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1、- 1 -浅淡多个形容词作定语时的排序问题多个形容词作定语时的词序排列问题是高中教学的难点,也是高考考查的热点,在 2004、2005、2006 年全国多套高考题中对于此点的考查总共出现了 5 次。下面结合高考 题来总结归纳排序问题的基本规律,并以巧记口诀来帮助突破此难点。 多个形容词作定语时的排序一般遵从如下规律: 如果两个以上的形容词修饰一个名词时,与被修饰的名词关系较密切的形容词靠近名 词;如果几个形容词的密切程度差不多,则音节少的形容词在前,音节多的在后。如: a small wonderful gift。 限定词描绘性形容词(beautiful)大小、长短、高低等形容词(large,

2、 long, high)新旧(old)颜色(red)国籍(Chinese)材料(wood)用途(writing)被修饰名词(desk) 记住以上规则是必要的,但还应多阅读、多体会,增强语感是关键。例如: all these last few days 最近的这些日子 some beautiful little red flowers 一些美丽的小红花 a high red brick wall 一堵高高的红砖墙 a beautiful white Japanese military jeep 一辆漂亮的白色的日本军用吉普车 其中限定词的排列顺序为: all / both / half / do

3、uble / 倍数词 / 分数词冠词 /指示代词 / 物主代词 / 名词所有格/ some / any / no / every / each基数词 /序数词 / little / few / last / next / other / another / more,形容词的排列顺序为:大小、长短、高低、新旧、颜色、国籍、材料、用途、类别 等。如: 尽管以上给出了排序的基本规律,但由于所涉及的词太多,想要记清楚确实有难度。 下面依此列一个表格,以加深印象:为了便于同学们记忆,下面给出四句口诀辅助记忆: 前中序基和其它,性状质形长短和大小,新旧冷暖颜色和材料,还有动名加名莫忘了。第一句主要用于解

4、决排在最前面的多个限定词之间的顺序,它可对应于 all(千位)- 2 -these(中位)last(序数词)few(数量词)days 短语中。口诀中后三句可对应于一句话 “This is a charming small round old yellow French wood reading room.”其中多个形容词之 间的先后顺序基本上可以在这一句话中得以体现,而且汉语歌诀的形式将使记忆更形象、 更深刻。利用以上歌诀时最好是“抓两头”,即牢记排在最前边的限定词及排在最后边的形 容词,如国籍、材料、用途等,则能轻松突破此难点。 考例分析: 1. The husband gave his w

5、ife_ in order to please her. (2004 重庆 33 题) A. all half his income B. his half all income C. half his all income D. all his half income 分析: 此题答案为 A。根据排列顺序“前中序基和其它”可确定答案。all half 都是前位 限定词,his 是中位限定词,所以 his 应放在 all 和 half 的后面。 2. The_ house is as if it has not been lived in for years. (2004 江苏 32 题) A

6、. little white wooden B. little wooden white C. white wooden little D. wooden white little 分析: 此题答案为 A。根据排列顺序“新旧冷暖颜色和材料”可确定答案。wooden 作 为材料词应放在后面。 3. This_ girl is Lindas cousin. (2005 北京) A pretty little Spanish B Spanish little pretty C Spanish pretty little D little pretty Spanish 分析: 此题答案为 A。上述几个

7、形容词可利用口诀中的中间两句:“性状质形长短和 大小,新旧冷暖颜色和材料。 ”来确定它们之间的先后顺序。 巩固练习 1._ students are required to take part in the boat race. (2004 浙江) A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese 2. John Smith, a successful businessman, has a_ car. (2004 辽宁 2

8、2 题) A. large Germen white B. large white German C. white large German D. German large white 3 Tony is going camping with_ boys. (93 全国) A little two other B two little other Ctwo other little D little other two 4 How was your recent visit to Qindao? It was great. We visited some friends, and spent

9、the_ days at the seaside. - 3 -(95 全国) A few last sunny B last few sunny C last sunny few D few sunny last 5._ lessons were not difficult. A. Our few first short English B. Our first few short English C. Our few first English short D. Few our first English short 6. Let me help you, Tom. Thank you, I

10、 can do it. Here is_ to hold all these things . A. a big enough case B. an enough big case C. a case enough big D. a case big enough 7. Mr Smith bought a_ purse for his wife. A. small black leather B. black leather small C. small leather black D. black small leather 8 Excuse me. Can I borrow your_ p

11、encil box? A blue cheap plastic B cheap blue plastic C plastic blue cheap D plastic cheap blue 9._ flowers are used for decorations in the house. A. These all beautiful red small B. All these beautiful small red C. These all red small beautiful D. All these small red beautiful 10. In the dirty stree

12、t, there are many_plastics. A. white small flyingB. flying small white C. small white flyingD. flying small white Keys: 1. A2. B3. C4. B5. B6. A7. A8. B9. B10. C限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老。限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老。 颜色国籍和材料,作用类别往后靠。颜色国籍和材料,作用类别往后靠。 如: 1a pretty tall young girl (a 是限定词;pretty 属描绘性的词;tall 表示高矮;young 表示新老的词

13、) 2the round old stone table- 4 -(the 为限定词;round 表形状;old 表新老;stone 表材料) 3a white Chinese metal machine (a 为限定词;white 是颜色词;Chinese 表国籍; metal 表材料多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为:限定词-数词-描绘词-(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色)-出处-材料性质-类别-名词。例如: a small round table/ a tall gray building/ a dirty old brown shirt/ a famous Germ

14、an medical school/ an expensive Japanese sports car 典型例题: 1) Tony is going camping with _ boys. A. little two other B. two little other C. two other little D. little other two 答案:C。由“限定词-数词-描绘词-(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) -性质-名词“的顺序可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序,只有 C 符合答案。 2) One day they crossed the _bridge behind the palac

15、e. A. old Chinese stone B. Chinese old stone C. old stone Chinese D. Chinese stone old 答案 A. 几个形容词修饰一个名词,他们的排列顺序是:年龄,形状,大小+颜色+来源+质地+用途+国家+名词。 3) - How was your recent visit to Qingdao? - It was great. We visited some friends,and spent the _days at the seaside.(高考题) A. few last sunny B. last few sunn

16、y C. last sunny few D. few sunny last 答案:B。本题考查多个形容词的排序问题。一般与被修饰形容词关系密切的形容词靠近名词;如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,音节少的形容词在前,音节多的方在后,在不能确定时,可参照:限定词+数量词(序数词在前,基数词在后)+性状形容词+大小、长短、高低等形体+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+名词,如 those + three + beautiful + large + square +old + brown + wood + table。 另给你送条顺口溜以便好记忆:县(限 定词)官(观点形容词)行(形状形容 词)大(大小形容词)令(年龄新旧形 容词)射(颜色形容词)国(国家等出 处形容词)才(材料质地等形容词)。- 5 -巧记高考形容词作定语的排列顺序,屡试不爽二多个形容词作定语的排列顺序


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