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1、跟双宾语与宾补结构的动词跟双宾语与宾补结构的动词Verb: 分为及物 vt 和不及物 vi 两种及物动词后面必须跟宾语。有些动词后面常跟双宾语或复合宾语,复合宾语也就是宾补结构1. 后面常跟双宾语结构的及物动词accord 给予 bring 带来 buy 买 deny 不给予 grant 同意给予、准许 promise 答应、允诺 pass 传递 pay 支付 hand 递 leave 留、交付 teach tell throw wish 希望 write owe 欠 send 送 show 展示return 归还 offer 提供 lend 借给 refuse 拒绝 take 带去、带走 H

2、e wrote his mother a check 他给母亲开了一张支票。The general granted us permission to visit the military base 将军准许我们参观那个军事基地I have promised Susan the book by Monday 我己经答应周一前给苏珊那本书。His friends accorded Tom their sincere thanks 他的朋友们对汤姆表示了诚挚的谢意。注:1、双宾语结构经常可以引入介词 to 或 for 把间宾引出保留直宾而变成单宾语结构。用 to 表示动作对谁而做,间宾是实际承受者;

3、用 for 表示动作为谁而做,间宾是预定承受者。用 to 的动词:allow bring cause give sell hand lend show offer owe pass promise pay read refuse return teach throw tell throw send take 等用 for 的动词:book build buy call choose cook(bake boil fry) fetch find keep make find 找到 order save spare 等 2. 后面带复合宾语,也就是宾补结构的及物动词1)宾语+名词构成的宾补结构ap

4、point 任命任命 call 称作称作 choose 选择选择 designate 选派、授予选派、授予 elect 选举选举count 认为认为 name 称作、取名称作、取名 crown 加冕加冕 find 发现发现 leave 使使 keep 保持保持 consider 认为认为 nominate 提名提名 等等等等They crowned him king 他们立他为国王。We appointed him president of the club 我们任命他为俱乐部主席。I considered him a genius 我认为他是个天才。We elected John chair

5、man 我们选约翰做主席。We found her a very suitable person for the job 我们发现她很适合做这项工作。You must keep it a secret. 你必须对这点保密。We nominated him a member of the council 我们提名他为委员会的委员。2)宾语+形容词构成的宾补结构believe consider drive 逼迫逼迫 dye fancy 认为认为 find get imagine leave 使使 get 使使 paint colour think like prove turn suppose w

6、ish pronounce see want 等等I believe him honest 我相信他是诚实的。Why dont you dye it deep blue?为什么不把它染成深蓝色?They fancy themselves clever 他们自以为很聪明。He pronounced the result excellent 他宣布结果极好Fear turned her pale 恐惧使她脸色苍白。Do you like your tea weak or strong?你喜欢你的茶淡一点还是浓一点?You have left the door open 你一直让门开着。His jo

7、b drove him so tired 他的工作让他很累。I wish you successful 我希望你成功。3)宾语+不带 to 的不定式构成的宾补结构这类动词是感官性动词和使役性动词这类动词是感官性动词和使役性动词: feel see look at watch notice glance 瞥见瞥见 glimpse hear listen to observe watch perceive 使役性动词指使役性动词指 have make 和和 letShe looked at the dog jump 她看着这条狗跳来跳去。Did you see anyone come in?你看到

8、有人进来了吗?I noticed him prowl around 我注意到他在周围徘徊。We heard her come downstairs 我们听见她下楼了。I felt something crawl up my arm 我感到有东西爬到我的胳膊上了。It was enough to make one weep 这足以使人落泪。I didnt play;I only watched the others play 我没有玩,只是看着别人玩。注:以上动词用于被动语态时,不定式必须带 toShe was heard to sing in the next room 有人听到她在隔壁房间唱

9、歌了。4)宾语+带 to 的不定式构成的宾补结构announce ask 要求要求 assert 宣称宣称 assume 设想设想 beg expect 期望、期望、料想料想 consider command count 认为认为 choose declare intend judge deem 认为认为 desire 希望(正式)希望(正式) dislike like love prefer want suffer think wish hold 认为认为 pray 请求请求 implore 乞求乞求 suffer report 报告报告 pronounce permit order per

10、suade get 使使I implored the king to have mercy 我乞求国王开恩。I hate you to say vulgar words 我讨厌你说这些粗话。I got them help me 我让他们帮助我。I pray you to be careful 我求你小心点。They reported a star to have appeared in the east 他们报告一颗星已在东方出现。His wife disliked him to be a smoker 他的妻子不喜欢他抽烟。The prince desired her to be his q

11、ueen 王子希望她能成为自己的王后。5)宾语+现在分词构成的宾补结构catch 捉捉 find keep 使保持使保持 get leave 使使 send 使使 set 还有感还有感官性动词和使役性动词官性动词和使役性动词The report of the rifles sent the birds flying round the place 枪声使鸟儿绕着那个地方乱飞。Your words set me thinking 他的话引起了我的思考。Dont keep the line waiting long 不要让排队的人就等了。I found my headache coming on

12、我感到我的头痛又要发作了。I caught a boy climbing over the wall 我捉到了一个孩子在翻墙。Who has left the water running 谁让水一直流着呢?6)宾语+过去分词构成的宾补结构allow behold 注视注视 expect wish fancy feel get imagine remember request permit depict 描绘描绘 fancy conceive consider prefer require 需要需要 urge want picture 想象想象 like 还有使役性动词和感官性动词等还有使役性动

13、词和感官性动词等Everyone considered it greatly improved 大家都认为这点有了很大的改善。We must get everything straightened out 我们必须把一切弄清楚。Embarrassed,they kept their eyes studiously turned away 他们感到困窘,故意把视线转向别处。I prefer the eggs boiled 我喜欢吃煮鸡蛋。You dont want him caught,do you?你不想让他被捕,是吧?I felt a great weight taken off my mi

14、nd 我感到心中的块垒消除了。7)宾语+介词短语构成的宾补结构put 放放 find 发现发现 leave 落下落下 guess 猜想猜想 want permit 感官性动感官性动词和使役性动词,大多数能跟补语的动词后面都能跟介词短语做补语。词和使役性动词,大多数能跟补语的动词后面都能跟介词短语做补语。He put his coat in my room 他把他的上衣放在了我的房间里。I guessed him at school 我猜想他在学校。Finally his friend found Newton in his lab 最后,他朋友发现牛顿在他的实验室里双宾语结构补充双宾语结构补充1. 有些与“说”有关的动词,如 admit announce call=shout describe explain express introduce mention point out repeat report say speak suggest talk whisper 等一般不用双宾语结构,而用 单宾语,也就是,间宾由介词 to 引出。He admitted to us that he had taken the money 他向我们承认,他拿了钱。I explained everything to them 我向他们解释了一切。As I expressed to th



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