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1、1) The Western Context 2) The Chinese Context 1) The Western Context Before 16th century After 16th century From the 17th century to the 19th century By the 19th century Toward mid-19th century Toward the late 19th century (7) Teaching methods in the 20th century Before 16th century: 拉丁语有较长时间的历史,并与古

2、典文化密切相关,所以有很高的威望和许多实际用途, 被认为是当时文人所应该学习的。在欧洲大部分国家,拉丁语用于教育和政府管理;在国际上, 拉丁语用于宗教,政治和商业。现在不太清楚当时是如何教拉丁语;但从其使用的众多场合看, 一定是书面语和口语表达同时学习。 Latin was the only focus of studying language . It was the dominant language of education, commerce, religion, and government in the western world. After 16th century: 拉丁语在

3、各国国内很少使用,代之以各民族的语言。不过,其是文学语言和哲学语言,所 以文人继续学习拉丁语。现在,情况不同了:其实际用途几乎全部消失,在大多数情况下,只 有阅读能力被认为是必要的。 French, Italian, and English gained in importance as a result of political changes in Europe. Latin became displaced as a language of spoken and written communication. From the 17th century to the 19th centur

4、y:The learning of Latin exerted great impact upon the early teaching in western world. Textbook-Abstract grammar rules-Lists of vocabulary-Sentences for translationThe pen of my aunt is in the garden. Green cloud is sleeping soundly.The study of classical Latin and the analysis of its grammar and rh

5、etoric became the model for foreign language study. By the 19th centuryGradually, the approach based on the study of Latin had became the standard way of studying foreign languages in schools. It became known as the Grammar-Translation Method (GT Method). Toward mid-19th centuryGT Method in teaching

6、 and learning was gradually rejected. 法国学者古恩教学法是根据自己观察小孩如何运用语言来创建的。他主张学生使用外语来 描述一系列关联动作组成的事。 Gouin series Stand up Go to the door Open the door Go out of the room Come into the room Close the door Go back to your place Sit down Toward the late 19th centuryIPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)The emp

7、hasis on natural langauge learning principles ultimately led to the development of what came to be known as the Direct Method. Teaching methods in the 20th century: The Audiolingual Method (听说法)-ALM The Oral Approach and the Situational Language Teaching (口语法和情景教学法) Communicative Language Teaching (

8、交际法)-CLT Total Physical Response (全身反应法) -TPRThe Silent Way (沉默法)Community Language Learning (社团学习法)The Natural Approach (自然法)Suggestopedia (暗示法) Task-based Language Teaching(任务型教学) The Audiolingual Method (听说法)-ALM USA ASTP-Army Specialized Training Program Structuralism and Behaviorismspoken langu

9、age Sentence pattern drills accuracy The Oral Approach and the Situational Language Teaching (口语法和情景教学法) Britain 1950s to 1960sstress the spoken language and structural accuracy Communicative Language Teaching (交际法)-CLT 1970s a response to the dissatisfaction with Audiolingualism recognizes that lea

10、rners need to know the grammatical rules of the language, but at the dame time, stresses that the purpose of learning such rules is to be able to do things, to perform functions Spoken and written language Total Physical Response (全身反应法) -TPR The Silent Way (沉默法)Community Language Learning (社团学习法)Th

11、e Natural Approach (自然法) Suggestopedia (暗示法) 七八十年代,人们更加强调学习者的个性-他们有不同的需要,有不同的性格,不同的学 习风格。结果,又出现一些规模较小的教学法,如自然法、沉默法、全身反应法,集体学习法 等。这些方法大都出自美国,强调课堂教学中要以学生为中心。学生对自己的学习负一定的责 任。教师的作用不完全是组织者和控制者,更像是位指导者,大纲的协调者和语言材料的提供 者。总的来说,这几种方法从未广泛流行 A brief history of foreign language teaching in China Foreign language

12、 teaching before 1978 Foreign language teaching after 1978 Foreign language teaching before 1978 1862 School of Combined Learning (京师同文馆) Early 1900sa fundamental subject 19491960predominant subject RussianEarly 1960sRussian no longer a favorable choicetransference 1966-1976decentralized situation p

13、olitical messages and slogans Foreign language teaching after 1978 1978-1985 A phase of restoration 1986-1992 A phase of development 1993-2000 A phase of reform Since 2000 A phase of innovation General theories in modern teaching practice 张思中教学法是张思中提出的一种外语教学理念,其核心内容是“十六字教学”理念:适当 集中,反复循环,阅读原著,因材施教。 b

14、ee, see, tree General theories in modern teaching practice 三位一体教学法是由马承提出,小学阶段的字母、音素、音标教学的一体化,该教学法用 简单的方法帮助学生渡过语音关; 初中阶段的词汇、语法、阅读教学的一体化,该教学法主张单 词集中记,语法提前讲,阅读同步行。 General theories in modern teaching practice 立体化教学法由张正东提出,外语教学由目的语、学生、教学环境、经济、跨国文化五个 因素相互联系相互作用的一个立体系统,前三个构成三维,经济为底,跨国文化为顶,形成一 个立体化的结构。 鲁迅先生曾说:世上本没有寒冷,不注意加衣服便有了寒冷。真正的二百五敢于直面凛冽 的寒风。敢于接受不由自主地打哆嗦,这是何等的勇敢者与自由者啊!毛主席说:温暖使人进步,寒冷使人落后。周星驰说:曾经有一个加衣的机会摆在我面前我没有去珍惜,直到感冒了才后悔莫及,如 果上天再给我一个重新来过的机会,我会毫不犹豫地加上我所有的衣服。祥林嫂说:真的,我真傻,我明知道不加衣会感冒,我还 各位 天冷加衣,小心感冒!


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