaller ones are the Australian Aborigines and the Bushmen of Southern Africa. 段落发展方法_There



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