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1、内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书I摘摘 要要中国造纸工业技术的弱原创性和强模仿性是资源环境问题的根源之一,而废水处理是造纸企业末端治理的重点。本设计工艺主要是针对内蒙古某纸业有限公司所排放的生产废水的混合水。其废水水质特点是不含有有害物质,且有较好的可生化性,属于高浓度可生化有机废水。污废水主要水质指标为:处理水量4000m3/d;COD=1800mg/L;BOD=1000mg/L;SS=1350mg/L;pH=9。出水水质要达到 GB3544-2001造纸工业水污染物排放标准二级排放标准(COD100mg/L,BOD60mg/L,SS100mg/L)。根据进水及出水水质的分析和结合所查阅的各种资

2、料,本设计采用:预处理+ UASB+SBR 的处理方案。UASB 反应器,可去除废水中大量有机物(去除率为COD80%,BOD85%,SS70%) ,并使出水达到好氧可接受的浓度。SBR 反应池确保处理水完全达到排放标准(去除率为 COD70%,BOD80%,SS70%) 。此方案具有工艺简单、造价低、抗冲击负荷高、占地面积小等优点。通过分析、计算,本设计所选择的UASB+SBR 工艺完全能达到所期望的处理效果。所出设计成果有:设计计算说明书一份及污水处理厂平面图、高程图及各处理构筑物单体平、剖图及部分大样图。关键词:关键词:造纸 废水处理 UASB SBR内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书IIAb

3、stractChinese paper industry technologys weak originality and the strong mimetism are one of resources environment question roots, But the wastewater disposal is the papermaking enterprise terminal government key point. This design craft mainly aims at mixed waste-water which comes from a Paper Limi

4、ted company in Inner Mongolia. the characteristic of the waste water quality is without hazardous substance,and with beteer bicochemistry,which belongs to the high concentration bicochemistry organic waste waterThe main water quality targets of waste water:The processing water volume4000m3/d,COD=180

5、0mg/L,BOD=1000mg/L,SS=1350mg/L,pH=9The leakage water quality must achieve the second-level emission standard of GB3544-2001 “Paper industry Water pollution Emission standard“ (COD100mg/L,BOD60mg/L,SS100mg/L) The design finally uses:Pretreatment+ UASB + SBRUASB can remove the massive organic matters

6、in the waste water(Elimination rate COD80%,BOD85%,SS70%).And enables the water leakage achieve to the oxygen acceptable densitySBR guaranteed that the processing water completely achieves the emission standard (Elimination rate COD70%,BOD80%,SS70%) This plan has the craft to be simple,the constructi

7、on cost low, the anti-impact shoulders, the area to be small and so onthrough the analysis and computation,I decide to chooses the UASB + SBR craft which can definitely achieve expectedThe design achievement is:the design instruction booklet, the general layout of the sewage treatment plant and the

8、sewage elevation chart and sludge elevation chart of the wastewater treatment plant; In the single item processing construction drawing design, we need to complete the horizontal plan and the sectional drawing of the main construction and the partial detail drawings.内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书IIIKey word: Paperm

9、aking wastewater disposal UASB SBR目目 录录摘 要.IAbstract .II第一章 绪 论.11.1 课题来源.11.2 本设计所要达到的目的及其意义.2第二章 方案的比较与选择.32.1 确定污水处理方案的原则.32.2 处理方案的确定.32.2.1 基本工艺路线的确定.32.2.2 厌氧处理工艺选择.42.2.3 好氧处理工艺选择.52.3 废水处理工艺流程.5第三章 废水处理系统设计说明.83.1 格栅设计.83.1.1 设计说明.83.1.2 设计参数.83.1.3 设计计算.93.2 调节池设计.103.2.1 设计说明.103.2.2 设计计算.103.3 初沉池设计(选用斜管沉淀池).113.3.1 设计说明.



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