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1、Animalcamouflage: 隐藏,伪装den:兽穴,洞穴sustains:支撑,撑住,维持,持续hibernate:冬眠innovation:革新,改革,创新skinny:极瘦的,皮包骨的toothpick:牙签inspector:检查员,视察员infrared:红外线的;红外线whereas:然而,反之,鉴于,尽管,但是mollusk:软体动物oyster:牡蛎,耗squid:乌贼,鱿鱼,章鱼octopuses:章鱼,鱿鱼grab:攫取,抓取rhino:1.(俚语)钞票,钱 2.犀牛trophy:奖品,奖杯shrink: vt&vi.收缩,压缩;退缩,畏惧 n.心理学家,精神病专家t

2、arget:目标,靶子poacher:煮锅,浅碟,偷猎者smuggling:走私lizard:蜥蜴iguana: 鬣鳞蜥antler: 1.鹿角 2.角枝bladder: 囊,膀胱endorse: vt.1.(商业)在背面签字 2.赞同,认可,支持 3.写评论,批注 4.在驾驶证上记录违规操作 5.在广告上使用并且赞同某商品lucrative: 获利多的diversity: 多样化的;分歧Weatherprecipitation:仓促region:区域,地域dense:密集,稠密,厚重,愚钝的condense:(气体)凝结,冷凝,节略,缩写,使压缩disastrous:灾难性的insuranc

3、e:保险,保证,保障impact: n.冲击力,影响力 vt.压紧,对施压grapevine:葡萄藤,传播谣言snowflakes: 雪花meteorologist: 气象学家satellite:人造卫星tornado:龙卷风column:圆柱,柱状物,专栏,纵队summertime:夏季moist:潮湿的,潮湿SportsStunt: 危险或困难的举动,特技表演Mental:精神的,心理的Diagnose:诊断疾病Sciencelaser:激光sector: 部门,界,扇形,扇形面spectrum: 光谱,波长intense: 强烈的,热情的optic: 眼睛的,视觉的digital: 手指

4、的,脚趾的,数字显示的,数字的synonym: 同义词fireflies: 萤火虫precise: 精确的,准备的,恰好的crystal: n.水晶,结晶,水晶玻璃,晶体 adj.水晶的,透明的,清澈的coral: 珊瑚,珊瑚色;珊瑚的,像珊瑚的moth: 蛾,飞虫mite: (使人怜悯的)孩子;(食物中出现的)小虫子beetle: n.甲虫 adj.突出的,凸出的forensic: adj.公开辩论的,法庭的 n.辩论术fingerprint: 指纹,手印shoeprint:鞋印poison: n.毒药;败坏道德的事情 vt.毒杀,污染,败坏,使中毒Musicstring: 弦bow: 弓c

5、ello: 大提琴mainstream music: 主流音乐alternative music: 非主流音乐conductor: 指挥chorus( unison): 合唱,合唱队duet: 二重唱trio:三重唱audition:参加试听,面试best-selling single: 最佳畅销单曲blend: n.混合物 vt.调和,融合;混合,掺杂;配合,调制cherish: 珍爱,怀抱orchestra: 交响乐队incidental: adj.偶发的,临时的;不重要的,附带发生的 n.附带发生的事情;临时费用tuba: 大号Historymiserable: 痛苦的,可怜的;使不愉快

6、的;极差的,极小的The New Deal: 新政(The New Deal was designed by President Roosevelt in the 1930s)the Great Depression: 大萧条reliable: 可靠的,确实的deposit: n.储蓄;定金,押金;沉淀;vt.放下,置下;存放,储蓄,寄存;沉淀Amerigo Vespicci (Amerigo Vespicci was the first European who asserted that this land was not India.)legacy: 遗迹,遗产Geographybirt

