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1、 I 摘摘 要要 中国新诗史上, “朦胧诗人”舒婷,不可略过。在散文创作中,她继续延续辉煌,凭借真水无香获得“2007 华语文学传媒大奖”授予的“2007 年度散文家称号” 。但得奖后,却让大多数人感到惊讶,由此产生疑问。诗人转向散文创作?她确实从诗歌文体转向了散文文体,本文从转向的原因入手,立足于文本本体,对其散文做一次全面的研究。 引言部分主要是对舒婷散文的研究现状进行概述和对本文的研究目的、意义和方法做一个描述。 第一章笔者从时代背景因素和个人因素探寻舒婷转向的原因。 “朦胧诗”的批判使舒婷与诗歌的关系变得紧张, “第三代”诗人的崛起使她面临创作的压力,开始做出调整。 “诗衰文盛”的创作

2、环境逼迫她转向散文创作。作为女性,对女性妻子母亲多重角儿的承担,加上童年的阴影,她更愿意选择家庭生活,散文这一自由文体成为她文学与生活心态的折衷。 第二章主要论述舒婷散文与女性写作之间的关系。舒婷作为一位女性作家,她的散文凸显女性主体意识,对当代社会男权社会有着清醒认识。她始终不承认是女权主义者,但她批判男性中心思维和男权社会对女性的压抑。 同时她又是一个极为自省的作家, 她对 “女性写作”中存在的问题进行反思。这三个方面构成了其散文在“女性散文”中的独特之处。 舒婷的散文不仅仅只关注女性,她的散文中还散发出一股股强烈的家园情结。从寻根的失落、异国他乡的思家和固守鼓浪屿三个层面来探讨舒婷散文中

3、的家园意识。鼓浪屿的固守是舒婷心灵家园的建构,是对圆融的闽南文化的认同,是一次精神扎根。 最后从诗化特征、幽默风格和文体实验三个维度捕捉其散文的艺术追求。舒婷对语言始终有着自己的追求,散文语言追求陌生化、音乐性,善于意境的营造有着“诗化特征” 。舒婷把幽默中的讽刺与抒情结合起来,形成独特的“抒情性幽默” 。为追求自由的表达,进行文体实验,对“跨文体”写作做了尝试。 作为朦胧诗的主将之一,把散文创作作为重心,对于作家来说可能是一次新的尝试,但是从文学史的眼光来看,舒婷的转向更能看清楚朦胧诗的意义和散文对于舒婷的意义。本论文希望通过以上研究,能给予舒婷散文一个比较公允的评价。 关键词:关键词:转向

4、;女性主体意识;女性写作;家园情结;艺术追求 II AbstractAbstract As one of Misty Poetry representatives poet , Shu Ting can not be ignored in the history of Chinese poetry. In prose writing, she continue to follow the brilliant virtue ,she won the “Chinese Literature Media Awards ”in 2007,was granted “the title of essayi

5、st”. Yet most people only know that she is a poet, few people know that she wrote prose. Did she start to turn prose writing? I believe most people feel surprised. I will study the steering , based on the body of the text, expect to do a comprehensive study of its prose. In the introductory part, i

6、will summarize Research Overview of Shutings prose and make a description of the purpose, meaning and methods of this study. The first chapter, i will explore reasons why Shu Ting turn to writing prose from external factors and personal factors. Shuting was consumed talent during the “Misty Poetry“

7、controversy . When the rising of the poet“The third generation“, she faces the pressure of creation of pomes , began to make adjustments. When she married a man, she became to be a wife, and a mother .With the change of identity ,she faces the contradiction between the life and poetry writing, due t

8、o the shadow of childhood, She more willing to choose family life, free prose style became her literature and life mentality compromise. In the second chapter , focuses on the relationship between the Shu ting s prose and Women Writing. Shu Ting as a female writer, her prose is full of “female consc

9、iousness“ ,has a clear understanding and awareness of contemporary society patriarchal. She refused to recognize herself as a feminist, but her criticism of male-centered thinking and patriarchal society of women repressed. At the same time she is a very introspective writer .She reflects on the pro

10、blems in the “female writing“. These three aspects of the prose is unique in “Female Prose”. Shu Ting not only just focus on women, did also show a Unit of strong home complex. Quanzhou is her home, but she loss the root.When she lived in Berlin for a year, and she mourned Gulangyu. Gulangyu is her

11、hometown, but also her spiritual home. To build a spirit of habitat,she shows the image of Gulangyu ,which is beautiful and harmony. Finally, i will try to capture the artistic pursuit of its prose from the characteristics of the poetic, lyrical humor, stylistic experiment.Shu Ting always has its ow

12、n pursuit of Chinese Language in her Poetry Writing. In her prose III , she pursue “Poetic Features” through the way of strange language, music and artistic realm. Shu Ting combine to ironic and lyrical humor and take shape a unique “lyrical humor. She try to do a cross-stylistic writing .That is th

13、e pursuit of freedom of expression, style test for her. As one of the chief commander of the Misty prose, writing prose as hers center of writing, may be a new attempt for the writer, but from the point of view of literary history, we can understand the meaning of shutings prose. Based on the above study, can be given the Shutings prose a fair evaluation. Key Words:Key Words: Steering;Feminine consciousness;Feminine writing;Home complex;Artistic pursuit I 目 录 摘 要. I Abstract . II 目 录. I 引 言. 1 第一章 转向散文创作的言说 . 5 第一节 转向的外在因素 . 5 第二节 转向的个人因素 . 9 第二章 舒婷散文与女性写作 .


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