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1、 Differences between Chinese and American Culture as Embodied in Traditional Festivals Abstract Traditional festivals are the historical products of a nations development. Whether in China which has a long history of more than five thousand years or in the newborn America, the origination of traditi

2、onal festivals in the two countries is similar. Most traditional festivals originated from peoples expectation for harvest in the agricultural production, the worship towards the gods and the nature, sacrifices to the historical characters and etc. After the long-term evolution, traditional festival

3、s have become an indispensable part of the national culture. Through traditional festivals, the distinct cultural characteristics of a people and the national spirits can be observed. Since the ancient time, China has been a large agricultural country, the small-scale economic mode known as “The men

4、 plough and the women weave” initiated the agricultural civilization of Chinese characteristics. Chinese traditional festivals are deeply rooted in the agricultural civilization and greatly influenced by Confucianism. To some extent, Chinese traditional festivals have relieved from the primitive tab

5、oos and tended to be happy festivals which reflect the concept of harmony and integration in Confucianism. In America, religion plays a very important role in peoples life. With various branches, the religious system of America is quite complicated, among which Christianity is of the greatest import

6、ance. Some American traditional festivals are the direct products of Christianity and most festivals have evolved into the religious festivals later. This paper is designed to discuss the differences in customs, origins and other aspects of traditional festivals with the similar cultural connotation

7、, then analyze the reasons lying behind the differences and finally reflect the cultural differences of the two nations.Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and American culture; cultural differences; causes从传统节日看中美文化的差异从传统节日看中美文化的差异内内 容容 摘摘 要要传统节日是一个民族发展的历史产物。无论是在有着五千多年悠长历史的中国还是在新生的美国,传统节日的起源都

8、显示出相通之处,大多数传统节日都源自于人们在农业生产生活中对丰收的期盼、对天地神灵和自然的崇拜、以及对历史人物的祭奠等等。传统节日在长期的演变和发展中,已经成为民族文化不可或缺的一部分,透过传统节日可以反映一个民族的文化特色和民族精神。中国自古以来就是一个农业大国, “男耕女织”的小农经济模式开创了具有中国特色的农耕文化。中国传统节日深深植根于农耕文化之中,在演变过程中深受儒家思想的影响。从某种程度而言,中国传统节日已经渐渐摆脱原始禁忌和崇拜,演化成为体现儒家和合思想的欢庆祥和的节日。在美国,宗教的影响和地位是不言而喻的,美国的宗教体系错综复杂,其中最有影响力的宗教派别是基督教。美国的传统节日

9、大都衍化成为基督教的产物,大多数的美国节日在日后的发展中都成为宗教性的节日。本文从两国传统节日中有着相似文化内涵的节日出发,探讨这些传统节日在起源、节日习俗等方面的差异,并分析产生这些差异的原因,从而折射出两国传统节日文化的差异。关键词:传统节日;中美文化;差异;根源Contents1. Introduction.12. Differences in Traditional Festivals in the Two Cultures.22.1 The Spring Festival vs. Thanksgiving Day.22.2 The Zhongyuan Festival vs. Hal

10、loween.42.3 The Chinese Valentines Day vs. Valentines Day.62.4 Summary.63. Major Factors Causing Differences between Chinese and American TraditionalFestivals.83.1 Factors influencing Chinese traditional festivals.83.1.1 Agricultural civilization.83.1.2 Confucianism. Reunion and filial piety

11、. Blessings and benevolence.103.2 Major Factors influencing American traditional festivals.113.2.1 Industrialization .113.2.2 Christianity.114. Conclusion.13References.15Differences between Chinese and American Culture as Embodied in Traditional Festivals1. IntroductionChina is a multi-ethnic nation, with the Han nationality accounting for the majority of the total population and various ethnic minorities in the minority (Zhao, 2002). According to Zhao (2002) and Tan (2003), people in different nationalities or regions celebrate some traditional festivals of their


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