7、hplace: 发源地stratigraphy: 地层学continental crust: 大陆地壳geologic survey: 地址勘察tunnel: n.地道,隧道,坑道;vt.挖隧道limestone: 石灰石chamber: n.寝室,立法机关, (身体或器官内的)腔,室treasure: 财宝;宝贝儿Astronomygravity: 重力orbit: 轨道galaxy: 银河系,群星mission: 特使团;使命,任务;计划或执行任务的办公室;传道区;天职solar system: 太阳系incredible: 难以置信的,不可思议的,非常的,未必的reddish: 微红色的

8、oxide: 氧化物canyon: 峡谷crater: (火山的)喷火口,弹坑,装箱工人 nebula: 星云black holes: 黑洞squeeze: 压,榨,挤,捏molecule: 分子universe: 宇宙telescope: 天文望远镜encircle: 环绕,包围spun: vt.旋转 adj.纺成的flatten: vt.使变平,打倒 vi.变平Filmstardom: 演员的身份,群星plantation: 大农场,种植园,林场(介绍 Gone With The Wind 时出现的词汇)tease: vt.取笑,嘲弄,梳理 n.爱嘲弄别人的人,取笑,嘲弄Indies:独立

9、电影refresh: 消除疲劳,恢复精神perspective: 1.透视画法 2.判断事物的方法,眼力 3.前景Physicsatom: 原子microscope: 显微镜proton: 质子neutron:中子electron:电子cohesion:附着,结合,凝聚力mechanics: 力学precipitate: 向下投掷magnifier: 放大镜Literaturetragedy: 悲剧,惨案catharsis: (精神或心理)宣泄,疏泄;艺术的作用;药物的作用emotion:情感relief:(焦虑,痛苦,或迟钝等的)减轻genre: 体裁,风格satire:讽刺文学implic

10、it:含蓄的Biologycell:细胞structural:结构上的,构造的organ:器官muscle:肌肉stem cell:干细胞mutant:变异hereditary:世袭的,遗传的tumor:肿块,肿瘤replicate:复制occur:发生,出现blueprint:蓝图(DNA is a molecule that contains the blueprint for life. It controls how the body develops as it grows.)trait: 显著的特征,特征contaminate:污染internal clock:生物钟colony:

11、蚁穴,蚁巢termite:白蚁nymph:若虫 (A termite queen can lay thousands of eggs each day. Its body can grow up to ten centimeters with eggs. The egg grow into young termites called nymph.)jaw:下颚individual:个体的The Opossum:负鼠marsupial:有袋动物;有袋动物的immune:免疫的adaptable:适应能力强的rabies:狂犬病posterity:后代propagate: vt.繁殖,传播subs

12、ist: vi.生存Agriculturescarcity: 稀缺rotation: 轮转,选转crop rotation:庄稼轮作(Crop rotation was a great advance for society during the Middle Ages.)nutrient: adj.营养的,滋养的 n.营养物,营养品manure: n.粪肥 vt.施肥organic farming:有机农业fertilizer:肥料pesticide: 农药,杀虫剂(Organic farming usually needs a lot of human labor to do the jo

13、b of chemicals. This is one reason that organic food costs more. But when we think about the health of the earth, its plants, and its animals, perhaps it is worth it. In the end, a healthy planet means that we will healthy, too.)Cultureadvance: 先进vehicle:车辆storage: 存储,保管military: 军事ascend:追溯到origina

14、te: 发源于remnant:残余,残迹exhume:挖掘橙色封面阅读书里竟然出现了阅读加试时经常考的苏美尔文明!就一个小段落、还不错打一遍正好可以记忆一下Sumerian CivilizationThe Sumerian made many advances. They first improved agriculture. They later established which was essential for storing crops. Then it was used for grinding grain. Last, it was then used for farm and

15、military vehicles. Sumerian were the first to use writing and math, even systems were used to keep track of food storage and trade. The military used it to keep track of men, weapons, and supplies. They were the first to study the stars and sun in a serious way. It helped them tell time so they could decide when to plant crops. A way of reading the stars also helped them plan when to attack their enemies. They believed that the stars could speak of their success or failure.


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