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1、5 月 11 日晚,北京工业大学礼堂举办了第二届校园文化节之美国维斯蒙特学院交响乐 团专场音乐会。北京工业大学英语协会(以下简称英协)的成员们接待了该乐团并协助完 成了本场音乐会的工作。On the evening of May 11th, the Westmont College Orchestra concert, one of the second campus Culture Festivals activities was held in the auditorium of Beijing University Of Technology (Short for BJUT). The

2、English association of BJUT (short for EA) was in charge of the reception and concert work.傍晚五时许,来自美国维斯蒙特学院的六十余名师生来到北京工业大学校园直赴礼堂 开始紧张有序的彩排等准备工作。在校团委的指导和英协成员们的帮助下,音乐会于晚上 七点准时开始。不到七时,礼堂门口就围满了等待音乐会的观众们。而整场音乐会进行过 程中亦是座无虚席,掌声此起彼伏,整个夜晚都沉浸在林籁泉韵的交响乐声中。At 5 o clock in the evening, from the institute of more

3、than 60 bandsmen, including the students and teachers arrived in BJUT and went straight to the auditorium to prepare for the concert. With the help of the Youth League Committee of BJUT and the members of EA, the concert started on time in evening at seven o clock. Not until seven oclock has there b

4、een crowded with the audience waiting for the concert at the gate of the auditorium. During the concert the applause was too loud to witness the success of the concert, in which there was no empty seat. 本场音乐会是维斯蒙特 2012 年在中国的春季巡演北京专场之一,演出一共有 14 首曲 子,包括这是我父亲的世界 、 纳布科序曲和何处寻觅那美好的时光(选自费加罗 的婚礼) 等。维斯蒙特学院乃教

5、会学校,故本场音乐会以教会歌曲为首,分传统交响乐和 田园交响乐两个部分。值得一提的是该乐团的指挥 Dr.Michael Shasberger,作为一名出色的 指挥家、教育家、作曲家和歌唱家,他有着相当丰富且专业的歌剧、清唱剧和音乐剧表演 经验。由于观众们的热情,乐团在计划演出外又返场,音乐会在飞屋环游记套曲快悠 扬的曲调和响彻不息的掌声中圆满落下帷幕。This concert is one of Westmont College Orchestras spring performance tour in China in 2012 ,totally performed 14 songs, in

6、cluding “This Is My Fathers World“, “Naboo Secco Overture“ and “Dove sono I bei momenti”from “lenozze di figaro” and etc. Westmont College is the church school, results in the concerts starting with the church songs. And the concert was made up of two parts: the traditional symphonies and rural trad

7、itional symphony. Dr. Michael Shasberger, an excellent conductor, educators, composer and singer, has a rich and professional experience of the opera, oratorio and musical performing. Because of the audiences enthusiasm, the orchestra played one more music called “Up Suite” beyond the drawing board.

8、 Finally the concert was end with the melody and the loud applause.演出结束后,与乐团成员们合影留念的观众不计其数。与此同时,一些外国学生还主 动留下与英协成员们联谊。而英协更是借此机会与外国学生进行了深入的交流,促进了北 京工业大学与国外高校的艺术以及中外文化的交流。After the concert, there was amount of audience taking photos with the orchestras members . Some students of the orchestra even stay to hang out with the members of EA. Accordingly, EA has made further communication with the foreigners and promote the culture exchanges between BJUT and the foreign universities in art.(记者:林钰琼Journalist: Chrys Lin)



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