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1、 A basic understanding of the secondary epilepsy (继发性癫痫的基本认识)(继发性癫痫的基本认识)Secondary epilepsy, also known as symptomatic epilepsy refers to epilepsy caused by other diseases, can be seen at any age, most of them after the onset in young adults. Attack, mostly in the form of partial seizures, simple pa

2、rtial seizures (motility, sensory, autonomic), complex partial seizures (psychomotor seizures), the small number of patients may develop generalized seizures.继发性癫痫,又称症状性癫痫,指由其他疾病导致的癫痫,可见于任何年龄,大多起病于 青壮年之后。发作形式多为部分性发作,如单纯部分性发作(运动性、感觉性、植物神经 性) 、复杂部分性发作(精神运动性发作)等,少数患者可发展为全身性发作。Secondary epilepsy for man

3、y reasons, many central nervous system diseases or systemic diseases can cause seizures. Common pathogenic factors:继发性癫痫的原因很多,许多中枢神经系统疾病或全身疾病都可以引起癫痫。常见致病 因素有:1, congenital diseases: such as chromosomal aberrations, congenital hydrocephalus, microcephaly, agenesis of the corpus callosum, the cerebral

4、 cortex hypoplasia and hereditary diseases.1、先天性疾病:如染色体畸变、先天性脑积水、小头畸形、胼胝体发育不全、脑皮质发育 不全及遗传性疾病等。2, pre-production and perinatal injury: such as birth trauma, asphyxia, intracranial hemorrhage, premature birth, intrauterine dysplasia and jaundice, a common cause of pediatric secondary epilepsy.2、产前期和围生

5、期损伤:如产伤、窒息、颅内出血、早产、宫内发育不良及黄疸等,是 小儿继发性癫痫的常见原因。3, Febrile seizures sequelae: a serious and long-lasting febrile seizures can cause brain damage including neuronal loss and gliosis, mainly in the side of the temporal lobe, particularly in the hippocampus.3、热性惊厥后遗:严重和持久的热性惊厥可以导致包括神经元缺失和胶质细胞增生的脑 损害,主要在颞叶

6、内侧面,尤其在海马体。4, traumatic brain injury: an open injury, severe injury, depressed fracture, dural tear, disturbance of consciousness after injury a few weeks after the trauma prone to early onset of epileptic cases the aftermath of epilepsy. The ORDNANCE pointed parietal lobe epilepsy injury prone.4、颅脑

7、损伤:以开放性损伤、重度损伤、凹陷性骨折、硬脑膜撕裂、外伤后意识障碍、损 伤后数周内产生早期痫性发作的病例容易发生后遗癫痫。刘国英指出顶叶损伤最易发生癫 痫。5, intracranial infection: such as a variety of bacterial, viral, fungal infection caused by encephalitis, meningitis, brain abscess, inflammatory granuloma and parasitic infection caused by cerebral cysticercosis, cerebr

8、al hydatid disease, cerebral schistosomiasis, cerebral paragonimiasis, cerebral toxoplasmosis, cerebral trichinosis and cerebral malaria.5、颅内感染:如各种细菌、病毒、真菌感染引起的脑炎、脑膜炎、脑脓肿、炎性肉芽肿 以及寄生虫感染引起的脑囊虫病、脑包虫病、脑血吸虫病、脑肺吸虫病、脑弓形体病、脑 旋毛虫病及脑型疟疾等。6: heavy metals, toxic, harmful gas, chemicals and drug poisoning can ca

9、use brain damage caused by seizures, such as lead, mercury, carbon monoxide, ethanol, strychnine, isoniazid poisoning and systemic diseases, such as hypertension syndrome of pregnancy, uremia.6、中毒:重金属、有害气体、化学物品及药物中毒均可引起脑损害而导致癫痫发作,如 铅、汞、一氧化碳、乙醇、番木鳖碱、异烟肼中毒等以及全身性疾病,如妊娠高血压综合 征、尿毒症等。7, intracranial tumor

10、s: such as glioma, brain hamartoma, meningioma, intracranial lipoma, craniopharyngioma, metastases.7、颅内肿瘤:如脑胶质瘤、脑错构瘤、脑膜瘤、颅内脂肪瘤、颅咽管瘤、转移瘤等。8, cerebral vascular diseases: such as cerebral vascular malformation, cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral ischemia, cerebral infarction, cere

11、bral thrombus.8、脑血管疾病:如脑血管畸形、脑动脉硬化、脑出血、脑缺血、脑梗塞、脑血栓等。9, nutritional, metabolic diseases: such as rickets, hypocalcemia, insulinoma, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, vitamin B6 deficiency.9、营养、代谢性疾病:如佝偻病、低血钙、胰岛素瘤、糖尿病、甲亢、甲状旁腺功能减 退、维生素 B6 缺乏症等。10, other: such as tuberous sclerosis, senile dementia is often associated with epilepsy.10、其他:如结节性硬化、老年期痴呆也常伴有癫痫。文章来源:http:/



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