再要你命3000 新gre list 4

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《再要你命3000 新gre list 4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《再要你命3000 新gre list 4(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 新 GRE 核心词汇考法精析 (再要你命 3000) 主编:陈琦 副主编:周书林 编委:陈琦,周书林,马驰,肖雪,颜余真,杨珺,陶睿,王东东 第 1 版 2011 年 6 月 关于本书的建议与交流,请将电子邮件发到以下信箱: 高端申请咨询: Made By Jason scrutinize: 【例】 “The evidence had been repeatedly canvassed in American courts” 证据已在美国的法庭中反复被审查过。 【考法2】 v. 游说: 去 (一个地区) 的各处或找到

2、 (个人) 来拉选票或定单: to go through (a region) or go to (persons) to solicit votes or orders 【例】 canvass voters 拉选票 【近】 interview, poll, solicit, survey capitulate【考法 1】 v. 投降,默许: to give up all resistance; acquiesce; yield 【例】 one side finally capitulated when it became clear that they couldnt win the arg

3、ument 意识到他们不能拿下这场辩论后,该方投降了 【近】 budge, concede, relent, submit, succumb, surrender, knuckle under 【反】 resist, oppose 抵抗 caprice【考法 1】 n. 一时冲动的决定: an impulsive change of mind 【例】 an out-of-character caprice led him to take the day off from work and go to the beach 一时冲动让他决定休假一天,去海滩度假 【近】 crank, fancy,

4、vagary, vagrancy, whimsy 【考法 2】 n. 反复无常,善变: an inclination to change ones mind impulsively. 【例】 his knack for picking racetrack winners appears to owe as much to caprice as it does to a canny assessment of horseflesh 他赌马屡赌虑赢,要归功于自己的反复无常而不是对于赛马本身独到精明的评估。 【近】 freakishness, impulsiveness, whimsicalness

5、 【反】 confirmation 确认 【派】 capricious adj. 反复无常的,善变 【反】 steadfast, resolute, constant, pertinacious 坚定不变的 Made By Jason paramount 【例】 the cardinal rule of medicine: do no harm 药物的首要标准就是无害 【近】 dominant, overbearing, overriding, paramount, preeminent, primal, supreme 【反】 minor 次要的 caricature【考法 1】 n. 用讽

6、刺歪曲等手法的夸张,漫画,讽刺画: exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics 【派】 caricaturist n.漫画家 【考法 2】 v. 嘲笑性模仿或夸张: to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of 【例】 caricatured the supervisors distinctive walk 模仿督导员独特的走路方式 【近】 burlesque, imitate, mock

7、, parody, spoof, travesty carnal【考法 1】 adj. 肉体的,物质的: relating to the physical 【例】 seen with carnal eyes 用肉眼看 | carnal remains 遗体 【近】 corporal, corporeal, fleshly, material, somatic 【反】 spiritual 精神的 【考法 2】 adj. 世俗的: worldly 【例】 a carnal mind 凡心 【近】 earthborn, mundane, temporal, terrestrial, worldly

8、carouse【考法 1】 vi. 畅饮,狂饮作乐: to drink liquor freely or excessively 【例】 stay at home instead of going out and carousing with friends 呆在家里而不是出去和朋友们狂饮作乐 【近】 binge, jamboree, revel, roister, wassail carp【考法 1】 vi. 对小事吹毛求疵,挑剔: to make often peevish criticisms or objections about matters that are minor, uni

9、mportant, or irrelevant 【例】 carped about the order of names on the wedding invitations 对于婚礼请柬上的名单顺序吹毛求疵 【近】 cavil, fuss, niggle, nitpick 【考法 2】 v. 没完没了地表现不满意: to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely 【近】 gripe, grizzle, grouch, grouse, grumble, wail 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,

10、严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 【反】 crow, delight, rejoice Unit 2 CARVE CAST CASTIGATE CATALYZE CATASTROPHE CATEGORICAL CATHOLIC CAUSTIC CAVEAT CAVIL carve【考法 1】 vi. 雕刻: to create a three-dimensional representation of (something) using solid material 【例】 carved a statue out of rare marble 用纯的大理石雕刻了一尊雕像 【近】 sculpture

11、【考法 2】 v. (通过长期不懈努力) 产生或导致: to produce or bring about especially by long or repeated effort 【例】 finally carved out a niche for the sport in the schools athletic program 在学校运动计划中寻找到了自己的定位 | carve out a way through the enemy 从敌营中杀出一条血路 【近】 forge, grind out, thrash out, work out, work up cast【考法 1】 n.

12、演员,演员阵容: a set of characters or persons 【考法 2】 vt. 选派(演员) : to assign (as an actor) to a role or part 【近】 He was cast in the leading role. 他是男一号。 【考法 3】 vt. 提出: to put forth, give off, to place as if by throwing 【例】 cast doubt on their reliability 对它们的可靠性提出质疑 【近】 discharge, emanate, irradiate, issue

13、, shoot, throw out, give out 【考法 4】 v. 抛弃: to get rid of as useless or unwanted 【例】 once she became rich and didnt need them anymore, she cast off all her old friends like so much junk当她有钱了不再需要朋友了,她把老友像糟粕一样抛弃 【近】 ditch, dump, jettison, toss castigate【考法 1】 v. 强烈(公开)指责: to criticize harshly and usual

14、ly publicly 【例】 The author castigated the prime minister as an ineffective leader. 作者谴责首相行政无作为。 【近】 berate, chastise, lambaste, reprimand, reproach, rebuke, vituperate, excoriate, rail (at or against) 【反】 approbate, accolade, extol 认可,赞美 【考法 2】 v. 惩罚: to inflict a penalty on for a fault or crime 【例】

15、 a judge who believes in castigating criminals to the full extent of the law 法官认为应该最大程度地惩罚罪犯 【近】 chasten, chastise, correct, discipline, penalize 【反】 excuse, pardon, spare 宽恕 catalyze【考法 1】 vt. 成为导火索,导致: to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind) Made By Jason absolute 【例】 a categorical denial 完全的否认 【近】 definite, downright, fair, utter, thorough, unalloyed, unconditional, unqualified 【反】 conditional, qualified 有条件的 catholic 【考法 1】 adj. 普遍的,包容的: not limited or specialized in application or purpose 【例】 a catholic


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