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1、www.kingboysoft江西现代职业技术学院江西现代职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)毕业设计(论文)题 目:生 产 过 程 监 控 系 统姓 名 罗 洋 根 学 院 信息工程学院 专 业 软 件 技 术 班 级 10 软件三班 指导教师 单 文 增 提交时间 2012 年 10 月 20 日 I论文题目:生产过程监控系统姓 名:罗洋根班 级:10 软件三班指导教师:单文增摘要:本文首先简单给出了生产过程监控系统的设计背景和意义,并介绍了系统开发所用到的开发工具和语言,然后在进行了需求分析的基础上,说明了系统功能模块的划分及各模块之间的相互关系,然后着重论述了系统功能的一些重要的技术实现过程。

2、分析 21 世纪以来,人类经济高速发展,人们发生了日新月异的变化,特别是计算机的应用及普及到经济和社会生活的各个领域。使原本的旧的管理方法越来越不适应现在社会的发展。许多人还停留在以前的手工操作。这大大地阻碍了人类经济的发展。为了适应现代社会人们高度强烈的时间观念,生产过程监控系统能为企业带来了极大的方便。中小型的加工零售企业在日常的工作中,由于日积月累的加工生产,所累积下来的不管是客户或者是生意方面都有着丰厚的资源,但是人脑不是电脑,对于这方面的数据遗忘性很大。所以对于中小型加工零售企业迫切的需要一款生产过程监控管理系统,维护自己企业的客户资料,以往生意记录等等信息。本系统采用 C#语言和

3、SQL Server 2008 作为开发工具。这种系统优势在于系统比较简单,但功能强大,扩展性能也比较好,完全处理一般的对于生产过程的监控管理。II关键词:C/S 架构;数据库;生产监控abstract: firstly, this paper gives the production process monitoring system design background and significance, and introduced the system development use development tools and language, and then on the dema

4、nd on the basis of analysis, explanation of the system function module and the relationship between each module, and then focuses on the system function of some important technical realization process.Analysis of the 21st century, the human economy high speed development, great changes took place in

5、 the people, especially the application of computer and spread to all fields of economic and social life. Make originally old methods of management more and more does not adapt now the development of the society. Many people are still stay in a previous manual operation. This has greatly hindered th

6、e economic development of human beings. In order to adapt to the modern society people highly strong concept of time, the production process monitoring system for enterprise brought great convenience. Small and medium-sized processing retail enterprise in daily work, as accumulate over a long period

7、 processing production, the accumulated whether customers or business has rich resources, but the human brain is not the computer, for this data amnesic great. So for the small and medium-sized processing retail enterprises urgently need a new production process monitoring management system, to main

8、tain their enterprise customer material, previous business record, etc.This system USES c # and SQL Server 2008 as a development tool. This system advantage lies in the system is relatively simple, but powerful, extended performance is better also, complete processing general for the IIIproduction p

9、rocess monitoring management.Keywords: C/S structure; Database; Production monitoringIV目 录引引 言言.11 1 基础知识基础知识.2 1.1 背景与意义.2 1.2 开发方法.2 1.2.1 C#语言介绍.3 1.2.2 SQL Server 2008 数据库优点.3 1.2.3 运行环境的选择.42 2 系统需求分析系统需求分析.5 2.1 系统功能概述.5 2.1.1 系统功能需求.5 2.1.2 用例分析.5 2.1.3 类图分析.7 2.2 系统性能要求.8 2.2.1 系统时间特性要求.8 2.2.2 系统灵活性.9 2.2.3 数据管理能力要求.9 2.3 可行性分析.9 2.3.1 技术可行性.9 2.3.2 经济可行性.9 2.3.3 操作可行性.103 3 系统概要设计系统概要设计.



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