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1、阅读能力包括阅读速度和理解能力,阅读速度是阅读最基本的能力。学生必须在很有 限的时间内运用略读,扫读,查读等技巧快速阅读,找到关键词,主题句,获得时空,顺 序,情节,人物,观点,并且能够理清文章脉络,把握语篇实质。【点拨】:什么是略读?略读是指快速阅读文章,掌握其大意及几个能说明问题的关键细节。换句话说也就是: 快速阅读文章,只需要留意文章要点。略读要求的是对整篇文章的快速阅读,阅读目的是获得文章的主要大意和能说明问题 的一些重要细节,强调的是了解文章的大意和以较快的速度完成阅读。Whether experts said a hot summer was on the way, with so

2、me areas of the UK reaching temperature of 30.The hottest day so far this year was on June 30, and that was recorded as 27.2 (81F) in Heathrow, London. Experts from the Met office, who forecast weather for the UK and the rest of the world, said they thought temperatures would get much higher through

3、out July. They said it looked like it would be a much warmer July than average, and compared to last year it would definitely be much drier. The summer of 2012 was the wettest on record, and spring this year was the coldest since 1962.Dont forget to wear your sun lotion!阅读技巧:首段-了解文章主要谈论的内容:今年夏天非常炎热,

4、英国一些地区气温达到 30.a hot summer was on the way,some areas of the UK,reaching temperature of 30都是一些重 要细节。在阅读中,我们抓住这些关键部分,会很大程度上提高阅读速度,这种方法就是 略读。略读方法运用具体技巧:“一抓一略” 1.文章的大标题,各段的小标题。 大标题相当于整篇文章的中心句,小标题相当于段落的主旨句。把握了这两点就相当 于把握了文章的主要内容。 The beauty of indoors games for children The beauty comes with childrens ind

5、oor games. A child has to have activities to do, and should be active every day. On days that are extremely cold, hot or raining, these games are perfect. These games are an excellent way to keep a child active throughout the day. Technology With the technology that is available in todays society, p

6、laying indoors can be as enjoyable as playing outdoors. Childrens indoor games can include activities such as memory, going fish, hop scotch and candy land. Depending on how old a child is, they may be able to play activates on the computer. ColoringColoring is one great indoor activities that child

7、ren and parents can enjoy together. Coloring can be the perfect method of learning for children who are starting to recognize shapes, colors and their alphabet. Once the work has been completed, parents can keep them on the wall for the entire family to admire. Indoors games When it comes to childre

8、ns indoor games, to roll the marble and shadow play are quite popular. Most children are amazed when they discover that they have a shadow. Other childrens indoor games include jelly bean trail, tabletop soccer, wall football and dress-up. These games and activities never get old, and they can be en

9、joyed and appreciated by children in various age groups. 2. 抓住文章的首段与末段来判断文章的主旨大意。 一篇文章一般会有一个主题段落。作者会通过一个或几个能概括文章核心内容的句子 来阐明文章的中心思想。主题段落的位置一般比较固定,通常出现在一篇文章的开始,也 就是文章的首段(或者前两三段中的某段) ,这对于新闻报刊类文章来说尤其如此。 按照西方人习惯性的思维方式和写作习惯,他们惯用的是演绎法:一开始先给出自己 的核心观点,然后具体一步步论证。主旨大意一般是在文章首段中体现出来的。阅读文章 首段,我们一般可以迅速抓住文章的主旨大意。对于

10、文章的首段,我们应该用较慢的速度 阅读,以便准确判断文章的话题和主要内容。我们应该充分利用首段提出的信息,去挖掘 文章的思路,寻找文章的脉络和线索。 有时,为突出主题,作者会先提出主题,文章结尾时在点出主题。这种首尾呼应式的 写作方法也较为常见。但前后表述主题的句子不是简单的重复,后面的表述往往有进一步 的引申和发展的意味。所以文章的末段也很重要,也要放慢速度,用充分的时间去阅读, 已达到略读所要求的掌握整个文章大意的阅读目的。Lacrosse(长曲棍球) is a popular sport in Canada. The Indians in Canada invented it. They

11、 used it to train for war. They invented this game before Columbus arrived in the New World.At one time, lacrosse was the national summer sport in Canada. Today it is still popular with Canadians.The passage is mainly about _. A. how to play lacrosseB. lacrosse in Canada C. the history of lacrosseD.

12、 lacrosse- a popular game in CanadaSelf-improvement is very helpful for an individual(个人). It has some positive effects not only on an individual, but on the society as a whole too. Some of the simple ways in which individual can improve themselves are as follows.Listening to music is a good way of

13、relaxing as well as inspiring yourself throughout the day. The songs that encourage you are the songs which you must listen to. This will help you to become positive in the long run. You will also be able to face the hardships of life easily because of this.Working out is very important. Doing regul

14、ar exercise is a good idea for most individuals. It will not only keep one in good shape but also to increase the mental well-being of the person. When you have a fit body, you will also have a positive thinking mind.Having a special goal is very important. You must never leave the goal whatever hap

15、pens in your day-to-day life. This is very important, as you will otherwise face the problem of not having a specific aim in your life.These are therefore some of the ways in which self-improvement can be achieved. You will not have to take any difficult steps for the success of this self-help. You will be able to develop yourself and as a result benefit the society in the future. The passage is mainly about_. A. ways of how to keep a nice figure. B. The importance of self-improvementC. Self-improvement tips for individual D. Individuals positive impacts on society.


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