高一英语(必修二)unit 1学案

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1、UnitUnit 1 1 CulturalCultural relicsrelics 第一课时第一课时 WordsWords andand ExpressionsExpressions 学习目标:学习目标:学生能够在适当的语境下正确使用本单元的重点词汇 学习重点:学习重点:cultural, rare, valuable, survive, in search of, amazing, select, design, decorate 学习难点:学习难点:对重点词汇、短语的掌握及准确运用 学习过程:学习过程: 一、自主学习一、自主学习(一)学习检测 边学习边完成下列单词、短语 1. adj.

2、文化的;教养的 n.文明;修养cultural revolution cultural heritage cultural background relic 2. adj. _ _ adv.罕有地;难得 3. adj.贵重的,有价值的;有用的 n.贵重物品 _ _ v.评价,估价 n.价格,价值 be valuable = 具有重大价 值 4. vi. 继续生存或存在 vt. 幸免于;比.活得长n.生存,幸存 n.生还者,残存物 surviving adj. 5. 寻找,搜寻 vt. 在.中/上搜查 vi. 搜(1) 搜身/ 搜查某物(2)search.for. 为了找.而搜查.(3)sear

3、ch for. 搜寻. 6. adj. 令人惊奇的 “惊愕”,含有惊叹、佩服之意 使“震惊”;多用来指重大的事情使人震惊, 语气最强“使大吃一惊”,语气较强,含难以置信之意 “惊讶”“出乎意料”,语气 较弱 7. select v.选择,挑选;选拔 _ _ adj.精心挑选的 _ n.选择挑选某人/物作为.“精选”;是在同类事物中的许多东西中仔细辨别后选择最合适的最普通的“选择” “挑选”;挑剔和苛刻的选择,多指挑选有形的东西 8. vt. searched through B.search through; searched forC.search; searched through D.s

4、earch; searched for SS 能力提升 6. He made a/ an achievement in the field of IT.A.surprise B.amazing C.astonish D.shock 7. He a new plan for the projectA.designing B.design C.designed D.be designed 8. We need to the sitting room.A.decorated B.decorating C.decorate D.decorated for 9. The doctor thought w

5、ould be good for you to have a holiday.A.this B.that C.one D.it 10. There is no doubt that his advice is to you.A.worth B.obvious C.valuable D.rare 11. The wounded soldier the operation and is recovering his health now.A.did B.survived C.succeeded D.failed SSS 高考连接 1.Some plants can take in carbon d

6、ioxide we breathe out and give oxygen to us.A.in case B.in addition C.in turn D.in return 2.Do you know Johnson was caught driving after drinking and feed? !Didnt he know the danger of drunk driving?A.What a pity B.It serves him right C.Congratulation D.Bad luck五、学习反思五、学习反思UnitUnit 1 1 CulturalCultu

7、ral relicsrelics 文化遗产文化遗产第二课时第二课时 WordsWords andand ExpressionsExpressions 学习目标:学习目标:学生能够在适当的语境下正确使用本单元的重点词汇 学习重点:学习重点:jewel, belong to, in return, troop, at war, remove, less than, doubt 学习难点:学习难点:对重点词汇、短语的掌握及准确运用 学习过程:学习过程: 一、自主学习一、自主学习(一)学习检测 边学习边完成下列单词、短语 1. (1)n.宝石(可数名词) (2)饰物,珠宝(常用作复数) (3)难能可贵

8、的人n.珠宝,不可数。 “一件珠宝”要用 jewellery 表示。 2. “属于” 作所有物,财产讲时= possessions 3. 作为报答,作为回报 作为对.的回报to the memory of in memory of 纪念 4. n. 群;组;军队 一群 5. 处于战争状态(介+名词,表状态) 处于和平状态 在度假 在值日 处于困境中 在危险中 着火 在讨论中 在销售中 修理中 6. (1)vt. 移开;搬开(2)清除;除掉(3)脱下(衣服等) (4)把.免职;撤去+from remove sth 把某物搬入. remove sth . 把某物搬到.remove sth . 从.

9、搬走某物 被免职removed ones shoes/ glasses. 7. 少于 仅仅(强 调少)= only= at(the) most 不多于,不超过,至多 8. n. 怀疑 v. 怀疑,不相信无疑,很可能 毫无疑问 There is that. have that / about 毫无疑问. doubt 怀疑. dont 确信. (二)学习困惑二、探究点拨二、探究点拨(一)智慧点点(二)答疑解惑 1.She picked a jewel in the park. 2.The computer belongs to my sister. 3.She gave him a watch f

10、or his help.(回报) 4.The old man was surrounded by a troop of children. 5.The country has been at war with his neighbour for two years. 6.Remove the mud from your shoes first, please. 7.We can get there in less than five minutes. 8.There is she is a good girl.(毫无疑问) 9.I doubt wether you are honest. 10

11、.I dont doubt that you are honest. 三、总结升华三、总结升华四、高效训练四、高效训练 S 基础练习 1.What can we do for them their kindness.报答他们的一片好心。 2.She her hat after she entered her office.(摘下) 3.The basketball club I belong has decided to send me to American for further study.A.of which B.to which C.which D.to that 4.The time isnt far away you will have to take the college entrance examination.A.when B.as C.until D.while 5. is no doubt our team will win the mark. A.There; that B.It; wether C.There; if D.This; which SS 能力提升 6.China Daily is a newspaper



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