继续教育的重要性 来自英语母语国家外教

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《继续教育的重要性 来自英语母语国家外教》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《继续教育的重要性 来自英语母语国家外教(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英孚教育:英孚教育:YOUNGYOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:ENTREPRENEUR: So, youve finished school and university and come out with a load of academic knowledge. Youre ready to start making some serious money in the business world, but how much will your academic qualifications help you? Unfortunately the answer to that que

2、stion can sometimes be not a lot. Academic qualifications are all well and good but without professional qualifications you might find yourself making theoretically sound but practically disastrous decisions. Professional qualifications can help you prepare for and deal with specific aspects of your

3、 job. YOUNGYOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:ENTREPRENEUR: One of the most popular professional qualifications is the MBA. This stands for Masters Degree in Business Administration. Its usually a two year course that focuses on a wide range of business related subjects including economics, marketing and finance. T

4、he course can cost quite a bit, however, in comparison with the benefits received after completion, it can be quite reasonable. Higher salary, easier to get work visas, easier to get top jobs, higher awareness of management approaches. YOUNGYOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:ENTREPRENEUR: These are all things that

5、can really help you achieve your dreams of business success. So, is it worth it? Sure. If youve got the cash available it could be great for your career. On the other hand you should make sure that you really need the qualification before you go spending such a lot of money! YOUNGYOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:

6、ENTREPRENEUR: There are other kinds of professional qualifications though. With English as a global language it can be really useful to be able to prove your proficiency in using it. There are tons of different tests and qualifications out there that you can take to show how great your English is: I

7、ELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, Cambridge exams like the FCE, CAE, CPE. But which ones should you take? Its important to remember the purposes of these tests. Are you a doctor or a nurse? YOUNGYOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:ENTREPRENEUR: Maybe youre a student? If you want to go to these countries IELTS is the exam for you.

8、 How about the US? If you want to work there the TOEIC will help you. If you want to study there take the TOEFL. YOUNGYOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:ENTREPRENEUR: The Cambridge exams are accepted worldwide but are intended for people going to the UK - after all, Cambridge is in the UK, right? They have a range

9、of exams that test general English, business English and academic English so theyll probably have the right exam for you, whatever you want to do. Overall, the different exams could be very useful for you, as long as you choose the right one. Its not much use preparing to take the TOEIC if you want

10、go to university in the UK, right? There are many other professional qualifications out there that could be useful for you in your specific field. YOUNGYOUNG ENTREPRENEUR:ENTREPRENEUR: Check with your company to see whether you need to take them or not. Most of them should bring you financial reward

11、s but you should always make sure the investment is worth it. Do the calculations beforehand! 多变的天气精选新词:sauna 桑拿当班主播:Cindy (韦博上海普陀中心外教)C: Wow, its hot enough to fry and egg on the sidewalk today.啊,今天太热了,马路上都可以煎鸡蛋了。B: Yeah, but yesterday was so cold. The weather in Shanghai is always extreme.是的,但是昨天又

12、那么冷,上海的天气怎么这么极端啊。C: I know, one day you have to bundle up just to get to work没错,昨天一下子添了那么多衣服。B: And the next day youre sweltering. My office has a terrible problem adjusting the thermostat.第二天又热得汗流浃背,我的办公室的空调还出了问题。C: I know what you mean, our office is either a sauna or a Meat locker.我能体会你的感觉,因为我的办公

13、室不是像个桑拿房,就是像个冷冻室。B: Yeah, and then sometimes it seems like it rains for weeks on end.是的,有时候一下雨就是连着下几个星期。C: And other times its as dry as a bone. At least when its raining its so muggy.有时候还很干燥。下雨的时候,还闷热又潮湿。B: True, but the rain makes everything so slick, I always see people staggering on the tile flo

14、ors.是的,下雨的时候,什么都是湿漉漉的感觉也不好。瓷砖上走路,很滑。C: Well, I guess we cant have it both ways.真是鱼和熊掌不能兼得。B: You know what they say, what cant be cured must be endured.有一句话叫做,“你不能改变的事情,就得去忍受。”C: I know! But I still wish the weather would make up its mind!我知道了。真希望天气自己能拿准注意,别这么来回折腾了。Lets go over some phrases now. 让我们一起来回顾一下有用的短语Hot enough to fry and egg on the sidewalk today 热的都可以在马路上煎蛋了To bundle up 原意指的是捆扎,这里指穿上更多的衣服Sweltering 指闷热的,本文指热的让人头晕脑胀Thermostat 自动调温器Sauna 桑拿房Meat locker 这里指冷藏室On end 连续地Dry as a bone 非常干Muggy 闷热的Slick 光滑的;滑溜溜的Cant be cured must be endured 不能解决就必须要去承受


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