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1、毕毕业业设设计计说说明明书书(论论文文)中中文文摘摘要要轮盘冲压成型模具设计与模具 失效分析本文主要介绍了 冲压模具设计过程, 冲压模具在实际工业生产中应用广泛。随着当今科技的发展,模具已经越来越多地被应用到工业生产中来。冲压模具可以大大的提高劳动生产效率,减轻工人负担,具有重要 的技术进步意义和经济价值。冲压工艺是一种生产效率很高的、少切屑或无切屑的先进加工方法,在经济和技术方 面都有很多的优点。冲压工艺按其变形性质可以分为材料的分离和成形两大类,每一类中包括许多不同的工序. 本次设计的零件为轮盘冲压,所用材料是 Q235。本论文分析了该工件的成形工艺,计算了该工件的毛坯形状尺寸及各工序尺寸

2、,并在此基础上确定了合理的冲压工序,分为三 道工序分别为工序一落料拉深,工序二冲中间孔和腰型孔,工序三内外缘翻边。此方案的特点 是模具结构简单,制造成本低,操作方便,并且尺寸和精度达到工艺要求,具有良好的性价比。 本设计工序采用曲柄压力机进行冲压,具有生产效率高、维修简单、工作环境整洁等 特点。本文模具进行模具结构的分析,主要零件的设计和模具的经济分析,并且详细介绍了设计方法和步骤。 关键词: 冲压工艺;模具设计;曲柄压力机;复合模 IITitleTitle Roulete stamping mold design and mold failure analysis Abstract:Abst

3、ract: Punching dies was used widely in industrial production applications. With todays technology development, mold has been an increasing use of industrial production. Punching die can greatly improve labor productivity and reduce the burden of the workers, further more it has important technologic

4、al progress and economic value. Punching process is a high production efficiency, no or less process methods, in the economic and technical aspects which has many advantages. The essential procedure of Punching are separating and shaping, each category includes a number of different processes. This

5、design components is wheel plate ,the material of wheel plate is Q235. In the paper, the molding technology of the stainless steel drawing part was analyzed, the dimensions and shape of the blank were calculated, the drawing times and dimensions of the part were determined and made sure on this foun

6、dation reasonable of hurtle and press the work preface is divided into three working procedure difference as the first working procedure is blank and elongating, the second working procedure is the work preface four slice the side and pressing the raised package , the third working procedure is pier

7、cing .The characteristics of this project is the molding tool structure simple, the manufacturing cost is low, operation convenience, and the size and accuracies attain the craft request, having the low price and well quality to compare. The design procedure adopts the crank pressure machine to pres

8、s the parts. Because it has many merits, such as producing efficiency high, maintaining simple and work surrounding neatness. In this paper ,analyzes the combination die crafts respectively and gives a detailed introduction to the calculation method and steps .Key words: Punching;mold structure;cran

9、k ;combination die III毕毕业业设设计计说说明明书书(论论文文)英英文文摘摘要要目 录前 言.1第一章 冲压生产工艺概况冲压生产工艺概况.21.1 冲压工艺介绍 2 1.2 冲压的基本工序 .313 冲压工艺设计的基本内容与步骤 41.4 冲压的概念、特点及应用 .61.5 冲压技术的现状及发展方向 .7第二章 零件的工艺性分析零件的工艺性分析.122.1 零件的工艺性分析 .122.2 工艺方案确定 14 2.3 冲裁件的精度与粗糙度.152.4 零件工艺计算 .152.4.1 毛坯尺寸计算 .152.4.2 冲裁力计算 .162.4.3 搭边和条料宽度的计算 .17IV

10、第三章 模具整体的设计与工艺计算模具整体的设计与工艺计算 . 1818 3.1 搭边. 3.1.1 毛坯尺寸计算 .3.1.2 搭边计算 .3.1.3 材料的经济利用 .3.2 排样.3.3 半成品尺寸计算.3.3.1 计算毛坯翻边预制孔直径D.第四章 模具总体设计模具总体设计 .4.1 落料拉深复合模模具设计.4.1.1 模具结构 .4.1.2 刃口尺寸计算 .4.1.3 工序力计算 .4.1.4 辅助零件设计 .4.1.5 设备选择 .4.2 冲中间孔和腰形孔复合模模具设计 .4.2.1 模具结构 .4.2.2 刃口尺寸计算 .4.2.3 工序力计算 .4.2.4 设备选择 .4.3 内外缘翻边复合模模具设计.V4.3.1 模具结构 .4.3.2 刃口尺寸计算 .4.3.3 工序力计算 .4.3.4 设备选择 .第五章 材料失效分析 .5.1 失效分析的概念 .5.2 冲裁模主要失效形式 .5.3 失效分析基本方法 .5.4 本次设计中工作部件失效形式分析 .第六章第六章 热处理工艺与加工工艺路线热处理工艺与加工工艺路线 .36366.1 热处理的基本原理.366.2 热处理工艺分类.366.3 冲裁模热处理的注意要点.



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